List of Books Indexed

*                                                                     *
*  Abbreviated title (as used in the Index)                           *
*         Full title (unless already given above).                    *
*         Author.  Publisher.  Date(s).                               *
*         Comments.                                                   *
*                                                                     *

Again Let's Be Merry.
          Tom Cook.  EFDSS.  1979.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Amer C D Revolutionary Era
          A Choice Selection of American Country Dances
          - of the Revolutionary Era   1775 - 1795.
          Keller & Sweet.  CDSS.   1975.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDIC 1.

Appalachian Square Dance, Smith                          (Out of Print)
          Frank H Smith.  Berea College.  1955.
          Detailed instructions and tunes.

          The Apted Book of Country Dances.
          W S Porter, et al.  EFDSS.  1958, 1966.
          Brief instructions and melodies.
          Piano scores printed in separate volume.

Ashover Book, 4 C D                                      (Out of Print)
          Four Country Dances from the "Ashover Book".
          Instructions and piano scores.

Balance and Swing.
          Ted Sannella.  CDSS.  1982.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Band Call.
          Dennis Darke.  EFDSS.  1972.
          Melodies with chords.
          Partially indexed.

Between Two Ponds.                                       (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.  c 1976.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.
          See book:  Pat Shaw's Pinewoods.

Birds, Fancies & Delights
          Birds, Fancies and Delights; English Country Dances.
          Marshall Barron.  Playford Consort Publications.  1985.
          Full scores.

Callers' Choice.
          Nibs & Jean Matthews.  EFDSS.  1973.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  BR 4.

Callers' Choice 2
          Jack Hamilton.  EFDSS.  1981.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.

Captain's Ceilidh
          Captain's Ceilidh: a Collection of Dances Old and New.
          Butler, Brown & Saunders.  EFDSS.  1982.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  BR 7.

Come Let's Be Merry.
          Tom Cook.  EFDSS.  1975, 1982.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Community Dances Manual 1.
          EFDSS.  1949, 1972 revised.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 1.

Community Dances Manual 2.
          EFDSS.  1949, 1968 revised.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 2.

Community Dances Manual 3.
          EFDSS.  1954, 1968.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 3.

Community Dances Manual 4.
          EFDSS.  1954, 1970.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 4.

Community Dances Manual 5.
          EFDSS.  1957, 1969 revised.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 5.

Community Dances Manual 6.
          EFDSS.  1964, 1968.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 6.

Community Dances Manual 7.
          EFDSS.  1967, 1969.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  CDM 7.

Contra Dance Book, Holden                                (Out of Print)
          Contra Dance Book.
          Ricky Holden, et al.  American Squares.  1956.

Contras, Caller/Teacher Man.
          Caller/Teacher Manual for Contras.
          Don Armstrong.  Sets in Order A.S.D.S.  1973.
          Detailed  instructions.

Country Dance, Tolman & Page                             (Out of Print)
          Country Dance Book.
          Beth Tolman & Ralph Page.  1937,1976.
          Partially indexed.

Country Dance & Song.
          Magazine of the Country Dance and Song Society of America.

Country Dance Book 1
Country Dance Book 2
          The Country Dance Book, Parts I & II.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Republished by H Styles.  1985.
          (Pt I, 1909,1934.  Pt II, 1911,1927.).
          Detailed instructions.

Country Dance Book 3
Country Dance Book 4
          The Country Dance Book, Parts III & IV.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Republished by H Styles.  1985.
          (Pt III, 1912.  Pt IV, 1916.).
          Detailed instructions.

Country Dance Book 5
Country Dance Book 6
          The Country Dance Book, Parts V & VI.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Republished by H Styles.  1985.
          (Pt V, 1918.  Pt VI, 1922.).
          Detailed instructions.

Country Dance Tunes 1                                    (Out of Print)
          Country Dance Tunes, Set I.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Novello.  1909.
          Piano scores.

Country Dance Tunes 2                                    (Out of Print)
          Country Dance Tunes, Set II.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Novello.  1909.
          Piano scores.

Country Dance Tunes 3
Country Dance Tunes 4
Country Dance Tunes 5
Country Dance Tunes 6
Country Dance Tunes 7
Country Dance Tunes 8
Country Dance Tunes 10
Country Dance Tunes 11
          Country Dance Tunes, Sets III-VIII, X & XI.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Republished by H Styles.  1983.
          (Set III, 1911.  Set IV, 1911.  Set V, 1912.  Set VI, 1912.
           Set VII, 1916.  Set VIII, 1916.  Set X, 1922.  Set XI, 1922.).
          Piano scores.
          Includes all of the Playford tunes by Sharp.

Country Dance Tunes 9                                    (Out of Print)
          Country Dance Tunes, Set IX.
          Cecil J Sharp.  Novello.  1918.
          Piano scores.

Country Dances of Today 1
          English Country Dances -- of Today.
          May Gadd.  CDSS.   1948.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Country Dances of Today 2
          Country Dances of Today -- Book 2.
          May Gadd.  CDSS.   1951.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Dance With-in Tent.
          Jean Butler and Dave Brown.  Folk Camps Society.  1981.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Dances for a Party.                                      (Out of Print)
          Beatrice & Wyn Humphreys.  EFDSS.  1957.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Dances from Woodland.                                    (Out of Print)
          Norman Cazden.  1945, 1955.
          Calls and piano scores.
          Partially indexed.

Dances with a Difference.                                (Out of Print)
          Colin Hume.  1980.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Dances with a Difference 2
          Dances with a Difference, Volume 2
          Colin Hume.  1985.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Devonian Double Circle.
          Colin Andrews.

Dizzy Dances                                             (Out of Print)
          Gene Hubert.  1983.
          Brief instructions.

Dizzy Dances, Volume II.
          Gene Hubert.  1986.
          Brief instructions (includes a few dances from first volume.)

Down Back o' t' Shoddy.
          Bob Schofield & Julian Pilling.  EFDSS.  1973.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Early Playford for Early Inst
          Early Playford for Early Instruments; English Country Dances.
          Marshall Barron.  Playford Consort Publications.  1986.
          Full scores.

Elegant Collection of Contras
          An Elegant Collection of Contras and Squares.
          Ralph Page.  Lloyd Shaw Foundation.  1984.
          Detail instructions and melodies.

Elizabethan Country Dances
          John Fitzhugh Millar.  Thirteen Colonies Press.  1985.
          Instructions and melodies.

Eng C D Tunes, Barnes
          English Country Dance Tunes
          - a collection of 303 commonly used English dance melodies.
          Peter Barnes.  1986.
          Melodies with chords, arranged alphabetically (no index).

Eng C D Tunes, Barnes, Expanded
          English Country Dance Tunes: Expanded & Revised
          - a collection of 436 commonly used English country dance melodies.
          Peter Barnes.  1996.
          Melodies with chords, arranged alphabetically (and indexed).
          This edition also includes all tunes from the original edition.

Engelse Volksdansen, Wisse
          Engelse Volksdansen.
          Tom Wisse.  CDSSA.  1985.
          Melodies (in manuscript).

English Dance and Song.
          Magazine of the English Folk Dance and Song Society.

English F D Primary
          English Folk Dancing in the Primary School.
          Helen & Douglas Kennedy.  Novello.  1960.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.

English F D Schools                                      (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dancing for Schools.
          Sibyl Clark.  EFDSS.  1956, 1975 revised.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.

English Folk Dancing.
          Jack Hamilton.  EP Publishing.  1974.
          Detailed instructions.
          See record:  KTG 12.

English or Double Dutch.
          C J Hogendijk.  NVS.  1973.
          Instructions and some melodies.

Everyday Dances.
          EFDSS.  1969.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Fallibroome 1
          Fallibroome Collection.
          Bernard J Bentley.  1962.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fallibroome 2
          Fallibroome Collection 2.
          Bernard J Bentley.  1965.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fallibroome 3
          Fallibroome Collection 3.
          Bernard J Bentley.  1968.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fallibroome 4
          Fallibroome Collection 4.
          Bernard J Bentley.  1971.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fallibroome 5
          Fallibroome Collection 5.
          Bernard J Bentley.  EFDSS.  1977, 1980.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fallibroome 6
          Fallibroome Collection 6.
          Bernard J Bentley.  EFDSS.  1980, 1982.
          Instructions and melodies.

Fantasies...Michigan Caller
          Fantasies of a Michigan Caller.
          Burt Schwartz.  1982.

Fiddler's Fakebook.
          David Brody.  Oak Publications.  1983.
          Melodies with chords.
          Partially indexed.

Fiddler's Tune Book 1
          The Fiddler's Tune-Book.
          Peter Kennedy.  EFDSS.  1951, 1963.
          Republished by Hargail.  1975.
          Partially indexed.

Fiddler's Tune Book 2
          The Second Fiddler's Tune-Book.
          Peter Kennedy.  EFDSS.  1954, 1965.
          Republished by Hargail.  1977.
          Partially indexed.

Fifer's Delight.
          Ralph Sweet.  1964, 1981.
          Melodies with chords.

Fifty Old English F D Airs                               (Out of Print)
          Fifty Old English Folk Dance Airs.
          Edgar H Hunt.  Schott.

Five Popular C D                                         (Out of Print)
          Five Popular Country Dances.
          EFDSS.  1933.
          Instructions and piano scores.

Four Social Dances.                                      (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.  Welsh FDS.  1971.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Four Welsh Barn Dances.                                  (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.  Welsh FDS.  1967.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Frolick                                                  (Out of Print)
          A Frolick: a Collection of English Dances
          - from 18th Century Sources.
          Audrey Town and Stanley Hutchinson.  1979.
          Instructions and piano scores.

From Two Barns, Vol 1
          From Two Barns: Ten Country Dances (Vol 1, March 1982).
          Ken Sheffield.  1982.
          Instructions and tunes.
          See cassette FTB1.

From Two Barns, Vol 2
          From Two Barns: Ten More Country Dances (Vol 2, Sept 1983).
          Ken Sheffield.  1983.
          Instructions and tunes.
          See cassette FTB2.

From Two Barns, Vol 3
          From Two Barns: Another Ten Country Dances
          - from Rutherford, Thompson, Walsh & Kynaston (Vol 3, May 1985).
          Ken Sheffield.  1985.
          Instructions and tunes.
          See cassette FTB3.

Geud Man of 55th Street
          Geud Man of 55th Street; Popular and Undemanding
          - English Country Dances.
          Marshall Barron.  Playford Consort Publications.  1985.
          Full scores.

Half a Dozen from East Sussex.
          Claire Kaley Hastings.  1975.

Handy Play Party Book.
Handy Square Dance Book.
          Cooperative Recreation Service.
          Partially indexed.

Heathfield Dances.
          Harold Downing.  Rother Group.
          Instructions and some melodies.

Heritage Dances of Early America.
          Ralph Page.  Lloyd Shaw Foundation.  1976.
          Instructions and some melodies.

Holland...English Country Dance
          Holland As Seen in the English Country Dance:  1713 - 1820.
          Pat Shaw.  1960.
          Instructions and melodies.

Hudson Barn
          Hudson Barn and Other Dances from the Boston Centre.
          Boston Centre.  1980.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

In with Both Feet.
          Mark Elvins.  1985.

Just a Selection of Folk Dances.
          John Meechan.  1981.

Kentish Hops 1                                           (Out of Print)
          Kentish Hops (First Picking, Revised).
          A Simons.  1961, 1977.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Kentish Hops 2                                           (Out of Print)
          Kentish Hops (Second Picking).
          A Simons.  1970.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Kentish Hops 3                                           (Out of Print)
          Kentish Hops (Third Picking).
          A Simons.  1971.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Kentish Hops 4                                           (Out of Print)
          Kentish Hops (Fourth Picking).
          A Simons.  1972.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Ky Mtn Square Dancing, Napier
          Kentucky Mountain Square Dancing.
          Patrick E Napier.  1960.
          Detailed instructions.

Let's Dance-Country Style.
          Ron Smedley & John Tether.  1972.
          Detailed instructions and some melodies.
          See record:  LDS 12.

Long Odds
          Long Odds and Other Dances from the Preston Collection.
          Pat Woods.  EFDSS.  1958.  Reprinted.
          Instructions and melodies.

Maggot Pie
          Maggot Pie: A Book of New Country Dances.
          Heffer & Porter.  1932.  Reprinted.
          Instructions and melodies.
          Piano scores printed in separate volume.

Merry Month of May
          Merry Month of May:
          - Nine Country Dances Danced at Selling, Kent in 1840.
          A Simons.  1979.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

More Optimistic Dances.
          Charles Bolton.  1983.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Muschamp's Mushrooms.                                    (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.  1974.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Naked Truth
          Naked Truth and other interesting Country Dances Old & New...
          Fried Herman.  1986.
          Instructions and melodies.

New England Fiddler's Rep
          New England Fiddler's Repertoire.
          Randy Miller and Jack Perron.  Fiddlecase Books.  1983.
          Melodies with chords.

New Series
          Country Dance Book, New Series.
          Douglas & Helen Kennedy.  EFDSS.  1929.  Reprint 1979.
          Instructions and melodies.

New Series, 12 C D                                       (Out of Print)
          Twelve Country Dances Selected from "Country Dance Book,.
           - New Series No. 1".
          Douglas & Helen Kennedy.  EFDSS.  1963.
          Instructions and melodies.

New Wine in Old Bottles.                                 (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.   1975.
          Instructions and melodies.

Not All My Own Work.
          Charles Bolton.  1985.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Okay Let's Try a Contra.                                 (Out of Print)
          Dudley Laufman.  CDSS.  1973.
          Calls and melodies.

          Charles Bolton.  1982.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Pat Shaw Collection, Book 1.
Pat Shaw Collection, Book 2.
Pat Shaw Collection, Book 3.
          M Fennessy.  H E Styles.  1986.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Pat Shaw's Pinewoods
          Pat Shaw's Pinewoods: Between Two Ponds (originally published
          - in 1976) and Among the Pines (not previously published).
          Pinewoods Camp, Inc.  1985.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Pinewoods Fund Dance Collect                             (Out of Print)
          Pinewoods Fund Dance Collection; 36 Dances New and Old.
          Fried Herman.  1980.
          Instructions and melodies.

Playford, Young String Play
          Playford for Young String Players.
          Marshall Barron.  Playford Consort Publications.  1986.
          Full scores.

Playford, 1st Edition
          The English Dancing Master.
          John Playford.  1650.
          Hugh Mellor, ed.  c 1933.
          (Dance Horizons edition: 1977).
          Brief instructions and melodies.
_____ Alternate edition:
          Margaret Dean-Smith, ed.  Schott.  1957.
          Facsimile reprint.

Popular Selection 1
          A Popular Selection of English Dance Airs, Book I
          - 17Th and 18Th Century Country Dance Tunes.
          Nan Fleming-Williams & Pat Shaw.  EFDSS.  1965.
          Melodies with chords.

Popular Selection 2
          A Popular Selection of Traditional Dance Airs, Book II
          - for Country Dances of Today.
          Nan Fleming-Williams & Pat Shaw.  EFDSS  1967.
          Melodies with chords.
          Partially indexed.

Quartet                                                  (Out of Print)
          Quartet: A New Country Dance Suite in Four Movements.
          Pat Shaw.  1971.
          Instructions and piano scores.

Ralph Page...Contras
          Ralph Page Book of Contras.
          EFDSS.  1969, 1973.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  RP 500.

Road to Ruin
          Road to Ruin...and Other Interesting Country Dances Old & New.
          Fried Herman.  1984.
          Instructions and melodies.

Royal Galliard.
          S Hutchinson, M A Town, & P A Bradshaw.  1986.
          Instructions and full scores.

Set and Honour.
          Margaret Grant.  Novello.  1976.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.
          See record:  PLA 1.

Seven Country Dances                                     (Out of Print)
          Seven Country Dances from "The Dancing Master".
          A Simons.  1973.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Seven Essex Dances.
          John Smart.  Rochford Folk Dance Group.  1977.

Seven Midland Dances.                                    (Out of Print)
          Sibyl Clark.  EFDSS.  1958, 1966.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.

Single Sheet
          Available from CDSS.

Six English Set Dances.                                  (Out of Print)
          EFDSS.  1933, 1940.
          Instructions and piano scores.

Six Simple Country Dances.                               (Out of Print)
          Pat Shaw.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Square Dances...Yankee
          Square Dances from a Yankee Caller's Clipboard.
          Rod Linnell & Louise Winston.  1974.
          See record:  FW 6.
          Partially indexed.

Swing Partners.
          Sibyl Clark & Mary Evans.  EFDSS.  1964.
          Brief instructions and melodies with chords.

Triple Dutch
          Triple Dutch: Dutch Contradances in English Style.
          C Hogendijk, E van Brakel, J Krug.  NVS.  1981.
          Instructions and some tunes.

Tunes for Juice of Barley
          Tunes for Juice of Barley and Other Simple English Country Dances.
          Marshall Barron.  Playford Consort Publications.  1984.
          Full scores.

Tunes for the Band.
          Beryl & Roger Marriott.  EFDSS.  1976.
          Melodies with chords.

Twelve Traditional C D                                   (Out of Print)
          Twelve Traditional Country Dances.
          Maud Karpeles & R Vaughan Williams.  EFDSS.  1931, 1937.
          Instructions and piano scores.

Twenty Four C D, Van Cleef
          Twenty Four Country Dances from the Playford Editions
          Frank C Van Cleef.  Country Dance in Connecticut.  1982.
          Instructions and melodies.

Twenty Four Early Amer C D
          Twenty Four Early American Country Dances, Cotillions & Reels.
          James E Morrison.  CDSS.   1976.
          Brief instructions and melodies.

World of Fun.
          R Harold Hipps, et al.  United Methodist Church.  1970.
          Detailed instructions.
          Partially indexed.

Wright's Humours
          Wright's Humours: Nine Country Dances
          - from 18th Century Printed Collections.
          Kathryn and David Wright, Roderick Stradling.  1979.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Wright's Humours 2
          Wright's Humours, Volume 2: Ten More Country Dances
          - from 18th & 19th Century Printed Collections.
          Kathryn and David Wright, Roderick Stradling.  1984.
          Instructions and melodies with chords.

Yorkshire Dales
          Dances from the Yorkshire Dales.
          EFDSS.  1975.

Yorkshire Dales, Six Dances                              (Out of Print)
          Six Dances of the Yorkshire Dales.
          Leta M Douglas.  1931.
          Instructions and piano scores.

Yorkshire Dales, Three More                              (Out of Print)
          Three More Dances of the Yorkshire Dales.
          Leta M Douglas.  1934.
          Instructions and piano scores.
          Also Includes the Boosbeck Long Sword Dance.

Zesty Contras
          Larry Jennings.  NEFFA.  1983.
          Very brief instructions and narrative.

100 EFD Airs
          A Selection of 100 English Folk Dance Airs
          - for Melodic Instrument.
          Maud Karpeles & Kenworthy Schofield.  Hargail, New York.
          Reprint from EFDSS.  1951.
          Melodies -- some in transposed key.

200 Jigs, Reels & C D                                    (Out of Print)
          Robbins Collection of 200 Jigs, Reels & Country Dances.
          Robbins Music Corporation.  1933, 1961.
          Piano scores.

1000 Fiddle Tunes, Cole
          One Thousand Fiddle Tunes.
          Cole.  1940, 1967.
          Partially indexed.