Table of Contents
Dance Title
Dance Figure
All Alive
All Alive
Allegrant, L'
Allegrant, L'
Antigallican Dance, The
Antigallican Dance, The
Arcadian Nuptials, The
Arcadian Nuptials, The
Ashley's Flag
Ashley's Flag
Away to the Camps
Away to the Camps
Bantry-Bay Boy,The
Bantry-Bay Boy,The
Begin the Dence
Begin the Dence
Belle Catharine, La
Belle Catharine, La
Bienfacile, La
Bienfacile, La
Bonny Lads
Bonny Lads
Bower of Roses, The
Bower of Roses, The
Bridgewater Camp
Bridgewater Camp
Brown Bread
Brown Bread
Bugle Horn
Bugle Horn
Cabinet of Monkies
Cabinet of Monkies
Careless Sally
Careless Sally
Charms of the Fair, The
Charms of the Fair, The
Coach Box,The
Coach Box,The
Comet, The
Comet, The
Contented Shepherd, The
Contented Shepherd, The
Country Attorney, The
Country Attorney, The
Country Bumkin
Country Bumkin
Cure for the Heart Ache
Cure for the Heart Ach
Daniel Cooper
Daniel Cooper
Devil Among the Taylors, The
Devil Among the Taylors, The
Dickey Dwindle
Dickey Dwindle
Duchess of York's Waltz. The
Duchess of York's Waltz, The
Duke of Yorks Fancy,The
Duke of Yorks Fancy, The
Dunce Dings All
Dunce Dings All
Egham Races
Egham Races
Enchanted Wood, The
Enchanted Wood, The
Evening Brush
Evening Brush
Fanny's Fancy
Fanny's Fancy
Female Soldier, The
Female Soldier, The
Female Volunteers
Female Volunteers
Fortune Teller
Fortune Teller
Gallop, The
Gallop, The
Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself
Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself
Guilford Assembly
Guilford Assembly
Guinea Pig, The
Guinea Pig, The
Harlequin Every Where
Harlequin Every Where
Harlequin's Museum
Harlequin's Museum
Haunted Village, The
Haunted Village, The
Heir At Law,The
Heir At Law,The
Hessian Camp
Hessian Camp
Hey Me Nancy
Hey Me Nancy
Hobbies of the Times, The
Hobbies of the Times, The
Honest Thieves, The
Honest Thieves, The
Humours of Castle Bar
Humours of Castle Bar
Humours of Dublin
Humours of Dublin
I Canna Buckle To'
I Canna Buckle To'
Indian Princess, The
Indian Princess, The
Irish Noddy,The
Irish Noddy,The
Jenny's Taste
Jenny's Taste
Jew, The
Jew, The
Just in Time
Just in Time
Just the Thing
Just the Thing
Kate of the Dale
Kate of the Dale
Kempshot Hunt.Oscar and Malvina,or
Kempshot Hunt.Oscar and Malvina,or
King of Denmark's Favourite, The
King of Denmark's Favourite, The
Kitty Grogan
Kitty Grogan
Lady Abergaveney's Fancy
Lady Abergaveney's Fancy
Leap Year
Leap Year
Lincolnshire Lads
Lincolnshire Lads
Little Peggy's Love
Little Peggy's Love
London House, The
London House, The
Loyal Cobler, The
Loyal Cobler, The
Maidens of Kent, The
Maidens of Kent, The
Margate Wash
Margate Wash
Mariners, The
Mariners, The
Marlborough's Victory
Marlborough's Victory
Marly Water's Works
Marly Water's Works
Merry Strollers, The
Merry Strollers, The
Merry Wakefield, The
Merry Wakefield, The
Millers Wedding
Millers Wedding
Miss Abercromby's Delight
Miss Abercromby's Delight
Miss Balcarra's Reel
Miss Balcarra's Reel
Miss Campbell's Reel
Miss Campbell's Reel
Miss Card's Reel
Miss Card's Reel
Miss Cockburn's Strathspey
Miss Cockburn's Strathspey
Miss Drummond's Reel
Miss Drummond's Reel
Miss Fleming's Fancy
Miss Fleming's Fancy
Miss Gadde's Strathspey
Miss Gadde's Strathspey
Miss Robertson's Reel
Miss Robertson's Reel
Miss Tait's Reel
Miss Tait's Reel
Money Musk
Money Musk
Montpelier Gardens
Montpelier Gardens
Morgan Ratler
Morgan Ratler
Mrs Philips Fancy
Mrs Philips Fancy
Mrs. Robertson's Reel
Mrs. Robertson's Reel
Mulberry Tree, The
Mulberry Tree, The
New Tartan Plaiddie
New Tartan Plaiddie
New Theatre, The
New Theatre, The
Noble Peasant, The
Noble Peasant, The
None So Pretty
None So Pretty
Nymph, The
Nymph, The
Only Think of Me
Only Think of Me
Opera Hornpipe, The
Opera Hornpipe, The
Osburn Place Assembly
Osburn Place Assembly
Oscar and Malvina, or, Kempshot Hunt
Oscar and Malvina, or, Kempshot Hunt
Peggy Perkins
Peggy Perkins
Philly M'Cue
Philly M'Cue
Plaid, The
Plaid, The
Pleasant Reel, The
Pleasant Reel, The
Porcupine Dance
Porcupine Dance
Pretty Lady
Pretty Lady
Pretty Peggy of Darby O
Pretty Peggy of Darby O
Prince De La Cour
Prince De La Cour
Princes Favorite, The
Princes Favorite, The
Quizes, The
Quizes, The
Rakes of Dublin
Rakes of Dublin
Rakes of Mallow
Rakes of Mallow
Raymond and Agnes
Raymond and Agnes
Rivals, The
Rivals, The
Road to Ruin
Road to Ruin
Robe De Chambre
Robe De Chambre
Roshar's Hornpipe
Roshar's Hornpipe
Royal Meeting, The
Royal Meeting, The
Royal Pair, The
Royal Pair, The
Savoyard's Frolic, The
Savoyard's Frolic, The
School for Lovers
School for Lovers
Scot's Dance, The
Scot's Dance, The
Shephards Holiday, The
Shephards Holiday, The
Siege of Belgrade
Siege of Belgrade
Singleton Hall
Singleton Hall
Sooner the Better, The
Sooner the Better, The
Spanish Jig
Spanish Jig
Sprigs of Laurel, The
Sprigs of Laurel, The
St. James's Park
St. James's Park
Success to the Fleet
Success to the Fleet
Sun Flower, The
Sun Flower, The
Sweet Richard
Sweet Richard
Swinish Multitude
Swinish Multitude
Swiss Allemand
Swiss Allemand
Telegraphe, The
Telegraphe, The
Three Weeks After Marriage
Three Weeks After Marriage
Tipling John
Tipling John
Tippy Bob
Tippy Bob
Trip to Ankerwick
Trip to Ankerwick
Trip to Bermondsey Spa
Trip to Bermondsey Spa
Trip to Cumberland
Trip to Cumberland
Trip to Margate
Trip to Margate
Trip to the Nore
Trip to the Nore
Tunbridge Reel, The
Tunbridge Reel, The
Vestris Jigg
Vestris Jigg
Waltz, The
Waltz, The
Welsh Question, The. Cymro-Oble, or
Welsh Question, The. Cymro o b'le
White Cockade
White Cockade
Wobourn Abbey
Wobourn Abbey
Woodman, The
Woodman, The
Wood's Fancy
Wood's Fancy
Wounded Tree, The
Wounded Tree, The