Other rhythms

           32 bars:
      Hoe  AABB            Tennessee Mixer       CCDS      Dances from Appalach

           ? bars:
(132) Hoe    8 min         Square-Appalachian    CCDS 2    Dances from Appal-#2
(138) Hoe   12 min         Square-Appalachian    LP 36     Big Circle Mtn Dance
(140) Hoe   10 min         Running Set           CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance
(140) Hoe   14 min         Square-Appalachian    CCDS      Dances from Appalach
(140) Hoe   10 min         Square-Appalachian    CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance
(145) Hoe   20 min         Square-Appalachian    SR 007    Dance Music:Square +
(149) Hoe    9 min         Running Set           CCDS      Dances from Appalach

           32 bars:
(118) Mix  AABB *4         Up the Sides and Dow- CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
      Mix  AAB- *5         Clarance House        PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw

           36 bars:
      Mix  10,10,B- *5+i   Miss Avril's Delight  NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...

           48 bars:
(112) Mix  AABBCC *4       Circassian Square     BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
      Mix  AABAAB *3       Jenny Pluck Pears     PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
      Mix  AABAAB *3       Jenny Pluck Pears     ARAB 6520 Country Capers
      Mix  AABAAB *3+i     Jenny Pluck Pears     LDX 74690 John Playford

           56 bars:
(111) Mix  AABBCDD *6      Monk's March With th- SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-

           64 bars:
(118) Mix  AABBCCDD *4     Black Boy             NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
      Mix  AABBCCDD *5     Black Boy             Berea Col Favorite F D Tunes
      Mix  AABBCCDD *3     Four Winds            PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw

           32 bars:
(112) R/J  AABB *9         Contra Dances         RP 500    Southerners Plus Two
(116) R/J  AABB *7         Contra Dances         FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(116) R/J  AABB *7         Contra Dances         FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(117) R/J  AABB *7         Circassian Circle II  ED 111    Swinging Children
(120) R/J  AABB *7         Contra Dances         FR 200 A  Kitchen Junket
(120) R/J  AABB *7         Contra Dances         FW 6      Square Dance, Yankee
(122) R/J  AABB *7+i       Sackett's Harbour     FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(125) R/J  AABB *7         Square-New England    FR 201    Maritime Dance Party
      R/J  AABB *6         Circassian Circle II  LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      R/J  AABB *6         Circassian Circle II  7EG 8648  Four Popular Dances
      R/J  AABB *9         Contra Dances         CDS 5     Contra Dances
      R/J  AABA *5         Tom Pate              CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      R/J  AABA *5+i       Tom Pate              7EG 8650  4 Northamptonshire D
      R/J  AABC *5+i       Trip to the Cottage   7EG 8650  4 Northamptonshire D

           48 bars:
(122) R/J  AABBCC *5       Waves of Tory         SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust

           64 bars:
(123) R/J  AABBAABB *3     Cumberland Square Ei- SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
      R/J  AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      R/J  AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- SS 100    Southerners Special
      R/J  AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- 7EG 8455  North Country Dances

           ? bars:
(120) R/J                  Square-New England    FI 2006   Phillipe Bruneau V 2

           32 bars:
(112) Rag  A-B- *5         Long Pond             IC 298    Shaw to Shaw
(113) Rag  AABB *7         Ensign Rag            BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(115) Rag  A-B- *5         Levi Jackson Rag      FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
(120) Rag  AABB *4+i       Toast to Gerry        BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(122) Rag  AABB *5+i       Ali's Allemand        BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(128) Rag  AABB *8         Balance the Star      CCDS      Dances from Appalach
(128) Rag  AABB *7         Balance the Star      CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance
(128) Rag  A-B- *5+i+t     Levi Jackson Rag      FLV  103  Folklore Village
(128) Rag  A-B- *3         Nervous Breakdown     BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(129) Rag  A-B- *5         Levi Jackson Rag      IC 298    Shaw to Shaw
(132) Rag  A-B- *5         Levi Jackson Rag      CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance

           40 bars:
(126) Rag  AABBA *5        Felton Rag            BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1

           24 bars:
      9/8  ABB *3          Pride of Newcastle    PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
      9/8  ABB *3          Pride of Newcastle    NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...

           32 bars:
(132) 9/8  ABCD *8         Virginia Reel         WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At