Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1739.03.02

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Index Entry Ball, in Bath, at Hayes's ballroom, for Princess of Wales's birthday 
Location Bath 
23 Feb-2 Mar 1739:32 (135)
Bath, Nov 24.  Her Royal Highness's birth day falling on
Sunday, and Monday being the day on which her late majesty
died, the same was not celebrated 'til Tuesday; when about 3
o'clock the Mayor and Corporation of this city, in a body,
waited on His Royal Highness, to pay their compliments, on
that occasion, and were graciously receiv'd.  After which
they return'd to the town-hall (which was illuminated with
30 doz. of candles) where they spent the evening in drinking
the King's, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess's
health, and all the Royal Family.
    A most magnificent ball was suscrib'd for at Mrs.
Hayes's.  The tickets that were distributed on that
occasion, are computed at about 1500.  The throng of people
(of all ranks) was so great, that the doors which were
order'd not to be open'd 'til 6, were forc'd to be open'd at
4.  There was such a brilliant appearance of the ladies,
that it is impossible to describe the richness of their
dress, every one endeavouring to outvie each other both in
dress & jewels; and 'tis believ'd so rich a ball has not
been seen in Bath.  The ball was open'd by Sir Seymour Pile,
and the Hon. Mrs. Spencer.  The velvet chairs that were
plac'd at the upper end of the room for Their Royal
Highnesses, could not be used, the company was so numerous;
insomuch, that the Prince and Princess were obliged to stand
great part of the time.
    At night the town was finely illuminated, and
particularly the pump room, groves, and walks.  And not-
withstanding above 3000 people were assembled before the
lodgings of His Royal Highness, at his coming from the ball,
no manner of disorder was committed, but the whole concourse
testify'd their joy with the loudest acclamations.  A large
bonfire was lighted, and two hogsheads of strong beer were
tapp'd the moment Her Royal Highness was carry'd into the
house; and the liquor was so well distributed, through the
oeconomy of those who undertook the management of it, that
all the people in the front of the crowd had the opportunity
of drinking health and life to the Royal Pair.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1739.03.02 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0048992
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