List of Recordings Indexed

*                                                                     *
*  Record number and abbreviated title (as used in the index)         *
*         Full record title (unless already given above).             *
*         Musicians.  Publisher.  Speed (rpm).  Date.                 *
*         Comments.                                                   *
*                                                                     *

AR 52     Big Circle Dancing.
          Activity Records.  33.  1964.

AR 53     App Clog & Big Cir
          Appalachian Clog Dancing and Big Circle Mountain Square Dancing.
          Activity Records.  33.  1964.

ARAB 6520 Country Capers
          New York Renaissance Band.  Arabesque.  33.  1984.

Berea Col Favorite F D Tunes                             (Out of Print)
          Favorite Folk Dance Tunes of Berea College.
          Berea College.  33.  1964.
          Instructions on jacket.
          Partially indexed.

BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
          Optimistic Dances.
          Peter Jenkins.  Charles Bolton.  Cassette.  1985.

BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
          For Your Pleasure.
          Peter Jenkins.  Charles Bolton.  Cassette.  1985.

BJ3(cass) For Your Pleasure 2
          For Your Pleasure, Volume 2.
          Peter Jenkins.  Charles Bolton.  Cassette.  1985.

BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
          Optimistic Dances 2, Volume 2.
          Peter Jenkins.  Charles Bolton.  Cassette.  1985.

BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
          For Your Pleasure, Volume 3.
          Peter Jenkins.  Charles Bolton.  Cassette.  1986.

BR 1      Barn Dance.                                    (Out of Print)
          Greensleeves.  EFDSS.  33.  1972.
          Instructions on jacket.

BR 2      Barn Dance 2.
          Greensleeves.  EFDSS.  33.  1975.
          Instructions on jacket.

BR 3      EFD Primary School                             (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dancing in the Primary School.
          Greensleeves.  EFDSS.  33.  1973.
          See book of same title.

BR 4      Callers' Choice.
          Ranchers.  EFDSS.  33.  1975.
          See book of same title.

BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
          English Country Dances for Young Folk.
          Greensleeves.  EFDSS.  33.  1978.

BR 6      Sold Out.
          Flowers & Frolics.  EFDSS.  33.  1983.

BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
          Wild Thyme.  EFDSS.  1986.
          See book:  Captain's Ceilidh.

CCDS      Dances from Appalach                           (Out of Print)
          Dances from Appalachia.
          Christmas Country Dance School (Berea).  33.  1976.
          Instructions enclosed.

CCDS 2    Dances from Appal-#2
          Dances from Appalachia #2.
          Lewis & Donna Lamb.
          Christmas Country Dance School (Berea).  33.  1985.
          Instructions and notes included.
          Partially indexed.

CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
          American Country Dances of the Revolutionary Era 1775-1795.
          Country Dance in Connecticut.  33.  1976.
          See book:  Amer C D Revolutionary Era.

CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 1.
          Blue Mountain Band.  EFDSS.  33.  1978.
          See book:  Community Dances Manual 1.

CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 2.
          Woodley Yeomen.  EFDSS.  33.  1978.
          See book:  Community Dances Manual 2.

CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 3.
          David White and his Band.  EFDSS.  33.  1983.
          See book: Community Dances Manual 3.

CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 4.
          Four Leaf Clover.  EFDSS.  33.  1982.
          See book: Community Dances Manual 4.

CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
          Dances from Community Dances Manual  5.
          Ranchers.  EFDSS.  33.  1977.
          See book:  Community Dances Manual 5.

CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 6.
          Orange and Blue.  EFDSS.  33. 1979.
          See book:  Community Dances Manual 6.

CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
          Dances from Community Dances Manual 7.
          Falconers.  EFDSS.  33.  1985.
          See book:  Community Dances Manual 7.

CDS 1     Longways Country D
          Longways Country Dances.
          CDSS.  45.

CDS 3     Dances for 2 & 3 C                             (Out of Print)
          Dances for 2 & 3 Couples.
          CDSS.  45.

CDS 4     Dances for 3 & 4 C                             (Out of Print)
          Dances for 3 & 4 Couples.
          CDSS.  45.

CDS 5     Contra Dances.                                 (Out of Print)
          Canterbury.  CDSS.  45.

CDS 6     By Popular Demand.
          Merrill and Barron.  CDSS.  33.  1978.

CDS 7     Pop Eng C D 17-18C
          Popular English Country Dances of the 17th and 18th Centuries.
          Claremont Country Dance Band.  CDSS.  33.  1979.

CDS 8     Step Stately
          Step Stately - Country Dances for Two and Three Couples
          - from 17th and 18th Century England.
          Barron, Leber, & Ward.  CDSS.  33.  1980.

CDS 9     Juice of Barley
          Juice of Barley; Simple English Country Dances
          Claremont Country Dance Band.  CDSS.  33.  1984.

CDS T1    Tape
CDS T7    Tape
          CDSS.  Reels or Cassette.

CLP 3753  EFD Young People
          English Folk Dances for Young People.
          EMI.  33.  1974.
          Reprint of several 7EG records.

CLP 3754  English Folk Dances.                           (Out of Print)
          EMI.  33.  1974.
          Reprint of several 7EG records.

CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance
          Country Dance Album: Dances from Appalachia #3.
          McLain Family Band.
          Christmas Country Dance School (Berea).  33.  1986.
          Instructions and notes included.

DBJL 001  Playford Style.
          Falconers.  33.  1984.

ED 101    Swing Partners.
          Allemanders.  EFDSS.  45.  1968.

ED 103    Dancing Folk.                                  (Out of Print)
          McBain's Band.  EFDSS.  45.  1968.

ED 104    Playford Party.                                (Out of Print)
          Journeymen.  EFDSS.  45.  1969.

ED 105    Orange & Blue.                                 (Out of Print)
          EFDSS.  45.  1969.

ED 106    Woolybacks.                                    (Out of Print)
          EFDSS.  45.  1969.

ED 107    Ranchers Fancy.                                (Out of Print)
          EFDSS.  45.  1970.

ED 108    Redwings.                                      (Out of Print)
          EFDSS.  45.  1970.

ED 109    Greensleeves.
          EFDSS.  45.  1970.

ED 110    Jigs & Reels                                   (Out of Print)
          The Greensleeves No. 2 - Jigs and Reels.
          EFDSS.  45.  1971.

ED 111    Swinging Children                              (Out of Print)
          Dances for Swinging Children.
          Greensleeves.  EFDSS.  45.  1972.
          Instructions on jacket.

ED 113    L.D. Southerners                               (Out of Print)
          Let's Dance to the Southerners.
          EFDSS.  45.  1973.

ED 114    Dancing English 1.                             (Out of Print)
          Countryside Players.  EFDSS.  45.  1967.

ED 115    Dancing English 2.                             (Out of Print)
          Journeymen.  EFDSS.  45.  1973.

ED 116    L.D. Blue Mtn Band                             (Out of Print)
          Let's Dance to the Blue Mountain Band.
          EFDSS.  45.  1973.

ED 117    L.D. Ranchers                                  (Out of Print)
          Let's Dance to the Ranchers.
          EFDSS.  45.  1974.

ED 118    L.D. Orange & Blue
          Let's Dance to the Orange and Blue.
          EFDSS.  45.  1974.

ED 119    Rants & Waltzes.
          Ranchers.  EFDSS.  45.  1974.

ED 120    L.D. Chiltern Ramble
          Let's Dance to the Chiltern Ramblers.
          EFDSS.  45.  1975.

EPD 007   Country Dances.                                (Out of Print)
          Paxton.  45.

EPD 008   Country Dances.                                (Out of Print)
          St Helens Country Dance Band.  Paxton.  45.  1964.

EPD 009   Country Dances.                                (Out of Print)
          St Helens Country Dance Band.  Paxton.  45.  1964.
          Instructions on jacket.

EPD 010   Country Dances.                                (Out of Print)
          Paxton.  45.

EPD 012   Country Dances.                                (Out of Print)
          Paxton.  45.

FE 022    Evening with Hoghton
          An Evening with Hoghton Band.
          Hoghton Band.  Fellside Recordings.  33.  1980.

FE 028    Hoghton Band.
          Hoghton Band.  Fellside Recordings.  33.  1981.
          Instructions included.

FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
          Hoghton Band Plays Your Requests
          Hoghton Band.  Fellside Recordings.  33.  1984.
          Brief instructions on record jacket.

FI 2006   Philippe Bruneau v 2.
          Philo.  33.  1975.

FLV  103  Folklore Village.
          Folklore Village Farm.  33(7").  1980.
          Instructions enclosed.

FLV 7802  Folklore Village.
          Folklore Village Farm.  33(7").  1978.
          Instructions enclosed.

FR 200 A  Kitchen Junket.                                (Out of Print)
          Yankee Ingenuity.  Fretless.  33.  1977.
          Instructions included.
          Partially indexed.

FR 201    Maritime Dance Party.                          (Out of Print)
          Jerry Robichaud.  Fretless.  33.  1978.

FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
          Miller, Miller, Bradley, Wilson and Woodruff.  33.  1980.

FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
          Miller, Miller, Bradley, Wilson and Andres.  33.  1981.
          Partially indexed.

FRR 011   No Reels.                                      (Out of Print)
          Old Swan Band.  Free Reed.  33.  c 1977.
          Brief instructions enclosed.

FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1.
          Quarry Turners.  Cassette tape.  1982.
          See book with the same title.

FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2.
          Quarry Turners.  Cassette tape.  1983.
          See book with the same title.

FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3.
          Quarry Turners.  Cassette tape.  1985.
          See book with the same title.

FW 3      Canterbury
          Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra.
          F & W.  33.  1972.
          Partially indexed.

FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
          Canterbury Country Orchestra Meets the F & W String Band.
          F & W.  33.  1972.
          Partially indexed.

FW 5      Mistwold
          Canterbury Country Orchestra.
          F & W.  33.  1974.
          Partially indexed.

FW 6      Square Dance, Yankee
          Square Dance Tunes for a Yankee Caller.
          Fireside String Band.  F & W.  33.  1976.
          See book: Square Dances from a Yankee Caller's Clipboard.
          Partially indexed.

IC 298    Shaw to Shaw.
          Ranchers.  33.  1979.
          Only the "Shaw to dance to . . ." side has been indexed.

KH 1      Kentish Hops 1.                                (Out of Print)
          45.  1962, 1977.
          Reissue of: PREP 315.

KH 2      Kentish Hops 2.                                (Out of Print)
          Journeymen.  33(7").  1977.

KH 3      Kentish Hops 3.                                (Out of Print)
          Uplanders.  33(7").  1978.

KTG 12    EFD, Southerners
          English Folk Dancing.
          Southerners.  33.  1975.
          See book of same title.

LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
          Let's Dance - Country Style.
          Southerners.  33.  1972.
          See book of same title.

LDX 74690 John Playford.
          Wright, Gasser, Rubinlicht, Guilcher & Paris.  33.  1978.
          Instructions enclosed.

LIB 1     Apted Country Dances.
          Jim Coleman & Denis Smith.  EFDSS.  33.  1978.

LIB 2     Apted Country Dan 2
          Apted Country Dances.
          Jim Coleman & Dennis Smith.  EFDSS.  33.  1979.

LIB 3     New Series
          Country Dances; New Series.
          Jim Coleman & Denis Smith.  EFDSS.  33.  1981.

LP 123324 Hit and Misse.
          Passamezzo Players.  Dancecraft.  33.  1986.

LP 9      English Folk Dances.
          Folkraft.  33.

LP 36     Big Circle Mtn Dance
          Big Circle Mountain Dance Music.
          Bannerman.  Folkraft.  33.  1972.
          Instructions Enclosed.

NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...                             (Out of Print)
          Shades of Shaw ... Durant's Favourites.
          Dutch Comfort.  NVS.  Cassette.  1977.

OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand                                 (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dances, Jimmy Shand.
          One-Up.  33.  1973.

PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
          Kenton Ramblers Play Pat Shaw.
          Kenton Ramblers.  Photon Enterprises.  33.  1979.
          Instruction booklet enclosed.

PE 205    Next Dance Is ...
          Kenton Ramblers.  Photon Enterprises.  33.  1981.
          Instruction booklet enclosed.

PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
          Kenton Ramblers.  Photon Enterprises.  33.  1982.
          Instruction booklet enclosed.

PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
          English Dancing Master.
          Orange and Blue.  EFDSS.  33.  1976.
          See book:  Set and Honor.

PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
          English Dancing Master 2.
          Orange and Blue.  EFDSS.  33.  1977.

PLA 3     Eng Dancing Master 3
          English Dancing Master 3
          Ranchers.  EFDSS.  33.  1980.

PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
          English Dancing Master.
          Orange and Blue.  EFDSS.  33.  1981.

PREP 317  Dances from Apted                              (Out of Print)
          Dances from the Apted Book.
          EFDSS.  45.  1966.

RP 500    Southerners Plus Two
          Southerners Plus Two Play Ralph Page.
          Southerners.  EFDSS.  33.  1970.
          See book:  Ralph Page Book of Contras.
          Partially indexed.

SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
          Wild Thyme Plays Fallibroome English Country Dances
          Wild Thyme.  Saydisc.  33.  1983.

SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust                             (Out of Print)
          Kickin' up the Sawdust.
          Ashley Hutchings.  EMI Records.  33.  1979.
          Instructions on jacket.

SR 007    Dance Music:Square +
          Dance Music: Square and Clog.
          Midnight Plowboys & Marc Pruett Band.  Skyline.  33.  1981.

SS 100    Southerners Special.                           (Out of Print)
          Southerners.  45.  1971.

VR 013    Bare Necessities
          Bare Necessities: English Country Dances.
          Bare Necessities.  Varrick Records.  33.  1983.

WLP       Run for Your Money
          A Good Run for Your Money.
          Dr Bowser's Brown Bowel Oil Band.  33.  1982.
          Instruction booklet enclosed.

WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At.
          Dr Bowser's Brown Bowel Oil Band.  33.  1985.
          Instruction booklet enclosed.

WOF 1     World of Fun.
WOF 2     World of Fun.
WOF 3     World of Fun.
WOF 4     World of Fun.
WOF 5     World of Fun.
WOF 6     World of Fun.
WOF 7     World of Fun.
          United Methodist Church.  33.
          See book of same title.
          Partially indexed.

WT 004    Beau's Retreat.
          Wild Thyme.  33.  1985.

7EG 8398  Eng Reels & C D                                (Out of Print)
          English Reels and Country Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1958.

7EG 8455  North Country Dances.                          (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1958.

7EG 8533  EFD Young People 1                             (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dances for Young People.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1959.

7EG 8568  EFD Young People 2                             (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dances for Young People, Vol 2.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1960.

7EG 8598  Playford Dances 1.                             (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1960.

7EG 8599  Playford Dances 2.                             (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1960.

7EG 8648  Four Popular Dances                            (Out of Print)
          Tunes for Four Popular Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8649  Four New England Con                           (Out of Print)
          Four New England Contras.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8650  4 Northamptonshire D                           (Out of Print)
          Four Northamptonshire Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8651  Four Counties                                  (Out of Print)
          Dances from Four Counties.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8652  3 Country Dances &                             (Out of Print)
          Three Country Dances and a Mixer.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8653  Waltzes & Hornpipes.                           (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8654  Four North Country D                           (Out of Print)
          Four North Country Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8655  Four C D Old & New                             (Out of Print)
          Four Country Dances Old and New.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8665  Playford Dances 3.                             (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8666  Playford Dances 4.                             (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8667  Playford Dances 5.                             (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8668  Four Traditional C D                           (Out of Print)
          Four Traditional Country Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8669  Four Traditional C D                           (Out of Print)
          Four Traditional Country Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8670  Four Traditional F D                           (Out of Print)
          Four Traditional Folk Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8671  Three Popular F D                              (Out of Print)
          Three Popular Folk Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8715  EFD Young People 3                             (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dances for Young People, Vol 3.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8716  Five Yorkshire Dales                           (Out of Print)
          Five Yorkshire Dales Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8717  EFD Young People 4                             (Out of Print)
          English Folk Dances for Young People, Vol 4.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8718  4 North Country F D                            (Out of Print)
          Four North Country Folk Dances.
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8719  Four Contra Dances.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1961.

7EG 8859  Community Dances.                              (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1964.

7EG 8865  Community Dances 2.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1964.

7EG 8867  Community Dances 3.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.  1964.

7EG 8915  Community Dances 4.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.

7EG 8916  Community Dances 5.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.

7EG 8972  Four Contra Dances.                            (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.

7EG 8973  Four Contra Dances 2.                          (Out of Print)
          EMI-HMV.  45.

12T 214   Sound of the Cheviots.                         (Out of Print)
          Cheviot Ranters.  Topic.  33.  1972.
          Instructions on jacket.

12TS 222  Cheviot Hills.                                 (Out of Print)
          Cheviot Ranters.  Topic.  33.  1973.
          Instructions on jacket.

12TS 245  Cheviot Barn Dance.                            (Out of Print)
          Cheviot Ranters.  Topic.  33.  1974.
          Instructions on jacket.

1046      Folkraft.
1484      Folkraft.
          Folkraft.  45.