The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-TEA

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1769.05.08  Hartford  CITATION Tea! how I tremble at thy fatal stream? [fl] 
1767.04.09  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, benefit theatre in New York 
1767.04.30  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, benefit theatre in New York 
1767.04.09  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to dance Harlequin in Harlequin and the Miller [t] 
1767.04.30  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to dance Harlequin in Harlequin and the Miller [t] 
1767.04.09  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to dance Peasant in Drunken Peasant [t] 
1767.04.30  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to dance Peasant in Drunken Peasant [t] 
1767.05.14  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to play Clown in Harlequin Statue [t] 
1767.04.30  New York  CITATION Tea, Mr, to play Clown in Harlequin's Escape [t] 
1776.09.13  Newburyport  CITATION Tea-Pot and Scrubbing Brush, The [t] [beg] A tawdry tea-pot, a la mode 
1754.02.18  New York  CITATION Tea Pot and the Scrubbing Brush, The [t] [beg] Tawdry teapot, a-la-mode 
1764.03.22  Savannah  CITATION Tea Table Miscellany [t] (Ramsay), for sale by Johnston, James 
1779.01.04  New York  CITATION Tea Table Miscellany [t] (Ramsay), for sale by Macgill, R 
1779.01.11  New York  CITATION Tea Table Miscellany [t] (Ramsay), for sale by Macgill, R 
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