Reels (also see rants)

           16 bars:
(104) Reel AB *10          Gay Gordons           FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(105) Reel AB *10          Jamaica               BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(111) Reel AB *12          Amarillis             PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(112) Reel AB *9           Pat-a-Cake Polka      BR 3      EFD Primary School
(115) Reel AB *11          My Lady Cullen        PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(116) Reel AB *10          Gay Gordons           FW 6      Square Dance, Yankee
(116) Reel AB *9+A         Nonesuch              ED 114    Dancing English 1
(117) Reel AB *8           Pat-a-Cake Polka      CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(119) Reel AB *11          Goddesses             BR 3      EFD Primary School
(119) Reel AB *12          Twenty-Ninth of May   PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(122) Reel AB *8+i         Friar and the Nun     PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(122) Reel AB *10+i        Gay Gordons           BR 1      Barn Dance
(122) Reel AB *10+i        Gay Gordons           BR 1      Barn Dance
(125) Reel AB *8           Phoenix               PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(128) Reel AB *12+i        Red River Valley      ED 101    Swing Partners
(129) Reel AB *14          Stoke Golding Countr- CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
      Reel AB *11          Goddesses             CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel AB *11          Goddesses             7EG 8568  EFD Young People 2
      Reel AB *20          Pat-a-Cake Polka      WOF 1     World of Fun
      Reel AB *11          Pat-a-Cake Polka      CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel AB *11          Pat-a-Cake Polka      7EG 8652  3 Country Dances &
      Reel AB *12+i        Red River Valley      LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Reel AB *17          Red River Valley      WOF 1     World of Fun
      Reel AB *14          Stoke Golding Countr- CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Reel AB *14          Stoke Golding Countr- 7EG 8398  Eng Reels & C D

           20 bars:
(103) Reel A,4,C *4        Staines Morris        ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(120) Reel 20 *6           Faithless Nancy Daws- NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...

           24 bars:
( 88) Reel ABC *3          Shepherd's Daughter   BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
( 92) Reel ABB *3          Chestnut              ARAB 6520 Country Capers
( 92) Reel ABB *5          Paddington Street     BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
( 95) Reel ABB *5          Slip                  PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
( 96) Reel ABB *3          Mr Bolton's Fancy     BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
( 97) Reel ABB *3          Chestnut              PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
( 98) Reel 6,6,12 *3       Simple Folk           BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(100) Reel ABB *5          Trusty Dick           FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(110) Reel ABB *6          Waters of Holland     IC 298    Shaw to Shaw
(113) Reel ABB *8          Bashful Swain         LIB 3     New Series
(113) Reel ABB *7          Country Farmer        PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
(114) Reel ABB *8          In the Fields in Fro- SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(114) Reel ABB *6          Waters of Holland     VR 013    Bare Necessities
(115) Reel ABB *3          Kettle Drum           ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(116) Reel ABB *3+i        Kettle Drum           LDX 74690 John Playford
(117) Reel ABB *5          Brighton Camp         BR 3      EFD Primary School
(117) Reel ABC *7          Christchurch Bells    CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(117) Reel ABB *3          Parson's Farewell     LDX 74690 John Playford
(118) Reel ABC *8          Apley House           PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
(118) Reel ABC *6          Maiden Lane           PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(119) Reel ABC *10         Money Musk            FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(120) Reel ABC *5          Lass of Richmond Hill BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(120) Reel ABB *3          Parson's Farewell     PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(121) Reel ABC *7          Apley House           CDS 6     By Popular Demand
(121) Reel ABB *7          Maids' Morris         PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(121) Reel ABB *6          Ribbon Dance          BR 3      EFD Primary School
(122) Reel ABC *3          Maiden Lane           LDX 74690 John Playford
(124) Reel ABC *9          Maiden Lane           VR 013    Bare Necessities
      Reel ABC *7          Apley House           7EG 8667  Playford Dances 5
      Reel ABA *8          Aunt Hessie's White - SS 100    Southerners Special
      Reel ABB *5          Brighton Camp         CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel ABB *5          Brighton Camp         7EG 8533  EFD Young People 1
      Reel ABB *5          Brighton Camp         7EG 8715  EFD Young People 3
      Reel ABA *6          Butterfly             CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel ABA *6          Butterfly             7EG 8717  EFD Young People 4
      Reel ABC *8          Christchurch Bells    CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel ABC *6          Christchurch Bells    WOF 5     World of Fun
      Reel ABC *8          Christchurch Bells    7EG 8717  EFD Young People 4
      Reel ABB *3+i        Parson's Farewell     CDS 3     Dances for 2 & 3 C
      Reel ABB *3          Parson's Farewell     7EG 8667  Playford Dances 5
      Reel ABB *6          Ribbon Dance          CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel ABB *6          Ribbon Dance          7EG 8533  EFD Young People 1
      Reel ABB *5          Spring                PE 205    Next Dance Is ...

           26 bars:
(125) Reel A,18 *5         Trip to Paris         BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
      Reel A,18 *7         Trip to Paris         CDS 1     Longways Country D

           28 bars:
( 88) Reel 6,6,BC *3+i     Young Man's Fancy     BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
( 98) Reel A,10,10 *3      Glory of the West     LDX 74690 John Playford
(120) Reel AB,12 *3        Rufty Tufty           CDS 6     By Popular Demand
(122) Reel A,10,10 *3      Glory of the West     ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(125) Reel AB,12 *3        Rufty Tufty           ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(126) Reel AB,12 *3+i      Rufty Tufty           LDX 74690 John Playford
      Reel AB,12 *3        Rufty Tufty           7EG 8666  Playford Dances 4

           32 bars:
( 85) Reel A,6,6,6,6 *3    Oranges and Lemons    CDS 6     By Popular Demand
( 91) Reel AABB *4         Sicilian Circle       FRR 011   No Reels
( 92) Reel AABB *3+AA      Pat-a-Cake Polka      SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
( 94) Reel ABAB *4         Bonny Breastknot (De- FRR 011   No Reels
( 94) Reel AABC *4         Heswall and West Kir- PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
( 95) Reel A,6,6,6,6 *3    Oranges and Lemons    BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
( 98) Reel AABB *3         Olive's Toy           BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(100) Reel AABB *5         Ton                   FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(101) Reel AABB *6         Soldiers' Joy         FRR 011   No Reels
(101) Reel AABB *5         Youngs Wisdom         FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(102) Reel AABC *3+i       Delia                 BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(103) Reel AABA *5         Caerphilly March      FRR 011   No Reels
(103) Reel ABCD *6         Opera Reel            FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
(103) Reel AABB *3+i       Parthenia             BJ3(cass) For Your Pleasure 2
(104) Reel AABB *6         Bodmin Riding         WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(104) Reel AABB *6         Sharkeys End          WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(105) Reel AABB *3         Capers at Canterbury  KH 3      Kentish Hops 3
(105) Reel AABB *5         Disbanded Officer     FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3
(105) Reel AABB *5         Mount Hills           BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(106) Reel AABB *7         Lady Walpole's Reel   FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
(106) Reel AABB *9         Reels                 CDS 5     Contra Dances
(106) Reel AABB *5         Tunbridge Frisk       FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(108) Reel AABB *6         Fisher's Hornpipe     FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
(108) Reel AABB *5+i       Greenwich Park        BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
(108) Reel AABA *8         La Belle Catherine    CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(108) Reel AABC *5         Primrose Hill         BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(108) Reel AABB *5         Sawney Was Tall       FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3
(108) Reel AABB *3         Suggar Candie         FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3
(108) Reel AABB *7         Vinton's Hornpipe     RP 500    Southerners Plus Two
(109) Reel ABCD *8         Allemand Swiss        CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(110) Reel AABB *5         Alterations           BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(110) Reel AABB *5         Childgrove            ED 104    Playford Party
(110) Reel AABB *4         Cumberland Long Eight CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(110) Reel AABB *5         Dover Pier            KH 1      Kentish Hops 1
(110) Reel AABB *5         Freeford Gardens      BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(110) Reel AABB *7         Indian Queen          CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(110) Reel AABB *3         Loxley Figure Eight   CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(110) Reel AAB- *3         Miss Bedlington's Fa- NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(110) Reel AABB *7         My Lady Winwood's Ma- PLA 3     Eng Dancing Master 3
(110) Reel AABB *3         Newcastle             ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(110) Reel AABB *3+encore  Newcastle             ED 104    Playford Party
(110) Reel AABB *9         Reels                 RP 500    Southerners Plus Two
(110) Reel AABB *5         Skip Sprightly        BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(110) Reel AABB *5         Sprigs of Laurel      BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
(110) Reel AABB *5         Tunbridge Beauties    KH 3      Kentish Hops 3
(111) Reel AABB *5         Bartlett House        PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(111) Reel AAAA *3         Health                PLA 3     Eng Dancing Master 3
(111) Reel AABB *3+A       Herne Bay             KH 1      Kentish Hops 1
(111) Reel AABB *7         On the Way to Fairfi- CCDS 2    Dances from Appal-#2
(111) Reel A-B- *5         Sun Assembly          FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(111) Reel AABB *5         Wright Butter'd Peas  FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(112) Reel AABB *3         Argeers               ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(112) Reel AABB *3         Burghees Hole         BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
(112) Reel AABB *7         Childgrove            CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(112) Reel AABB *8         Flowers of Edinburgh  CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(112) Reel AABB *5         Just a Going          FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3
(112) Reel AABB *7         Ladies Triumph        CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
(112) Reel AABB *3         Touchstone            LIB 1     Apted Country Dance
(113) Reel AABB *3         Anna Maria            WT 004    Beau's Retreat
(113) Reel AABB *3+encore  Burghees Hole         WT 004    Beau's Retreat
(113) Reel AABB *5         Dressed Ship          FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
(113) Reel AABB *7         Knole Park            CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(113) Reel AABB *6         Knole Park            KH 3      Kentish Hops 3
(113) Reel AABB *9         Lady of the Lake      FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(113) Reel AABB *3+i       Merry Andrew          BJ3(cass) For Your Pleasure 2
(113) Reel AABB *3         Newcastle             OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(113) Reel AABA *6         Ploughboy             ED 106    Woolybacks
(113) Reel AABB *5         Sicilian Circle       ED 106    Woolybacks
(113) Reel AABB *6         Trip to Tunbridge     CDS 6     By Popular Demand
(114) Reel ABCD *9         Chorus Jig            CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(114) Reel AABB *7         Fisher's Hornpipe     FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(114) Reel AABB *3         Ploughboy             OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(114) Reel AABB *7         Zephyrs and Flora     CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(115) Reel AABB *5         Basket of Red         CCDS 2    Dances from Appal-#2
(115) Reel AABB *8         Fisher's Hornpipe     CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(115) Reel AABC *6         Gladys's Galop        NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(115) Reel AABB *4+i       Lord of Carnarvon's - BJ3(cass) For Your Pleasure 2
(115) Reel AABB *3         Russian Dance         BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(115) Reel AABB *3         Trip to Orpington     KH 2      Kentish Hops 2
(116) Reel ABCD *8         Chorus Jig            FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(116) Reel AABC *7         Christ-Church Bells - LIB 3     New Series
(116) Reel AABB *4         Flying Scotsman       ED 111    Swinging Children
(116) Reel AABB *7         Hull's Victory        FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(116) Reel AABB *6         Hull's Victory        ED 105    Orange & Blue
(116) Reel AABB *7         Lamplighter's Hornpi- FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(116) Reel AABB *5         Meeting of the Waters FW 6      Square Dance, Yankee
(116) Reel AABB *6         Newcastle             12TS 222  Cheviot Hills
(116) Reel AABB *7         Ormond House          LIB 3     New Series
(116) Reel AABB *9         Petronella            FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(116) Reel AABB *6         Reels                 ED 110    Jigs & Reels
(116) Reel AABB *7         Rose Tree             BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(116) Reel AABB *3         Shropshire Lass       SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(117) Reel AABB *6         Ashton Polka          WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(117) Reel AABB *4         Circassian Circle II  OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(117) Reel AABB *7         College Hornpipe      ED 118    L.D. Orange & Blue
(117) Reel AABB *7+i       Devil's Dream         FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
(117) Reel AABB *3         Errol of the Green    PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(117) Reel AABB *7         Indian Queen          PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
(117) Reel AABB *7         Lady Walpole's Reel   FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(117) Reel AABB *6         Lucky Seven           BR 3      EFD Primary School
(117) Reel AABB *9         Merry Companion       SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(117) Reel AABB *3         Saint Martin's        CDS 8     Step Stately
(117) Reel AABB *4+encore  Twelve Reel           BR 4      Callers' Choice
(118) Reel AABB *3         Adson's Saraband      PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(118) Reel AABB *6         Boston Teaparty       BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(118) Reel AAAA *3         Broom, the Bonny Bon- PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(118) Reel ABAB *6         Jamaica               VR 013    Bare Necessities
(118) Reel AABB *6         Jubilee Reel          BR 4      Callers' Choice
(118) Reel AABB *5         Larry O'Gaff          FW 4      Canterbury Meets F&W
(118) Reel AABB *7         No-Body's Jigg        LIB 3     New Series
(118) Reel AABB *7         Sackett's Harbour     CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(118) Reel AABB *5         Sheep's Hill          CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(118) Reel A-B- *5         Sun Assembly          PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(118) Reel AABB *3         Trip to Tunbridge     KH 1      Kentish Hops 1
(118) Reel AABC *4         Twenty-Five cc.       BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(118) Reel AABB *6         Woodlark              SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(118) Reel AABB *6         Zephyrs and Flora     SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(119) Reel AABB *7         Atlantic Hornpipe     BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(119) Reel AABB *6         Bonny Breastknot (De- ED 105    Orange & Blue
(119) Reel AABB *6         Circassian Circle II  FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
(119) Reel AABB *7         Homosassa Hornpipe    CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
(119) Reel AABC *8         Miss Moore's Rant     CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(119) Reel AABB *7         Oregon Trail          BR 2      Barn Dance 2
(119) Reel AABB *7         Road to Boston        FR 204    New Eng Chestnuts 2
(119) Reel AABB *6         Spanking Jack         ED 118    L.D. Orange & Blue
(119) Reel AABB *6         Tom Pate              BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(120) Reel AABB *6         Beckett's Reel        ED 108    Redwings
(120) Reel AABB *3         Blue Primrose         FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(120) Reel AAB- *5         Long Live London      IC 298    Shaw to Shaw
(120) Reel AABB *6         Miss Sayers' Alleman- SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(120) Reel AAB- *4         Nora's Christmas Box  BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(120) Reel AABB *5         Old Jubilee           FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(120) Reel AABC *5         Rainbow               FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(120) Reel AABB *6         Reel of Ballymore     BR 4      Callers' Choice
(120) Reel AABB *7         Reels                 FW 6      Square Dance, Yankee
(120) Reel AABB *7         Reels                 FR 200 A  Kitchen Junket
(121) Reel AABB *6         Blackwattle Reel      WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(121) Reel AABB *7         Dressed Ship          CDS 6     By Popular Demand
(121) Reel AABB *6         Dutch Kipper          WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(121) Reel AABB *7         East Meets West       CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
(121) Reel AAB- *5         Holborn March         ED 114    Dancing English 1
(121) Reel AABB *7         Jack's Maggot         ED 104    Playford Party
(121) Reel AABB *8         Les Longways          OU 2015   Eng F D, Shand
(121) Reel AABB *7         Mad Robin             CDS 7     Pop Eng C D 17-18C
(121) Reel AABB            Maggie Mixer          CCDS      Dances from Appalach
(121) Reel AABB *6         Miss Sayers' Alleman- CDS 7     Pop Eng C D 17-18C
(121) Reel A-B- *7         Nibs Goes West        BR 4      Callers' Choice
(121) Reel ABCD *7         Opera Reel            FR 203    New Eng Chestnuts 1
(121) Reel ABCD *6+i       Opera Reel            CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(121) Reel AABB *6         Sicilian Circle       BR 3      EFD Primary School
(121) Reel AABB *7+i       Trafalgar Square      BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(122) Reel AABB *7         All the Way to Galway CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(122) Reel AABB *6+i       Bishop                NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(122) Reel AABB *6         Devil's Dream         ED 107    Ranchers Fancy
(122) Reel AABB *7         Lady Walpole's Reel   CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(122) Reel AABB *6         Ploughboy             CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
(122) Reel AABB *7         Reels                 CDM 5     Dances from CDM 5
(122) Reel AABB *7+i       Southsea Crumble      BR 7      Captain's Ceilidh
(122) Reel AABB *3         Trip to Orpington     PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
(123) Reel AABB *3         Argeers               PLA 2     Eng Dancing Master 2
(123) Reel AABB *7         Beckett's Reel        CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(123) Reel AABB *6         Long Odds             NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(123) Reel AABB *7         Midway                CCDS 2    Dances from Appal-#2
(123) Reel AABB *7         Reels                 FR 201    Maritime Dance Party
(123) Reel AABB *7         Trip to Kilburn       VR 013    Bare Necessities
(124) Reel AABB *7         Atlantic Hornpipe     BR 4      Callers' Choice
(124) Reel AABB *7         Bishop                LIB 1     Apted Country Dance
(124) Reel AABB *7         Bishop                ED 115    Dancing English 2
(124) Reel AABB *6         Cottagers             BR 2      Barn Dance 2
(124) Reel AABB *5         Dapper Harry          FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(124) Reel AABB *7         Dressed Ship          LIB 1     Apted Country Dance
(124) Reel AABB *7         Hull's Victory        CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(124) Reel AABB *5         Trip to Wimbleton     FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(125) Reel AABB *7         Alderman's Hat        LIB 1     Apted Country Dance
(125) Reel AABB *7         Devil's Dream         CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(125) Reel AABB *3         Leaving of Liverpool  BJ2(cass) For Your Pleasure 1
(125) Reel AABB *6         Reels                 SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
(125) Reel AABB *7         Timber Salvage Reel   CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(125) Reel AABB *6         Wiltshire Tempest     SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
(126) Reel AABB *7         Big Hill Mixer        CLR 16    McLain,Country Dance
(127) Reel AABB *6         Homosassa Hornpipe    ED 116    L.D. Blue Mtn Band
(127) Reel AABB *7         Road to California    CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(128) Reel AABB *7         Jenny Kilbrides Deli- WLP 010   Not to be Sniffed At
(129) Reel ABAB *6         Bonny Breastknot (De- CDM 2     Dances from CDM 2
(132) Reel AABB *8+i       Devil's Dream         1151      Folkraft
(132) Reel AABB *4         Phoenix Rejuvenated   NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(133) Reel AABB *13+i      Running Set           ED 107    Ranchers Fancy
(136) Reel AABB *9         Digging Dutchman      FLV  103  Folklore Village
      Reel ABCD *4         Alabama Jubilee       FE 022    Evening with Hoghton
      Reel AABB *8         Bishop                7EG 8665  Playford Dances 3
      Reel AABC *5         Brass Nuts            7EG 8716  Five Yorkshire Dales
      Reel AABB *4         Buttered Peas         7EG 8716  Five Yorkshire Dales
      Reel AABB *6         Call of the Pipes     12TS 245  Cheviot Barn Dance
      Reel AABB *5         Childgrove            7EG 8667  Playford Dances 5
      Reel ABCD *5         Chorus Jig            FW 3      Canterbury
      Reel ABAC *5         Circassian Circle II  WOF 5     World of Fun
      Reel ABAB *4+i       Coming Round the Mou- LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Reel AABB *6         Dressed Ship          7EG 8665  Playford Dances 3
      Reel AABB *6         Jack's Maggot         7EG 8599  Playford Dances 2
      Reel AABB *5         Lancashire Reel       FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *5         Les Longways          FE 022    Evening with Hoghton
      Reel AABB *4         Long Odds             FE 022    Evening with Hoghton
      Reel AABB *6         Lucky Seven           CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel AABB *6         Lucky Seven           7EG 8568  EFD Young People 2
      Reel ABCB *4+i       Marching Through Geo- LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Reel AABB *6         Mistwold              FW 5      Mistwold
      Reel AABB *5         Monday Night          FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *4         Newcastle             WOF 5     World of Fun
      Reel AABB *3         Newcastle             CDS 4     Dances for 3 & 4 C
      Reel AABB *3         Newcastle             7EG 8598  Playford Dances 1
      Reel A,6,6,6,6 *3    Oranges and Lemons    7EG 8598  Playford Dances 1
      Reel AABB *6         Oxo Reel              LDS 12    L.D. Country Style
      Reel AABB            Paddy on the Turnpike 1151      Folkraft
      Reel AABB *3         Pat's Tradition       FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *6         Petronella            FW 3      Canterbury
      Reel AABB *4         Phoenix Rejuvenated   PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
      Reel AABB *7         Prince William        FW 3      Canterbury
      Reel AABB *7         Road to California    CLP 3754  English Folk Dances
      Reel AABB *5         Roberts               WOF 3     World of Fun
      Reel AABB *6         Rose Tree             CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel AABB *6         Rose Tree             7EG 8650  4 Northamptonshire D
      Reel AABB *5         Sicilian Circle       FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *6         Sicilian Circle       CLP 3753  EFD Young People
      Reel AABB *6         Sicilian Circle       7EG 8533  EFD Young People 1
      Reel AABB *4         Sprigs of Laurel      FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *3         Sybil's Au Revoir     PE 204    Kenton Ramblers,Shaw
      Reel AABB *6         Three Hand Star       FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *3         Touchstone            PREP 317  Dances from Apted
      Reel AABB *4         Trip to Bavaria       FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABB *4         Yorkshire Square Eig- FE 022    Evening with Hoghton

           36 bars:
( 96) Reel AA,10,10 *3     Liberated Ladies      BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(103) Reel 6,6,12,12 *3    Terpsichore           BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(111) Reel AA,10,10 *3     Maid in the Moon      PLA 4     Eng Dancing Master 4
(112) Reel AA,10,10 *5     Cherry Stones         BJ3(cass) For Your Pleasure 2
(119) Reel AA,10,10 *3     Maid in the Moon      CDS 8     Step Stately

           38 bars:
(102) Reel AA,22 *5        Elverton Grove        BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3

           40 bars:
( 88) Reel AA,12,12 *5     Xanadu                BJ1(cass) Optimistic Dances 1
(100) Reel AA,12,12 *3     Again Sweet Richard   BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(100) Reel AA,12,12 *3     New Princess Royal    FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(103) Reel AA,12,12 *3     Another Sweet Richard FTB1(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 1
(111) Reel AABAB *3        Lord Anson for Ever   WT 004    Beau's Retreat
(112) Reel ABBCC *6        Johnny Fetch Your Wi- ED 108    Redwings
(112) Reel AABAB *3        Lord Anson for Ever   BJ5(cass) For Your Pleasure 3
(113) Reel AABBA *3        Buzzards Bay          PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(114) Reel 6,6,6,6,CC *4!  Gathering Peascods    CDS 9     Juice of Barley
(114) Reel AA,12,12 *8     Sweet Richard         CDIC 1    Amer C D Rev Era
(115) Reel AABBC *3        Saint Andrews Assemb- WT 004    Beau's Retreat
(115) Reel AA,12,12 *3     Shrewsbury Lasses     LIB 1     Apted Country Dance
(115) Reel AA,12,12 *4     Slof Galliard         PE 207    Next Dance Is,Vol 2
(117) Reel ABBAB *5+i      Johnny Fetch Your Wi- CDM 6     Dances from CDM 6
(117) Reel AABCD *7        Mundesse              ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(118) Reel AABBB *4        Holly Berry           BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(119) Reel 6,6,6,6,CC *3   Gathering Peascods    PLA 1     Eng Dancing Master
(119) Reel 6,6,6,6,CC *3   Gathering Peascods    ARAB 6520 Country Capers
(120) Reel AA,12,12 *3     Shrewsbury Lasses     CDS 6     By Popular Demand
(120) Reel AA,12,12 *4     Slof Galliard         NVS C2    Shades of Shaw ...
(125) Reel A-BA- *4        Tavern in the Town    SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
      Reel AABBC *4        Fireman's Dance       WOF 1     World of Fun
      Reel 6,6,6,6,CC *3   Gathering Peascods    7EG 8666  Playford Dances 4
      Reel AA,12,12 *3     Shrewsbury Lasses     7EG 8665  Playford Dances 3
      Reel AABCD *5        Wiltshire Tempest     Berea Col Favorite F D Tunes

           48 bars:
( 92) Reel A-B-B- *3+A-    Measure for Margaret  BJ4(cass) Optimistic Dances 2
(101) Reel AABBCC *6       Twelve Reel           FRR 011   No Reels
(112) Reel AABABA *3       Hop Picker's Feast    KH 2      Kentish Hops 2
(115) Reel AAB-B- *3       Love's Triumph        CDS 8     Step Stately
(118) Reel AABBAB *3       Turn Off Six          BR 5      Eng C D Young Folk
(119) Reel AABBCC *3       Miser's Jewel         WT 004    Beau's Retreat
(120) Reel AABBAB *7       Arkansas Traveller    CDM 4     Dances from CDM 4
(120) Reel AABBCC *8       Willow Tree           FLV 7802  Folklore Village
(130) Reel AABBAB *5       Arkansas Traveller    ED 109    Greensleeves
(136) Reel AAB-B- *4       Barley Reel           ED 101    Swing Partners
      Reel AABBAB *4       Bridge of Athlone     EPD 008   Country Dances
      Reel AABBBB *4       Camptown Races        WOF 1     World of Fun
      Reel AABBAB *4       Ranch House Reel      FE 022    Evening with Hoghton
      Reel AABBAB *4       White Coppice         FE 028    Hoghton Band

           52 bars:
(122) Reel 4,AABBCC *7     Walpole Cottage       CDM 7     Dances from CDM 7
(125) Reel 4,AABBCC *7     Walpole Cottage       ED 116    L.D. Blue Mtn Band

           56 bars:
(115) Reel AAABBCC *5      Thomas and Sally      FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3

           64 bars:
( 96) Reel AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- FRR 011   No Reels
(111) Reel AABBAABB *4+i   La Russe              CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(116) Reel AABBAABB *3     Happy Pair            SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(117) Reel A-B-C-D- *4     Bloomsbury Market     FTB3(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 3
(119) Reel AABBAABB *3     Prince William        CDS 7     Pop Eng C D 17-18C
(119) Reel ABABABAB *4     Yellow Rose of Texas  FE 040    Hoghton Band Plays
(120) Reel A-A-B-B- *3     Guardian Angels       FTB2(cass)From Two Barns,Vol 2
(120) Reel AA,12,12,CDD *6 Huntington's Maggot   SDL 339   Wild Thyme...Fallib-
(121) Reel A-B-B-C- *3+i   Double Quadrille      12TS 222  Cheviot Hills
(122) Reel AABBAABB *6     Free Mason            LIB 2     Apted Country Dan 2
(123) Reel AABBAABB *4+i   Virginia Reel         CDM 1     Dances from CDM 1
(125) Reel A-B-B-C- *5+i   Double Quadrille      BR 2      Barn Dance 2
(126) Reel A-B-B-C- *6     Double Quadrille      SHSP 4073 Kickin' up Sawdust
(126) Reel A-B-B-C- *6+i   Double Quadrille      ED 109    Greensleeves
(131) Reel A-A-B-B- *5     American Husband      IC 298    Shaw to Shaw
      Reel AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- WOF 5     World of Fun
      Reel AABBAABB *2     Cumberland Square Ei- EPD 009   Country Dances
      Reel AABBAABB *4     Dallas Route          FE 028    Hoghton Band
      Reel AABBAABB *6     Free Mason            PREP 317  Dances from Apted

           80 bars:
      Reel A-B-B-C-C- *2+i Double Quadrille      WOF 4     World of Fun

           ? bars:
(111) Reel  irreg          Willow Tree           FRR 011   No Reels
(118) Reel  17 min         Reels                 FI 2006   Phillipe Bruneau V 2
(121) Reel  14 min         Grand March           CCDS      Dances from Appalach
      Reel  irreg          Money Musk            FW 3      Canterbury
      Reel                 Reels                 EPD 010   Country Dances