The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-MOON

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1741.12.26  Combahee Ferry  CITATION Moon, Alexander, owner of runaway Negro named Sam who plays violin 
1742.01.02  Combahee Ferry  CITATION Moon, Alexander, owner of runaway Negro named Sam who plays violin 
1742.01.09  Combahee Ferry  CITATION Moon, Alexander, owner of runaway Negro named Sam who plays violin 
1772.05.09  Charleston  CITATION Moon and her Mother, The [t] [beg] Mother, I want a gown: This quite worn 
1751.03.07  York  CITATION Moon grows red, pale, big, and walks by night, The [fl] 
1751.03.07  York  CITATION Moon is a Woman, The [t] [beg] Moon grows red, pale, big, and walks by, The 
1773.06.17  Williamsburg  CITATION Moon, pale majesty of night, retires, The [fl] 
1768.07.07  London  CITATION Moon, refulgent lamp of light, The [fl] 
1783.11.29  Charleston  CITATION Moon, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1783.12.02  Charleston  CITATION Moon, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1773.04.15  Williamsburg  CITATION Moon, The [t] [beg] With vulgar minds, which judge from what they see 
1773.05.17  Philadelphia  CITATION Moon, The [t] [beg] With vulgar minds, which judge from what they see 
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