Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1735.03.31

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Index Entry Drum, in France, not needed to raise recruits 
Location France 
31 Mar 1735:12 (183)
Extract of a private letter from Paris, dated Tuesday
Morning the 16th of Nov. N.S.  [2 paras. re. war]
  The raising of recruits is carried on throughout France
with all imaginable facility, without being obliged to beat
the drum, or take any by force as formerly, there being a
general disposition to avenge the Honour of the Nation,
which was insulted before the War began, and the injury done
to the King, in the person of his father-in-law, both which
concur to stir up the spirits of the people to maintain the
Honour of the King and Nation.

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1735.03.31 
Publisher Fleet, Thomas 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0049800
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