The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-M

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1763.03.04  Portsmouth  CITATION M, A, author of lyric [beg] How hard my lot! and ah! how cruel fate! 
1747.07.02  Bristol  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Brave race of men! who boldly shew'd 
1747.07.28  London  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Brave race of men! who boldly shew'd 
1768.11.03  Boston  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Fiat Justitia, ruat Caelum 
1776.04.16  Baltimore  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] From southern climes the genial spring returns 
1773.08.30  Philadelphia  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Roaring thunder rends the ear, The 
1782.03.02  Philadelphia  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.03.07  Worcester  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Says Satan, to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1771.07.04  New York  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Warm'd by the fire of freedom's sacred flame 
1771.07.26  New London  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Warm'd by the fire of freedom's sacred flame 
1770.12.17  New York  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Ye guardians to Britannia's throne 
1771.01.01  Hartford  CITATION M, author of lyric [beg] Ye guardians to Britannia's throne 
1769.08.10  London  CITATION M-- belov'd, whose sires, with gentle hand [fl] 
1766.12.18  Williamsburg  CITATION M, D, author of lyric [beg] Since all my puns, as some pretend 
1731.05.06  Philadelphia  CITATION M, E, author of lyric [beg] Twas when a gloom my pensive Soul o'er spread 
1783.02.12  New York  CITATION M, E, author of lyric [beg] When ancient Rome, the Empress of the World 
1782.07.27  Jamaica  CITATION M, J, author of lyric [beg] Hark! hear Apollo strikes his lyre! 
1771.01.01  Boston  CITATION M, J, author of lyric [beg] Round Royal George, in triple rows 
1770.12.10  London  CITATION M, J, author of lyric [beg] Round Royal George, in tripple rows 
1755.09.15  Boston  CITATION M, P, author of lyric [beg] While Caelia here each raptur'd lover spies 
1774.05.12  Norwich  CITATION M, R, author of lyric [beg] Sweet robin! from thy liquid throat 
1741.03.17  Boston  CITATION M, S, Mrs, author of lyric [beg] See heaven born Tennent from Mount Sinai 
1780.01.13  Norwich  CITATION M, T, author of lyric [beg] When friendship's sacred sympathies inspire 
1779.08.28  Amelia  CITATION M, W, author of lyric [beg] To thee, brave Washington, these humble lays 
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