Citation |
24-31 Aug 1739:42 (161)
Ran away, on the 5th of this instant August, 1739, from the
subscriber, living in St. Mary's County, on Potowmack River,
in Maryland, a servant man, nam'd Thomas Macoun, and with
him a Negro fellow, nam'd Robin.
Macoun is a slender, neat-made impudent Irishman, of a
middle stature, brown complexion, very dark eye-brows and
beard, a nimble upright walk, and can speak broad Scotch.
He professes dancing, fencing, writing, arithmetick, drawing
of pictures, and can play legerdemain, or slight of hand
tricks. He had on, when he went away, a large hat, a brown
cue wig, a dark colour'd old cloth coat, a German serge
waistecoat, a pair of short linnen breeches, a pair of long
ditto, thread stockings, and a pair of London falls; he also
took with him a linnen coat, 2 pair or thread stockings, and
white strait wig; stole a good drab great coat, and it's
suspected, a silver hilted sword, a ruffled shirts, one red
cloth wastecoat, and one blew ditto, and several other
The Negro is a native of Madagascar, a nimble fellow,
short and slender, has lost his fore teeth, and has a long
cut on one of his shins: He had with him two dark colour'd
manx cloth jackets, one ditto of plains, fac'd with red, a
red coat with brass buttons, and turn'd up with yellow, and
an old grey manx cloth great coat. They went away in a 16
foot boat, with schooner sails, the fore-sail very ragged,
the rudder painted red, and a pair of red oars.
If they should be taken up and secured in Pennsylvania,
it is requested, that notice may be given to Mr. Franklin,
printer, in Philadelphia: If taken and secured in the
southern parts of Virginia, that notice may be given to Mr.
John Taylor, merchant in Norfolk, or to William Parks,
printer, in Williamsburg: And if they should be taken and
secured in Carolina that notice may be given to Dr. Abraham
Blackhall, at Edenton; for which notification, a pistole
reward shall be given by either of the persons before-
mentioned, besides what the law allows. And whoever will
apprehend the said servant and slave, and bring them to me,
in St. Mary's County, on Potowmack, or to Major John
Waughop, in Northumberland County, Virginia, on Potowmack
River, shall have 6 pistoles reward, and reasonable charges,
paid by Major Waughop, aforesaid, or by me, [signed] Robert