Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri): 1772.04.23

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Index Entry Books, dance, for sale by Rathell, Catharine 
Location Williamsburg 
23 Apr 1772:13 (311)
Williamsburg, April 23, 1772.  Just imported from London,
and selling by the subscriber, a large assortment of
millinery, and other goods. . . [14 lines] hats, bound and
trimmed with turbans and feathers, new music, both dances
and songs, gentlemens fine beaver hats, thin bone and
packthread stays . . .  [12 lines]  inkpots, and fiddle
strings, with many other articles too numerous to mention.
[signed] Catharine Rathell.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri) 
Date 1772.04.23 
Publisher Rind, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0049441
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