Citation |
29 Jul 1775:12, 13, 21, 22 (1251)
Remainder of the Rules and Articles, . . . for the better
government of the troops raised, or to be raised, and kept
in pay and at the joint expence of the twelve united English
colonies in North America.
. . . [10 Articles on discipline]
XVIII. Every non-commissioned officer and soldier shall
retire to his quarters, or tent, at the beating of the
retreat; in default of which he shall be punished according
to the nature of his offence, by order of the commanding
officer. . . [3 Articles]
XXII. Any person belonging to the continental army, who by
discharging of fire-arms, beating of drums, or by any other
means whatsoever, shall occasion false alarms, in camp or
quarters, shall suffer punishment as shall be ordered by the
sentence of a general court martial.
. . . [41 Articles]
LXIV. No suttler shall be permitted to sell any kind of
liquors or victual, or to keep their shops open, for the
entertainment of soldiers, after nine at night, or before
the beating of the reveilles, or upon Sundays, during divine
service or sermon, on the penalty of being dismissed from
all future suttling. . . By Order of the Congress. John
Hancock, President.