The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1769.07.13  New York  CITATION Addressed to Clarissa [t] [beg] Happy the youth who does behold thy face 
1768.09.16  New London  CITATION Addressed to Miss -- [t] [beg] Damon may rove from fair to fair 
1770.07.12  Williamsburg  CITATION Addressed to Miss C-- T-- On Parting [t] [beg] Our stars, my charmer, let us 
1770.06.21  Williamsburg  CITATION Addressed to Miss E T, on Parting [t] [beg] Our stars, my charmer, let us 
1771.09.05  Boston  CITATION Addressed to the Carolina Warriors [t] [beg] People still, for nature's laws 
1783.02.13  Wethersfield  CITATION Addressed to the Ladies [t] [beg] Fair ladies, 'tis not very arch 
1764.06.11  Boston  CITATION Addressed to the Rev Mr Whitefield... [t] [beg] And must thou go? Farewell 
1770.12.17  New York  CITATION Addressed to the Tars [t] [beg] Ye guardians to Britannia's throne 
1770.03.19  New York  CITATION Addressed to the W-- of New York [t] [beg] Tree, 'tis said, at New York grew 
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