Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri): 1773.04.29

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Index Entry Gaines, Richard, owner of runaway Negro named Ned who plays violin 
Location Charlotte Cty 
29 Apr 1773:42 (364)
Run away from the subscriber, in Charlotte county, on the
22d of March, a Negro fellow named Ned, about 26 years of
age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, and well set; had on, and
took with him, a Negro cotton jacket and breeches, a pair of
blue yarn stockings, a green plains coat, with a piece put
in between the shoulders, a pair of brown cloth breeches,
and a new felt hat.  He generally keeps his head well
dressed, has remarkable small legs for the size of his body,
walks with his toes much out, and can play on the violin, in
which he takes great delight.  I imagine he will change his
name and dress, and endeavour to pass for a freeman, and try
to get into the back parts of Virginia.  Whoever secures the
said Negro so that I may get him again shall, if taken in
Virginia, receive three pounds, if in North Carolina five
pounds, and if in South Carolina, eight pounds. [signed] 
Richard Gaines.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri) 
Date 1773.04.29 
Publisher Rind, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0049473
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