Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1737.07.29

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in London, in procession of Freemasons, for new appointments 
Location London 
22-29 Jul 1737:32 (52)
London, Apr 30.  On Thursday the Earl of Darnley, Grand
master of the Society of Free-Masons, appointed John Ward,
of Staffordshire, Esq; to be deputy grand-master; Sir Robert
Lawley, senior warden; Dr. Graham, junior warden; and
Nathaniel Blackerby, Esq; treasurer, for the year ensuing.
  The same day the masters, wardens, &c. of the several
lodges of Free-Masons, all properly cloath'd and unarm'd,
waited on the Right-Hon. the Earl of Darnley, grand master
elect, at His Lordship's house in Pall-Mall; and about one
'oclock they proceeded in coaches and chariots, attended by
kettle-drums, trumpets, &c. thro' the city to Fishmonger's
Hall; the procession being clos'd by the great officers, and
the Earl of Darnley in a fine, rich, gilt chariot, drawn by
six long tail'd gray-horses, with fine Morocco harness, and
green silk reins, and several servants in rich liveries. 
The dinner was exceeding elegant, and the collection for the
relief of distress'd brethren very considerable.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1737.07.29 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0048910
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