The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-TALE

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1772.08.06  Annapolis  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] All by a languid, sluggish stream 
1766.07.18  Williamsburg  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] Certain maid, too prudishly inclin'd 
1773.08.03  New Haven  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] In ancient times e'er frequent vice began 
1773.04.09  New Haven  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] In antient times, ere frequent vice began 
1763.07.28  New York  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] Mild was the morning when Lowella rose 
1767.05.07  New York  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] Person walking in the street, A 
1767.12.14  Boston  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] Person walking in the street, A 
1777.05.02  London  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] Sermons are less read than tales 
1737.06.17  Williamsburg  CITATION Tale, A [t] [beg] When Talbot ravag'd all the plains of France 
1749.11.23  Philadelphia  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], for sale by Hall, D 
1761.07.20  New York  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], for sale by Thorne, Abraham 
1761.07.27  New York  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], for sale by Thorne, Abraham 
1747.10.21  Annapolis  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], Thomas Gough requests return 
1747.10.28  Annapolis  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], Thomas Gough requests return 
1747.11.04  Annapolis  CITATION Tale of a Tub [t], Thomas Gough requests return 
1729.03.11  Annapolis  CITATION Tale of the T--d, The [t] [beg] Pastry-Cook once molded up a T---d, A 
1736.02.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Tale of the Travellers, A [t] [beg] Good repute, a virtuous name, A 
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