Rants (reels with rant rhythms)

           16 bars:
(110) Rant AB *5           Durham Reel           CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
      Rant AB *5           Durham Reel           CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Rant AB *5           Durham Reel           7EG 8668  Four Traditional C D

           24 bars:
(109) Rant ABC *6          Triumph (Northumberl- CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(115) Rant ABC *8          Nancy's Fancy         BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
      Rant ABC *7          Nancy's Fancy         7EG 8655  Four C D Old & New
      Rant ABC *7          Triumph (Northumberl- CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Rant ABC *7          Triumph (Northumberl- 7EG 8654  Four North Country D

           32 bars:
( > ) Rant AABB *4+A       Dorset Four-Hand Reel CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
( 95) Rant AABB *6         Rifleman              FRR 011   No Reels
(105) Rant AABB *5         Morpeth Rant          OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(106) Rant AABB *6         Corn Rigs             CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(107) Rant AABB *7         Winster Galop         FRR 011   No Reels
(108) Rant AABB *5         Kennedys' Rant        PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(110) Rant AABB *6         Rifleman              CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(111) Rant AABB *6         Cheviot Rant          CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(111) Rant AABB *7         Drake's Drum          BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(112) Rant AABB *7         Flowers of Edinburgh  BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(112) Rant AABB *6         Reels                 ED 119    Rants & Waltzes
(112) Rant AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- ED 105    Orange & Blue
(113) Rant AABB *6         Corn Rigs             ED 120    L.D. Chiltern Ramble
(113) Rant AABB *4+AB      Goathland Square Eig- CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(113) Rant AABB *5         Jubilee Roundabout    ED 117    L.D. Ranchers
(113) Rant AABB *6         Quaker's Wife         CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
(113) Rant ABAB *8         Reels                 CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(113) Rant AABB *8         Roxburgh Castle       12TS 222  Cheviot Hills
(113) Rant ABCD *5         Wiltshire Tempest     FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
(114) Rant AABB *5         Dorset Ring Dance     CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(114) Rant AABB *7         Morpeth Rant          CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(114) Rant AABB *6         Roxburgh Castle       CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(114) Rant AABB *6         Roxburgh Castle       ED 108    Redwings
(114) Rant AABB *4         Twelve Reel           CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(115) Rant AABB *4+B+i     Dorset Four-Hand Reel SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
(115) Rant AABB *6         Flowers of Edinburgh  ED 117    L.D. Ranchers
(115) Rant AABC *6         Galopede              BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(115) Rant AABB *7         Soldiers' Joy         CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(115) Rant AABB *4         Wiltshire Sixhand Re- BR 2      Barn Dance 2
(115) Rant ABCD *6         Wiltshire Tempest     CDM 3     Dances from CDM 3
(115) Rant AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- BR 2      Barn Dance 2
(116) Rant AABB *4+A       Dorset Four-Hand Reel BR 1      Barn Dance
(116) Rant ABCC *6         Double Lead Through   CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(116) Rant AABB *5         Quaker's Wife         ED 103    Dancing Folk
(116) Rant AABB *6         Soldiers' Joy         BR 1      Barn Dance
(117) Rant AABB *4         Circassian Circle I   OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(117) Rant ABCD *6         Wiltshire Tempest     ED 120    L.D. Chiltern Ramble
(117) Rant AABB *4         Winster Galop         OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(118) Rant AABB *7         Bonny Breastknot (Su- CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(118) Rant AABB *4         George Harrison's Re- OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(119) Rant AABC *6         Dashing White Sergea- BR 1      Barn Dance
(119) Rant AABB *8         Winster Galop         12TS 222  Cheviot Hills
(119) Rant AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(120) Rant AABB *5         Winster Galop         CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(121) Rant AABC *5         Galopede              CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(121) Rant AABB *7         Morden Reel           BR 4      Callers' Choice
(122) Rant AABB *6         Patrick Tobin's Reel  BR 4      Callers' Choice
(124) Rant ABAB *5         Whifflers Reel        BR 4      Callers' Choice
      Rant AABB *7         Bonny Breastknot (Su- 7EG 8653  Waltzes & Hornpipes
      Rant ABAB *4         Buffalo Girls         LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Rant AABB *7         Corn Rigs             7EG 8718  4 North Country F D
      Rant AABB *5         Cumberland Long Eight 7EG 8652  3 Country Dances &
      Rant AABC *6         Dashing White Sergea- 12TS 245  Cheviot Barn Dance
      Rant AABB *4+A       Dorset Four-Hand Reel 7EG 8398  Eng Reels & C D
      Rant AABB *8         Flowers of Edinburgh  CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Rant AABB *8         Flowers of Edinburgh  7EG 8717  EFD Young People 4
      Rant AABC *6         Galopede              CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Rant AABC *6         Galopede              7EG 8715  EFD Young People 3
      Rant AABB *5         Morpeth Rant          7EG 8455  North Country Dances
      Rant AABB *6         Rifleman              CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Rant AABB *6         Rifleman              7EG 8718  4 North Country F D
      Rant AABB *5         Soldiers' Joy         7EG 8455  North Country Dances
      Rant AABB *10        White Cockade         WOF 5     World of Fun
      Rant AABB *3         Wiltshire Sixhand Re- CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Rant AABB *3         Wiltshire Sixhand Re- 7EG 8398  Eng Reels & C D
      Rant AABB *4+B       Wiltshire Sixhand Re- CDS 3     Dances for 2 & 3 C
      Rant AABB *5         Wiltshire Tempest     7EG 8648  Four Popular Dances
      Rant AABB *5         Winster Galop         7EG 8653  Waltzes & Hornpipes
      Rant AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- WOF 5     World of Fun
      Rant AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- EPD 009   Country Dances

           64 bars:
(114) Rant AABBAABB *4     Cumberland Square Ei- OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(119) Rant AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- BR 1      Barn Dance
(119) Rant AABBAABB *4+i   La Russe              BR 1      Barn Dance
(120) Rant AABBAABB *4     Cumberland Square Ei- 12TS 222  Cheviot Hills
(120) Rant AABBAABB *4     La Russe              SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
      Rant AABBAABB *4+i   La Russe              LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Rant AABBAABB *4+i   La Russe              WOF 5     World of Fun
      Rant AABBAABB *4     La Russe              7EG 8455  North Country Dances