Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1775.07.15

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Index Entry Burden, Derry down, of lyric [beg] What a court hath old England of 
Location Williamsburg 
15 Jul 1775:41 (1249)
FISH AND TEA. A New Song.   To an old tune.
What a court hath old England of folly and sin, 
Spite of Chatham and Camden, Barre, Burke, Wilkes, and Glyn!
Not content with the game act, they tax fish and sea, 
And America drench with hot water and tea.
 Derry down, &c.
. . . [7 more verses with burden, "Derry down, &c."]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1775.07.15 
Publisher Dixon, John, and Wm. Hunter 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0048723
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