The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1766.07.21  London  CITATION From a bear and a bagpipe, a churl and a cat [fl] 
1767.01.03  Providence  CITATION From a bear and a bagpipe, a churl and a cat [fl] 
1781.09.26  Chatham  CITATION From a poet that's proud of his wit and his parts [fl] 
1741.02.19  Philadelphia  CITATION From a small acorn see the oak arise [fl] 
1741.01.26  New York  CITATION From a small acron see the oak arise [fl] 
1736.03.08  Boston  CITATION From a wife of small fortune but yet very proud [fl] 
1761.07.10  Portsmouth  CITATION From Adam downward to this evening knell [fl] 
1770.07.09  Philadelphia  CITATION From all the noise and vanity [fl] 
1782.02.02  New York  CITATION From Arb--h--t, my friends, pray tell me the news [fl] 
1776.01.11  London  CITATION From Boston comes the frighted cow [fl] 
1776.01.12  London  CITATION From Boston comes the frighted cow [fl] 
1776.01.19  London  CITATION From Boston comes the frighted cow [fl] 
1776.01.19  London  CITATION From Boston comes the frighted cow [fl] 
1776.02.10  London  CITATION From Boston comes the frighted cow [fl] 
1783.11.25  London  CITATION From branch to branch the feather'd pair [fl] 
1782.06.05  Philadelphia  CITATION From Britain's fam'd island once more I come over [fl] 
1782.06.12  Chatham  CITATION From Britain's fam'd island once more I come over [fl] 
1782.06.29  Boston  CITATION From Britain's fam'd island once more I come over [fl] 
1740.11.13  Charleston  CITATION From Cadiz to Mahon see Haddock goes [fl] 
1772.11.12  Charleston  CITATION From Charles-Town to Beaufort, our wise men were travell'd [fl] 
1781.10.17  Philadelphia  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round me glow [fl] 
1781.10.25  Fishkill  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round me glow [fl] 
1781.11.05  Philadelphia  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round me glow [fl] 
1781.11.08  Philadelphia  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round me glow [fl] 
1781.11.08  Worcester  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round me glow [fl] 
1781.11.03  Newport  CITATION From clouds of smoke, and flames that round the glow [fl] 
1732.02.19  Charleston  CITATION From courts remote, and Europe's pompous scenes [fl] 
1775.01.20  Salem  CITATION From dark abodes to fair ethereal light [fl] 
1773.08.24  Hartford  CITATION From darksome gloom, and scenes deep plung'd in woe [fl] 
1751.03.07  York  CITATION From dear Chloe, I stole two kisses in play [fl] 
1736.11.04  Philadelphia  CITATION From Delawarian banks, the muses seat [fl] 
1734.06.24  New York  CITATION From distant climes, and desart woods, where no [fl] 
1749.06.29  Philadelphia  CITATION From earth remov'd, in ev'ry virtue warm [fl] 
1770.09.03  Philadelphia  CITATION From earth remov'd, in ev'ry virtue warm [fl] 
1747.08.03  New York  CITATION From envious tales, and idle life refrain [fl] 
1776.02.01  New York  CITATION From ev'ry maker of a rebus [fl] 
1778.05.30  France  CITATION From fair America's insulted coast [fl] 
1734.06.15  Charleston  CITATION From fair Cypria's fane [?] I'm forced away [fl] 
1765.05.02  New York  CITATION From fields of aether, where ambrosial wreaths [fl] 
1774.12.15  New York  CITATION From flatt'ring hopes, by cheerful fancy rais'd [fl] 
1769.07.06  New York  CITATION From flow'r to flow'r as bees industrious rove [fl] 
1765.04.20  Charleston  CITATION From forty-five to sixty-three [fl] 
1743.01.31  Boston  CITATION From Georgia t' Augustine the general goes [fl] 
1743.06.02  Philadelphia  CITATION From hearts devout the tear sincerely falls [fl] 
1783.04.12  Philadelphia  CITATION From heaven descends sweet smiling peace [fl] 
1783.05.03  Boston  CITATION From Heaven descends sweet smiling peace [fl] 
1783.05.16  Philadelphia  CITATION From Heaven descends sweet smiling Peace [fl] 
1783.05.31  Philadelphia  CITATION From heaven descends sweet smiling peace [fl] 
1782.06.08  at sea  CITATION From heav'n behold a charming ray [fl] 
1778.10.03  Philadelphia  CITATION From Lewis, Monsieur Gerard came [fl] 
1763.09.09  Portsmouth  CITATION From life's superfluous cares enlarg'd [fl] 
1775.01.05  Norwich  CITATION From list'ners, spies, th' informer, and the knave [fl] 
1782.07.16  Baltimore  CITATION From London, your honour, to Stratford I'm come [fl] 
1735.06.05  Chester Cty  CITATION From luxury and care, from dear quadril [fl] 
1771.12.17  London  CITATION From Mansfield and his interrogatories [fl] 
1772.01.23  London  CITATION From Mansfield and his interrogatories [fl] 
1768.02.15  Boston  CITATION From mobs discharg'd, each round of villany walkt [fl] 
1769.08.03  Annapolis  CITATION From mossy bow'rs, and rushy fringed cells [fl] 
1755.05.19  London  CITATION From my Lodgings in Spring-Gardens [t] [beg] How shall our pious senate's 
1771.12.31  Hartford  CITATION From nameless outlets--endless naval hosts [fl] 
1775.08.31  New York  CITATION From native skies, when Angels fell [fl] 
1782.06.15  Philadelphia  CITATION From nature, simple, unadorn'd with art [fl] 
1782.06.19  Philadelphia  CITATION From nature, simple, unadorn'd with art [fl] 
1782.06.22  Philadelphia  CITATION From nature, simple, unadorn'd with art [fl] 
1782.06.26  Philadelphia  CITATION From nature, simple, unadorn'd with art [fl] 
1782.07.06  Philadelphia  CITATION From nature, simple, unadorn'd with art [fl] 
1772.11.06  New London  CITATION From noble birth our virtuous hero came [fl] 
1772.12.18  Portsmouth  CITATION From noble birth our virtuous hero came [fl] 
1781.04.04  Chatham  CITATION From noise of camps once more I come [fl] 
1775.03.01  Newburyport  CITATION From North, tho' storm winds may blow [fl] 
1775.02.02  New York  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1775.02.11  Philadelphia  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1775.02.23  Williamsburg  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1776.06.08  Portsmouth  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1776.06.28  New London  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1776.07.11  New York  CITATION From North, tho' stormy winds may blow [fl] 
1775.04.08  Philadelphia  CITATION From orchards of ample extent [fl] 
1775.04.20  Norwich  CITATION From orchards of ample extent [fl] 
1778.06.03  London  CITATION From parliaments venal, who barter our laws [fl] 
1743.08.22  Boston  CITATION From peaceful solitude, and calm retreat [fl] 
1761.04.17  London  CITATION From Peer or Bishop 'tis no easy thing [fl] 
1761.02.20  Portsmouth  CITATION From pole to pole [fl] 
1760.02.22  Portsmouth  CITATION From pole to pole, while echoing fame rebounds [fl] 
1768.07.22  New London  CITATION From Sally to Peggy [t] [beg] Let zealous patriots plead their country's 
1772.08.10  Philadelphia  CITATION From scenes of death, and deep distress [fl] 
1772.08.11  London  CITATION From scenes of death and deep distress [fl] 
1771.11.28  New York  CITATION From scenes of riot, and unmeaning noise [fl] 
1772.02.27  Williamsburg  CITATION From scenes of riot, and unmeaning noise [fl] 
1761.04.03  Germany  CITATION From Scotland's Marshals sprung, a noble line! [fl] 
1775.04.20  Scotland  CITATION From Scottish mountains hid in snow [fl] 
1779.06.21  Boston  CITATION From sea to sea we scan the endless main [fl] 
1779.05.19  Philadelphia  CITATION From sea to sea we sean the endless main [fl] 
1773.04.26  Philadelphia  CITATION From southern climes the genial spring returns [fl] 
1776.04.16  Baltimore  CITATION From southern climes the genial spring returns [fl] 
1768.07.09  Providence  CITATION From stormy winter's cold domain [fl] 
1781.12.26  Chatham  CITATION From the Atlantic shore [fl] 
1782.11.05  Baltimore  CITATION From the bleak regions of the North [fl] 
1782.11.09  Philadelphia  CITATION From the bleak regions of the north [fl] 
1769.01.26  Williamsburg  CITATION From the east [fl] 
1771.05.16  Boston  CITATION From the East Breaks the Morn [t], in concert program 
1771.05.16  Boston  CITATION From the East Breaks the Morn [t], sung in program of benefit concert 
1766.10.10  Williamsburg  CITATION From the East [t] [beg] Hail dulness! hail! thou cloud-compelling power 
1767.01.22  Williamsburg  CITATION From the East [t] [beg] One of the nine, no matter who 
1733.04.09  London  CITATION From the Lions Den in the Tower... [t] [beg] We King of Beasts from lonely 
1772.07.23  Charleston  CITATION From the Mountains [t] [beg] Luxuriant nature here her verdure shoots 
1772.07.13  London  CITATION From the North Briton [t] [beg] Ye ministers! Who every hour 
1769.05.05  New London  CITATION From the North Briton [t] [beg] Ye ministers! who every hour 
1770.12.24  Boston  CITATION From the Prisoners Confined for Debt [t] [beg] Good Christians that do 
1760.06.23  New York  CITATION From the Ranger [t] [beg] I in my rounds the other day 
1782.04.10  Chatham  CITATION From the regions of night, with a head in a sack [fl] 
1782.04.27  Newport  CITATION From the regions of night, with his hand in a sack [fl] 
1782.03.27  Philadelphia  CITATION From the regions of night, with his head in a sack [fl] 
1782.05.06  Boston  CITATION From the regions of night with his head in a sack [fl] 
1782.05.09  Worcester  CITATION From the regions of night, with his head in a sack [fl] 
1769.11.30  Stratford/Avon  CITATION From the rude banks of Golo's rapid flood [fl] 
1769.12.25  Stratford  CITATION From the rude banks of Golo's rapid flood [fl] 
1769.12.30  Stratford  CITATION From the rude banks of Golo's rapid flood [fl] 
1770.01.01  Stratford/Avon  CITATION From the rude banks of Golo's rapid stand [fl] 
1776.10.09  Elk Ridge  CITATION From the True Whig [t] [beg] I honor, and for ev'r will fight 
1767.01.01  Williamsburg  CITATION From these attempts, to all around, to give [fl] 
1774.06.30  New York  CITATION From thirst of rule what dire disasters flow [fl] 
1771.10.03  London  CITATION From this day's vengeance let the nations know [fl] 
1778.08.31  Boston  CITATION From this the muse rich consolation draws [fl] 
1746.08.07  Philadelphia  CITATION From Thomas Clemson ran away [fl] 
1746.08.14  Philadelphia  CITATION From Thomas Clemson ran away [fl] 
1780.04.26  New York  CITATION From those blest realms where joys eternal reign [fl] 
1764.01.07  Providence  CITATION From those blest regions where the sun displays [fl] 
1769.02.20  London  CITATION From those unbounded realms which mortals view [fl] 
1768.04.14  Williamsburg  CITATION From town where nought but spleen, and spite [fl] 
1768.01.18  Litchfield  CITATION From trifle to trifle, this volatile age [fl] 
1768.02.19  Hartford  CITATION From trifle to trifle, this volatile age [fl] 
1746.02.03  New York  CITATION From unnat'ral rebellion, that dierful curse [fl] 
1746.02.06  Boston  CITATION From unnatural rebellion, that direful curse [fl] 
1769.04.13  New York  CITATION From virtue first began [fl] 
1768.04.14  Fredericksburg  CITATION From whence proceeds the short reciprocating breath [fl] 
1768.04.21  Fredericksburg  CITATION From whence proceeds the short reciprocating breath [fl] 
1760.12.25  New York  CITATION From yonder beauteous realms of light [fl] 
1763.12.24  Providence  CITATION From yonder beauteous realms of light [fl] 
1770.12.25  Charleston  CITATION From yonder beauteous realms of light [fl] 
1736.07.31  Charleston  CITATION From your own taste don't judge another's gou'st [fl] 
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