Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1732.10.02

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Index Entry Bell, in Paris, christened 
Location Paris 
2 Oct 1732:11 (54)
Paris, July  . . . On the 28th past the Marquis d'O stood
Godfather in the name of his Majesty, to the new bell
formerly mentioned; upon which occasion the King gave three
pieces of Holland, consisting of 15 ells a piece, at 10
livres per ell, to cover it . . .
Paris, July 7 . . . Whilst we are upon State-Affairs, it
will not be amiss to take notice, that the Bishop of
Soissons t'other day, performed the ceremony of blessing the
great bell at Compeigne, to which the Marquis d'O stood
Godfather, as proxy for their Majesties, the King presented
the lady (Bell) her first smock, which was put on upon this
occasion, containing 45 ells of fine Holland.

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1732.10.02 
Publisher Gridley, J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0049672
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