Citation |
9 Mar 1776:41, 42, 43 (1283)
A Catalogue of Books for sale by Dixon & Hunter at their
Printing-Office, at a low advance, for ready money. . . [3
columns of books on religion, history and politics]
Harmonia Sacra, or a Choice Collection of Psalm & Hymn
Tunes. . .
Johnson and Steven's Shakespear, with correction and
illustrations of various commentators, 10 v. . .
Mason's Poems. . .
Revisal of Shakespeare's Text, wherein the alterations
introduced into it by the more modern editors and critics
are particularly considered. . .
Home's Dramatic Works. . .
Ramsay's Poems, 2 v. . .
Voltaire's Miscellaneous Poems, 3 v. . .