The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1773.12.23  New York  CITATION It can't be [ ] means sure--Oh la! [fl] 
1736.07.17  Charleston  CITATION It can't be treason in our own defence [fl] 
1735.01.06  London  CITATION It chanc'd, at Dorset pass'd a tavern door [fl] 
1783.08.14  Maryland  CITATION It comes! it comes! the promis'd aera comes! [fl] 
1783.07.08  Baltimore  CITATION It comes! it comes! the promis'd era comes! [fl] 
1783.07.16  Chestertown  CITATION It comes! it comes! the promis'd era comes! [fl] 
1783.07.23  Chestertown  CITATION It comes! it comes! the promis'd era comes! [fl] 
1769.04.20  London  CITATION It doth appear---for upon these taxations [fl] 
1772.05.08  New London  CITATION It gives me ample satisfaction [fl] 
1744.02.16  Philadelphia  CITATION It grieves me much to hear my friend complain [fl] 
1783.12.01  Boston  CITATION It happen'd in a healthful year [fl] 
1774.01.24  Boston  CITATION It happen'd on a summer's holiday [fl] 
1771.07.08  Boston  CITATION It is a dark a threat'ning day [fl] 
1783.03.31  Boston  CITATION It is a dark a threat'ning day [fl] 
1753.01.23  Philadelphia  CITATION It is hewn with strokes of axes [fl] 
1778.07.28  Baltimore  CITATION It is not the force of mortal arm [fl] 
1771.01.29  Salem  CITATION It must be done my soul but it is strange [fl] 
1775.06.10  Williamsburg  CITATION It must be own'd in vain we guard [fl] 
1770.12.13  Boston  CITATION It must be so! M--y, thou reason'st well [fl] 
1782.04.27  Richmond  CITATION It must be so! M--y, thou reason'st well [fl] 
1783.06.12  Fishkill  CITATION It must be so--farewell my native land [fl] 
1747.12.21  New York  CITATION It must be so--Milton thou reason'st well [fl] 
1761.09.11  London  CITATION It must be so--musick, thou charmest well [fl] 
1766.05.23  Boston  CITATION It must be so--my sons, ye reason well! [fl] 
1783.06.27  New York  CITATION It must be so-farewell my native land! [fl] 
1752.02.10  New York  CITATION It must be so---Machiavel reasons well [fl] 
1751.03.04  Charleston  CITATION It must be so--Milton, thou reas'nest well [fl] 
1763.05.02  Newport  CITATION It must be so--Milton, thou reason'd well [fl] 
1751.11.25  London  CITATION It pleases me that Pope unlaurel'd goes [fl] 
1730.08.13  Philadelphia  CITATION It was a most unfriendly part [fl] 
1752.04.09  Annapolis  CITATION It was, as learn'd traditions say [fl] 
1778.11.11  New York  CITATION It was on Mr Percy's land [fl] 
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