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27 Dec 1776:31 (1325)
Mrs. Neill (who for a considerable time past, has lived in
Colonel Lewis's family, Gloucester county) purposes to open
a boarding school in Williamsburg for the reception of young
ladies, on the same plan of the English schools, providing a
sufficient number of scholars engage, to enable her for such
an undertaking. She will instruct them in reading, tambour
and other kinds of needle work, find them board and lodging,
washing, &c. for one guinea entrance, and thirty pounds a
year. The best masters will attend to teach dancing and
writing. She will also teach the guittar. Those who choose
to learn any of those accomplishments to pay for each
separately. -- As nothing tends more to the improvement of a
country than proper schools for the education of both sexes,
she humbly hopes her scheme will meet with encouragement,
and the approbation of the ladies and gentlemen of this
state; and that those who choose to send their children will
please to let her know as soon as possible, that she may
provide accordingly for their reception. -- Direct for her
at Col. Lewis's, Senior, in Gloucester, or at Mess. Dixon &
Hunter's in Williamsburg.
[hand pointing right] Mrs. Neill will take day scholars at
one guinea entrance, and four guineas per year.