Archives: Episode

From the Mic Episode 6 – Sue Hulsether

This episode, we talk with Sue Hulsether, a dance caller, teaching artist, clogger, and musician hailing from Wisconsin. Since 2003, she has travelled from coast to coast to lead dances in dance halls, schools, barns, and community centers. Dancing with thousands of school children each year, her artist-in-residence career has risen out of the skills she gained from over 10 years as an elementary music teacher. Her influence and repertoire is wide, with dancers ranging from preschoolers to octogenarians and she calls squares, contras, circle dances, longways whole-set dances, and play parties.

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From the Mic Episode 5 – Gaye Fifer

…we’re part of creating something that’s unique and unusual where nobody’s worrying about tomorrow or feeling bad about what happened yesterday. We’re just in this experience totally together. I love that feeling. ~ Gaye Fifer Gaye Fifer is an accomplished caller from Pittsburgh, PA. An active dancer herself, Gaye understands the subtleties of making dances particularly…

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From the Mic Episode 4 – Tony Parkes

In this episode Mary interviews Boston based caller Tony Parkes. Tony is an encyclopedia of square and contra dance history, full of vivid recollections of the many mentors and sources of inspiration that have made him the caller, dance leader, and person that he is today. From his beginnings as a 14-year-old stepping up to the mic at Farm and Wilderness Camp to call Golden Slippers, to writing the foundational contra dance calling text which has helped so many callers find their way to the stage, to his most recent publication, in which, to use his words, he “gives away the farm” sharing his square dance repertoire and know-how…Tony Parkes is a gift to us all!

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From the Mic Episode 3 – Sarah VanNorstrand

This episode, Mary talks with Sarah VanNorstrand, who has been calling, organizing and teaching contra, square, and family/community dances for over 15 years. They trace the roots of her connection to traditional music and dance back to her teenage years in Syracuse, and she shares her thoughts about matching dance choreography to music, including what she learned working alongside contra dance super-band Great Bear. Sarah also speaks to the many ways she works as a caller to facilitate a welcoming and fulfilling experience for everyone on the dance floor.

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Contra Pulse Panel – Mentors and Inspirations

In October 2021, Contra Pulse hosted an online panel discussion as a part of the CDSS series common time. In this special event, Julie spoke with four of the contra dance greats – Becky Tracy, Pete Sutherland, Rodney Miller, and Kate Barnes—about who their mentors and inspirations were, and how they’re mentoring and inspiring the next generation of contra musicians. learn how these musicians fell in love with their craft, hear stories from the early days of touring contra bands, and explore what tradition is and how it is (or isn’t) changing today.

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From the Mic Episode 2 – Lisa Greenleaf

I’m a guide and I am the linchpin in the evening…It’s a big responsibility and I love doing it! ~ Lisa Greenleaf Lisa Greenleaf has been calling for many years throughout the USA and internationally for dances, weekends, and weeklong camps. Her specialties include traditional and contemporary contras, fun squares, challenging dances of all shapes…

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Contra Pulse Episode 42 – Bill Tomczak

This episode, Julie sits down with clarinetist, saxophonist, and arranger Bill Tomczak. Bill plays for contra and English country dancing with The Latter Day Lizards, Campaign for Real Time and Fine Companions. Bill and Julie talk about his time studying clarinet at Northwestern University and how he forged his way as a clarinet player in…

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Contra Pulse Episode 41 – Keith Murphy

This episode, Julie speaks with renowned guitarist, pianist, mandolinist, and singer Keith Murphy. In their conversation, Keith explains how his early influences of Scottish music impacted the precision of his rhythmic approach, how Nightingale formed and arranged music, as well as the ways that Keith’s song arranging has changed over the years. We also get to hear about his teaching techniques, honed over many years of teaching Celtic music classes in his home town of Brattleboro Vermont, and much much more. Enjoy!

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From the Mic Episode 1 – Phil Jamison

Welcome to From the Mic! “One night the caller wasn’t there and somebody had to call the dances and I gave it a try…” ~ Phil Jamison In the debut episode of From the Mic we meet Phil Jamison of Asheville, North Carolina. Phil is nationally-known as a dance caller, old-time musician, and flatfoot dancer. He…

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Contra Pulse Episode 40 – Dave Langford

This episode, Dave tells us all about his early years and how his journey as a fiddle player began on a spur of the moment whim. We explore his identity as a New England Style Fiddler, and get to hear Dave demonstrate his unique fiddle strum, and a few beautiful tunes on the guitar. Dave leaves us with a cliffhanger about new developments coming out with his band, Stomp Rocket, so we’ll just have to wait at the edge of our seats to find out. In the meantime, enjoy!

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