Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1746.05.29

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Index Entry Joan, song about, reference by elderly wife 
Location London 
22-29 May 1746:11 (513)
To the Author of the Westminster Journal, March 8.  Sir, I
am an ancient person, as you will guess by the particulars I
am going to write:  My case, therefore, is the more worthy
of notice.
  About fifty years ago I was divorced from a very bad
husband, who, on that occasion, partly through fear, and
partly through shame, thought proper to go abroad.  Since
that I have been four times married, in general with pretty
good luck, my present spouse having made me happy for now
almost nineteen years.  A very good sort of man he is
indeed; and I being something of the temper of Joan in the
song, would not change him for any extravagant wicked young
fellow in Europe.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1746.05.29 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1746 
Bibliography B0049070
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