The Dancing Master, 1651-1728: An Illustrated Compendium - Source Data
Title Bishop of Chester's Jigg
Page I,10
Comments L=20/2,C&L
Date 1696
Short Title PLAY.1-9,1695
Source Library E9
Form WL
Actives 2
Occurrences 1-9,1-11 - 1-13:"Bishop of Chester's Jigg",1-9, 1-11 - 1-13; [Different figures from "B. of Chester's Jigg,or, The Fit's Come on me Now",1-7 - 1-18, music similar (1st phrase same, 2nd phrase different)]
Ur Dance x
Time Signature 3/9
Key Signature
Do F(ED)
Incipit //15/535/53//15/535/671++5//1
Stress Notes 1551561
Image/Link Play1627
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