The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-LONG

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1733.03.10  London  CITATION Long a ago, ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow [fl] 
1728.08.05  Boston  CITATION Long as New England groan'd beneath the load [fl] 
1775.03.23  Williamsburg  CITATION Long Damon view'd her with affection's eye [fl] 
1747.10.21  Annapolis  CITATION Long, David, owner of runaway servant named Griffin, John, singer 
1747.10.28  Annapolis  CITATION Long, David, owner of runaway servant named Griffin, John, singer 
1747.11.04  Annapolis  CITATION Long, David, owner of runaway servant named Griffin, John, singer 
1735.06.23  Boston  CITATION Long did Euphrates make us glad [fl] 
1771.09.16  London  CITATION Long did the churlish east detain [fl] 
1747.10.12  New York  CITATION Long for an answer have I staid [fl] 
1781.09.29  New York  CITATION Long groan'd these regions with the dire alarms [fl] 
1758.01.09  New York  CITATION Long had a mungrel French and Indian brood [fl] 
1758.01.23  Boston  CITATION Long had a mungrel French and Indian brood [fl] 
1776.05.30  New York  CITATION Long had deep silence reign'd in sullen form [fl] 
1760.05.03  Cape Fear  CITATION Long had despair approach'd Britannia's shore [fl] 
1731.09.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Long had mankind with darkness been oppress'd [fl] 
1732.12.25  London  CITATION Long had mankind with darkness been oppress'd [fl] 
1733.02.17  Charleston  CITATION Long had mankind with darkness been oppress'd [fl] 
1760.03.27  Worcester  CITATION Long had sad Albion mourn'd her coward race [fl] 
1760.04.14  New York  CITATION Long had sad Albion mourn'd her coward race [fl] 
1760.05.02  Portsmouth  CITATION Long had sad Albion mourn'd her coward race [fl] 
1721.08.28  Boston  CITATION Long had the rulers prudent care [fl] 
1764.12.29  Providence  CITATION Long had the world in gloomy shades [fl] 
1766.12.27  Providence  CITATION Long had the world, in gloomy shades [fl] 
1783.05.30  New London  CITATION Long has Columbia's crimson'd shore [fl] 
1781.08.01  New York  CITATION Long has the howling storm, loud in its rage [fl] 
1773.07.08  Williamsburg  CITATION Long have I sought the living 'midst the dead [fl] 
1775.04.20  Williamsburg  CITATION Long have I view'd, with sympathy and love [fl] 
1740.12.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Long have the learned pastors of the age [fl] 
1740.12.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Long have the learned pastors of the age [fl] 
1741.02.17  Boston  CITATION Long have the learned pastors of the age [fl] 
1722.06.04  Plymouth  CITATION Long have the weaker sons of Harvard strove [fl] 
1735.03.24  Boston  CITATION Long have you wish'd the blooming spring to rise [fl] 
1772.02.06  London  CITATION Long in his Highness's favour and do justice [fl] 
1783.12.31  Philadelphia  CITATION Long life and low spirits were never my choice [fl] 
1773.01.11  London  CITATION Long Live Great George our King [t], played by band of music, Royal Regiment 
1773.01.15  London  CITATION Long Live Great George Our King [t], played by band of music 
1775.11.15  New York  CITATION Long mourn'd silence of the muse is o'er [fl] 
1783.05.24  London  CITATION Long now has the God of arms [fl] 
1776.11.09  Philadelphia  CITATION Long Roll [t], drum calls specified for troops in barracks 
1781.07.14  Charleston  CITATION Long Room, Holliday's, taken over by John Coram 
1781.07.21  Charleston  CITATION Long Room, Holliday's, taken over by John Coram 
1781.07.25  Charleston  CITATION Long Room, Holliday's, taken over by John Coram 
1781.08.22  Charleston  CITATION Long Room, Holliday's, taken over by John Coram 
1781.08.29  Charleston  CITATION Long Room, Holliday's, taken over by John Coram 
1768.01.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Long room, in Philadelphia, Fountain Inn 
1730.01.13  Annapolis  CITATION Long since I bad the pleasing muse adieu [fl] 
1730.01.14  Philadelphia  CITATION Long since I bade the pleasant muse adieu [fl] 
1781.08.09  Norwich  CITATION Long since, unto her native sky [fl] 
1740.04.14  London  CITATION Long, thro' domestic feuds and party rage [fl] 
1740.03.24  Boston  CITATION Long, thro' domestick feuds and party rage [fl] 
1740.04.14  London  CITATION Long, thro domestick feuds and party rage [fl] 
1722.12.24  Boston  CITATION Long time, alas! by our great grandsire's fall [fl] 
1772.02.25  Hartford  CITATION Long time did a silly old proverb prevail [fl] 
1772.04.17  New London  CITATION Long time did a silly old proverb prevail [fl] 
1772.03.27  Portsmouth  CITATION Long times did a silly old proverb prevail [fl] 
1738.04.20  Boston  CITATION Long us'd this world's vain greatness to despise [fl] 
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