The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1783.01.29  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.01  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.05  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.05  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.12  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.15  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.02.26  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.03.05  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1783.03.12  Philadelphia  CITATION This advertisement is to show [fl] 
1769.08.03  London  CITATION This arm already laid one reptile low [fl] 
1756.06.26  New Haven  CITATION This Bill it is Said Will Certainly Pass [t] [beg] No more shall Britons the 
1773.05.24  Philadelphia  CITATION This bubbling stream, not uninstructive flows [fl] 
1773.04.01  New York  CITATION This bubling stream, not uninstructive flows [fl] 
1773.04.23  New London  CITATION This bubling stream, not uninstructive flows [fl] 
1734.12.05  Annapolis  CITATION This city's lost their pedagogue of art [fl] 
1768.10.31  London  CITATION This coffin is made [fl] 
1768.11.14  London  CITATION This coffin is made [fl] 
1768.11.15  London  CITATION This coffin is made [fl] 
1768.11.17  London  CITATION This coffin is made [fl] 
1779.08.10  Portsmouth  CITATION This damn'd ungen'rous foul rebellion [fl] 
1729.12.29  Paris  CITATION This day the sovereign good [fl] 
1731.07.26  New York  CITATION This day young Mars in wedlock bands was ty'd [fl] 
1752.12.29  Williamsburg  CITATION This earth, the sun, and yonder stars of light [fl] 
1746.04.12  Charleston  CITATION This friendly waistcoat! keeps my body warm [fl] 
1746.04.17  Boston  CITATION This friendly waistcoat! keeps my body warm [fl] 
1746.05.05  New York  CITATION This Friendly waistcoat! keeps my body warm [fl] 
1746.05.20  London  CITATION This friendly waistcoat! keeps my body warm [fl] 
1746.05.22  Philadelphia  CITATION This friendly westcoat! keeps my body warm [fl] 
1762.10.30  Providence  CITATION This George the Third, I hate--detest-- [fl] 
1770.03.02  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.08  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.21  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.22  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.22  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.26  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.26  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.03.30  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1770.04.06  Savannah  CITATION This God is the God we adore [fl] 
1751.03.18  London  CITATION This having done, that hast attain'd the sum [fl] 
1751.05.02  London  CITATION This having done, that hast attain'd the sum [fl] 
1781.09.12  Philadelphia  CITATION This hodge-podge chief, compos'd of all that's base [fl] 
1774.03.16  Newburyport  CITATION This Indian weed now wither'd quite [fl] 
1772.04.30  Chester County  CITATION This instant April the twelfth day [fl] 
1769.09.21  Shropshire  CITATION This is a joyful day indeed! psalm set by clerk day after wife died 
1744.02.20  New York  CITATION This is her character by all allowed [fl] 
1729.04.10  Philadelphia  CITATION This is indeed to be an artist; for 'tis well observed [fl] 
1773.01.07  London  CITATION This is my last will [fl] 
1769.12.07  Stratford  CITATION This is the day, a holiday! a holiday! [fl] 
1765.11.15  Middletown  CITATION This is the d--l, we know full well [fl] 
1781.05.02  Providence  CITATION This is the fast which I will choose [fl] 
1779.04.03  London  CITATION This is the harvest of the venal tribe [fl] 
1771.12.23  London  CITATION This is the state of man; today he puts forth [fl] 
1768.11.21  Boston  CITATION This is to acquaint, all ladies who paint [fl] 
1768.12.09  Boston  CITATION This is to acquaint, all ladies who paint [fl] 
1740.11.06  Philadelphia  CITATION This is true liberty, when free-born men [fl] 
1760.10.04  Charleston  CITATION This lofty theme! this pure ethereal flame! [fl] 
1759.07.12  Philadelphia  CITATION This night a Douglas your protection claims [fl] 
1759.07.12  Philadelphia  CITATION This night a Douglass your protection claims [fl] 
1767.11.12  London  CITATION This night we add some heroes to our store [fl] 
1781.06.20  New York  CITATION This notice gives to all who covet [fl] 
1782.01.05  Jamaica  CITATION This past: --Ah! calm thy cares to rest! [fl] 
1764.04.30  Newport  CITATION This patriot minister, and man I sing [fl] 
1749.11.30  London  CITATION This preacher, silent yet severe [fl] 
1776.03.06  Philadelphia  CITATION This present instant, on the fourteenth day [fl] 
1725.01.04  Boston  CITATION This scene being ended, and the poets gone [fl] 
1739.04.03  Boston  CITATION This sportive race past ages was begun [fl] 
1773.02.11  New York  CITATION This stone is plac'd to guard the sacred dust [fl] 
1734.03.21  Philadelphia  CITATION This town would quickly be reclaim'd [fl] 
1734.03.28  Philadelphia  CITATION This town would quickly be reclaim'd [fl] 
1782.03.07  Fishkill  CITATION This twenty-seventh of November [fl] 
1774.06.28  Hartford  CITATION This wond'rous frame, the earth and sky [fl] 
1782.12.21  Philadelphia  CITATION This work of sentiment refin'd [fl] 
1782.12.28  Philadelphia  CITATION This work of sentiment refin'd [fl] 
1783.01.04  Philadelphia  CITATION This work of sentiment refin'd [fl] 
1783.01.15  Philadelphia  CITATION This work of sentiment refin'd [fl] 
1765.01.04  Portsmouth  CITATION This world is the best that we live in [fl] 
1768.09.19  Hartford  CITATION This world, 'tis true [fl] 
1775.01.05  New York  CITATION This world was never meant a place of stay [fl] 
1776.10.04  Newburyport  CITATION This world's a bubble and the life of man less than a span [fl] 
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