Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pu): 1775.02.24

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Index Entry Dancing master, in London, elected to parliament, comments on 
Location London 
24 Feb 1775:31 (4)
London, Dec. 17.  Upon the report that a dancing-master was
returned to Parliament, and why not? says a gentleman
present.  That house should be filled with persons of all
ranks and professions; the merchant, the soldier, the
lawyer, the philosopher, and the country gentleman, to
regulate trade, war, to frame laws, and to make almanacks,
to settle provisions; but as these subjects are often
debated with confusion and disorder, it is well to choose a
dancing master to regulate their motions, and I wish some
borough would return a hair-dresser to take care of their

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pu) 
Date 1775.02.24 
Publisher Purdie, Alexander 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0049085
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