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29 Oct 1772:12, 13 (1109)
Princetown, (New Jersey) October 6. On Monday the 28th ult.
the grammar school at Nassau Hall was examined, and the
scholars acquitted themselves greatly to the satisfaction of
the gentlemen who were pleased to attend. The Senior Class,
ten in number, were admitted into the Freshman Class in the
College. In the evening this class performed a dramatick
piece, in Latin, before a numerous and learned audience.
On Tuesday the 29th voluntary competitions for premiums,
among the student of the College, in several branches of
learning, were attended in the Publick Library by a very
respectable number of gentlemen of letter, and graduates
from different colleges. . . [14 lines] In "Pronouncing
pieces from the Stage, the highest premium was adjudged to
Jonathan Mason, from Boston, New England, from the Sophomore
Class; the next to Belcher Peartree Smith; the third to
Charles Smith. . . [several paragraphs on the Commencement
The exercises both of the forenoon and afternoon were
preceded and closed with vocal musick, by a select number of
the students. . .