The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-WORLD

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1743.03.22  London  CITATION World in a Hurry, The [t] [beg] World's in a hurry----what is it about? The 
1722.02.12  London  CITATION World in the Moon [t], source of lyric [beg] Short-necks and stubbed shankt 
1766.07.22  Charleston  CITATION World is a bubble and full of deceit, The [fl] 
1770.01.25  New York  CITATION World is a well furnish'd table, The [fl] 
1776.06.22  Portsmouth  CITATION World is a well furnish'd table, The [fl] 
1770.02.09  New London  CITATION World is a well-furnish'd table, The [fl] 
1750.10.22  New York  CITATION World once thought, and many think it still, The [fl] 
1751.02.19  London  CITATION World once thought, and may think it still [fl] 
1751.01.28  London  CITATION World one thought, and may think it still, The [fl] 
1770.11.22  Philadelphia  CITATION World rever their order as divine, The [fl] 
1770.12.03  Boston  CITATION World revere their order as divine, The [fl] 
1770.12.07  Philadelphia  CITATION World revere their order as divine, The [fl] 
1737.03.22  New York  CITATION World that's full of fools and madmen, A [fl] 
1737.07.15  Williamsburg  CITATION World that's full of fools and madmen, A [fl] 
1745.05.13  Charleston  CITATION World that's full of fools and madmen, A [fl] 
1765.01.04  Portsmouth  CITATION World, The [t] [beg] This world is the best that we live in 
1782.12.11  Chatham  CITATION World, The [t] [beg] World's a bubble; and the life of man, The 
1783.02.11  Springfield  CITATION World, The [t] [beg] World's a bubble; and the life of man, The 
1781.06.28  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.07.05  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.07.12  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.08.02  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.11.01  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.11.15  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.11.22  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.11.29  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.12.06  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.12.13  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.12.20  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1781.12.27  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1782.01.10  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1782.01.17  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1782.01.24  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1782.01.31  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1782.02.07  Fishkill  CITATION World Turn'd Upside Down [t], for sale by Loudon, Samuel 
1761.11.30  Boston  CITATION World Turned Inside Out [t], for sale by Edes and Gill 
1761.12.07  Boston  CITATION World Turned Inside Out [t], for sale by Edes and Gill 
1761.12.14  Boston  CITATION World Turned Inside Out [t], for sale by Edes and Gill 
1779.06.15  Philadelphia  CITATION World Turned Upside Down [t], moral essays in verse, for sale by Walters 
1779.06.23  Philadelphia  CITATION World Turned Upside Down [t], moral essays in verse, for sale by Walters 
1767.03.12  London  CITATION World Turned Upside Down, The [t] [beg] Goody Bull and her daughter together 
1772.03.17  Charleston  CITATION World Turned Upside Down, The [t] [beg] K-- disappoints the wishes of his 
1770.05.17  London  CITATION World Turned Upside Down, The [t], performed in London 
1770.05.30  London  CITATION World turned Upside Down [t], to be performed in London 
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