Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1733.06.25

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Index Entry Davenport, Addington, arrived from London, preached at King's Chapel 
Location Boston 
25 Jun 1733:21 (91)
On Thursday last arrived here the Rev. Mr. Addington
Davenport from London, whither he went last December to
receive Holy Orders. He was treated with great civility by
the Right Reverend the Bishops of London, Oxford and St.
David's, and by many other persons of distinction; being
honour'd with a master's degree in the University of Oxford,
and appointed by the Honourable Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel in foreign Parts, the missionary at Scituate,
having sixty pounds sterling per annum.
  We are inform'd by this gentleman, that the Rev. Dean
Berkeley has employ'd Mr. Henry Newman to purchase an organ
to the value of three hundred pounds sterling, which he
designs as a present to the Church at Newport on Rhode
Island; and that the Dean is procuring a valuable collection
of books, which he intends to present to Harvard College. .
  Yesterday the Rev. Mr. Davenport preached in the forenoon
at the King's Chappel, from Mat.V.6. and in the afternoon at
the Rev. Dr. Cutler's church, from Mat.V.9.  He had a very
numerous audience both parts of the day, and as we are
inform'd by good judges, entertain'd them with two excellent

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1733.06.25 
Publisher Fleet, Thomas 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0049709
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