Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1733.08.20

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Index Entry Horace, odes sung by mourners in Whittlesea 
Location Whittlesea 
20 Aug 1733:12 (99)
London, May 6.  This night was buried at Whittlesea, Mr.
John Underwood of Nottington; of which Funeral we had the
following odd account from Whittlesea, viz.  He was brought
to the grave at five, and as soon as the burial service was
over, an arch  . . .  When the grave was filled up, and the
turn laid down, the six gentlemen who followed him to the
grave sung the last stanza of the 20th ode of the 2d book of
Horace:  Everything was done according to his desire; no
bell was tolled, no one was invited, but the six gentlemen,
and no relation follow'd his corpse;  the coffin was painted
green, according to his direction, and he was laid in it
with all his cloaths on; under his head was placed Sanadon's
Horace, at his feet Bentley's Milton; in his right hand a
small Greek Testament, with an inscription in Golden
letters, in his left hand a little edition of Horace, with
this inscription, Music amicus, J.V. and Bentley's Horace
under his arse.  After the ceremony was over they went back
to his house, where his sister had provided a very handsome
cold supper; the cloth being taken away, the gentlemen sung
the 31st ode of the 1st book of Horace, and drank a chearful
glass, and went home about eight . . . [7 more lines].

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1733.08.20 
Publisher Fleet, Thomas 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0049717
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