The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1773.10.14  New York  CITATION Pasquali, Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1773.10.21  New York  CITATION Pasquali, Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1763.10.31  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1763.11.07  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1763.12.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1763.12.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1763.12.22  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1764.01.12  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1764.01.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Rivington 
1767.11.27  Charleston  CITATION Pasquali: Lessons for Guitar [t], for sale by Wells, Robert 
1767.12.18  Charleston  CITATION Pasquali: Lessons for Guitar [t], for sale by Wells, Robert 
1767.12.25  Charleston  CITATION Pasquali: Lessons for Guitar [t], for sale by Wells, Robert 
1762.08.05  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.09  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.09  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.12  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.16  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.16  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.19  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.26  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.09.02  New York  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.04  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.09.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.10.31  Newport  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.07  Newport  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.14  Newport  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.21  Newport  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering [t], for sale by gentleman 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.06.28  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.05  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.09  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.09  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.12  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.16  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.16  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.19  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.07.23  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: New Art of Fingering the Harpsicord [t], for sale 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.06.25  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.06.28  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.02  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.05  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.09  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.09  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.12  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.16  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.16  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.19  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1764.07.23  Boston  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Learning the Thorough Bass without a Master [t] 
1762.08.05  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for playing Thorough Bass [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.12  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for playing Thorough Bass [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.19  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for playing Thorough Bass [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.26  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for playing Thorough Bass [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.09.02  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for playing Thorough Bass [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.09  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Thorough-bass without master [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.09  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Thorough-bass without master [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.16  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Thorough-bass without master [t], for sale by gentleman 
1762.08.16  New York  CITATION Pasquali: Rules for Thorough-bass without master [t], for sale by gentleman 
1772.09.17  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale at Post Office 
1772.09.24  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale at Post Office 
1764.01.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Hillegas, Michael 
1764.02.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Hillegas, Michael 
1764.03.08  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Hillegas, Michael 
1764.04.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Hillegas, Michael 
1771.08.29  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Purdie and Dixon 
1771.09.05  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali, sonatas, for sale by Purdie and Dixon 
1764.01.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass and Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Hillegas, M 
1764.02.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass and Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Hillegas, M 
1764.03.08  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass and Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Hillegas, M 
1764.04.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass and Art of Fingering [t], for sale by Hillegas, M 
1773.10.14  New York  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass for keyboard, for sale by Rivington, James 
1773.10.21  New York  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass for keyboard, for sale by Rivington, James 
1771.08.29  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Purdie 
1771.09.05  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord [t], for sale by Purdie 
1772.09.17  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass Made Easy [t], for sale at Post Office 
1772.09.24  Williamsburg  CITATION Pasquali: Thorough Bass Made Easy [t], for sale at Post Office 
1763.08.04  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.08.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.09.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.10.31  Newport  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.07  Newport  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.14  Newport  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
1763.11.21  Newport  CITATION Pasquali, thorough bass without a master, rules, for sale by gentleman 
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