The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-STUDENT

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1773.08.09  New York  CITATION Student at King's College, author of lyric [beg] With melting breast 
1773.08.19  New York  CITATION Student at King's College, author of lyric [beg] With melting breast 
1755.10.09  Princeton  CITATION Student at Princeton, author of lyric [beg] There curst Canada's motley 
1779.01.05  New Haven  CITATION Student at Yale, author of lyric [beg] In sable robes the night her curtains 
1757.01.20  Philadelphia  CITATION Student, author of lyric [beg] Alfred, Father of the State 
1781.08.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Student, author of lyric [beg] Since then all knowledge is at best but vain 
1781.11.17  Philadelphia  CITATION Student, author of lyric [beg] Since then all knowledge is at best but vain 
1783.06.19  Edinburgh  CITATION Student, author of lyric [beg] When Britain's Roscius on the stage appears 
1783.07.11  Edinburgh  CITATION Student, author of lyric [beg] When Britain's Roscius on the stage appears 
1783.03.31  New York  CITATION Student, deaf, author of lyric [beg] When Britain's Roscius on the stage 
1754.09.26  Annapolis  CITATION Student of Academy, author of lyric [beg] All gracious heaven, how intricate 
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