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22-29 Jul 1737:32 (52)
London, Apr 30. On Thursday the Earl of Darnley, Grand
master of the Society of Free-Masons, appointed John Ward,
of Staffordshire, Esq; to be deputy grand-master; Sir Robert
Lawley, senior warden; Dr. Graham, junior warden; and
Nathaniel Blackerby, Esq; treasurer, for the year ensuing.
The same day the masters, wardens, &c. of the several
lodges of Free-Masons, all properly cloath'd and unarm'd,
waited on the Right-Hon. the Earl of Darnley, grand master
elect, at His Lordship's house in Pall-Mall; and about one
'oclock they proceeded in coaches and chariots, attended by
kettle-drums, trumpets, &c. thro' the city to Fishmonger's
Hall; the procession being clos'd by the great officers, and
the Earl of Darnley in a fine, rich, gilt chariot, drawn by
six long tail'd gray-horses, with fine Morocco harness, and
green silk reins, and several servants in rich liveries.
The dinner was exceeding elegant, and the collection for the
relief of distress'd brethren very considerable.