The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1768.10.31  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], actor in, reference in anecdote of sailor's banquet 
1768.11.14  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], actor in, reference in anecdote of sailor's banquet 
1737.02.04  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], cited in essay 
1759.05.03  Boston  CITATION Rehearsal [t], farce discussed in critical essay, over 30 editions printed 
1773.09.06  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Gaine, Hugh 
1773.09.27  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Gaine, Hugh 
1773.10.11  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Gaine, Hugh 
1764.03.22  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Holt, John 
1782.01.16  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.19  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.26  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.30  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.02  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.06  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.09  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.13  New York  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1770.11.20  Charleston  CITATION Rehearsal [t], for sale by Wells, Robert 
1779.06.28  Boston  CITATION Rehearsal, in Boston, for concert, gentlemen performers requested to attend 
1779.07.01  Boston  CITATION Rehearsal, in Boston, for concert, gentlemen performers requested to attend 
1780.02.10  Boston  CITATION Rehearsal, in Boston, of amateur musicians for benefit concert series 
1780.02.17  Boston  CITATION Rehearsal, in Boston, of amateur musicians for benefit concert series 
1772.10.01  Geneva  CITATION Rehearsal, in Geneva, treatment of amateur actors by Voltaire 
1740.06.12  London  CITATION Rehearsal, in London, drummers practicing Dead March [t], for execution 
1751.05.29  London  CITATION Rehearsal, in London, of music for feast of Sons of Clergy, postponed 
1749.07.05  London  CITATION Rehearsal, in London, of music for fireworks, attendees cause traffic jam 
1768.01.18  New York  CITATION Rehearsal, in New York, for benefit concert for poor debtors, to be held 
1768.01.14  New York  CITATION Rehearsal, in New York, for benefit concert, gentlemen invited to play 
1773.12.02  New York  CITATION Rehearsal, in New York, for concert at Mr Hull's Assembly Room 
1773.12.02  New York  CITATION Rehearsal, in New York, for concert in New York at Mr Hull's Assembly Room 
1766.10.30  New York  CITATION Rehearsal, in New York, for concert, review 
1740.10.06  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], lyric from [beg] Pallas to the two kings of Brentford 
1767.01.29  Philadelphia  CITATION Rehearsal [t], mentioned in review 
1726.01.17  Bath  CITATION Rehearsal [t], metaphor of current events, balls for social competition 
1756.03.04  Philadelphia  CITATION Rehearsal [t], play quoted [beg] I will bring out my bull, and my bear 
1771.12.26  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], quote [beg] I bring out my bull and my bear... 
1768.11.15  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], reference after lyric [beg] This coffin is made 
1768.11.17  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], reference after lyric [beg] This coffin is made 
1740.11.20  Holland  CITATION Rehearsal [t], reference in satirical print entitled New Confederacy [t] 
1759.05.07  London  CITATION Rehearsal [t], source of lyric [beg] He that dares drink, and for that 
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