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10 Jan 1776:31 (505)
Run away from the subscriber's plantation, in Cumberland
county, some time in December, 1774, Tom, a likely Negro
man, about 32 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, with very
full eyes. One of his thighs is broke just above the knee,
as also one of his arms just above his wrist which I think
leaves a scar. I believe he has also a scar on one side of
his, forehead, and one on one of his legs; he is a handy
fellow in a house or stable, very sensible, exceeding
talkative, and fond of strong drink. He rides and dances
well, and was formerly the property of Mr. Aylett, in King
William county, and raised by major Gaines, deceased.
Whoever secures him, so that I get him again, shall have
five pounds reward if taken in this colony, and ten pounds
if taken out. [signed] John Scott.