Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1737.06.03

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Index Entry Ball, in London, at court, for Queen's birthday, French and country dances 
Location London 
27 May-3 Jun 1737:21 (44)
London, March 3.  Tuesday being the Anniversary of her
Majesty's birthday, there was the most splendid as well as
the most numerous appearance of the nobility and gentry at
St. James's, to congratulate her Majesty as ever was known,
and at night a ball . . . [3 lines]
  The ball was open'd by his Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales, with her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; his
Royal Highness afterward's danc'd with the Princess
Carolina; then his Royal Highness the Duke danc'd with the
Princess Mary, and the Marquess of Carnarvon with the
Princess Louisa; then the Right Honourable the Earl of
Cholmondeley danc'd with the Lady Carolina Cavendish; and
after a few other French dances, country dances began, which
lasted 'till about one o'clock, when the ball ended.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1737.06.03 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0048902
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