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26 Jan 1769:21 (923)
Those who have had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Cornely's
superb house in Soho Square have generally been of the
opinion that nothing could be added to make it more
complete. Very great additions are, however, now making
thereto, by the ingenious proprietress, who seems determined
(if we may judge by her vast preparations) that no place of
entertainment in Europe shall rise equal in spaciousness and
magnificence to her house. Amongst other additions, there
are, we hear, that of a new dancing gallery, near 120 feet
long, and a commodious new tea room.
It is said Mr. Foote is gone to Ireland, on very genteel
encouragement from the theatre in that Kingdom, for part of
the season only; from whence we hear he will return by the
way of Scotland, where Mr. Ross has engaged him for the
remainder of the season, in so great esteem is that Prince
of mimickry held by his Irish and Scotch friends.
It is said the whole taking this summer's season at Mr.
Foote's theatre in the Haymarket was upwards of 8000 l.
According to the known profits in several lucrative trades,
allowing only 25 per cent, thereon, the publick may form a
tolerable idea what Princely fortunes may be acquired by the
managers of our publick diversions, when conducted by a
Garrick or a Foote, who merit the highest encomiums from the
publick, whose generosity is unbounded on such occasions.