The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-YOUNG

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1774.05.30  Charleston  CITATION Young American in London [t], performed in Charleston 
1772.12.10  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] And great may be our gain, if this be great 
1765.03.14  New York  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Beneath what baleful planet, in what hour 
1771.06.27  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Death treads in pleasure's footsteps round the 
1771.10.03  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] From this day's vengeance let the nations know 
1780.10.11  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] God gives us friends to bless the present scene 
1761.05.15  Kittery  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] He mourns the dead, who lives as they desire 
1771.06.27  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Heaven gives the needful, but neglected call 
1773.08.30  New York  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] In hopes of glory to be quite involv'd! 
1768.05.16  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Much more fair than nice 
1770.11.08  New York  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] O lost to virtue, lost to manly thought 
1780.06.03  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] O! why the complaints of poor mortals so grievo 
1757.02.21  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Trade's the source, sinew, soul of all 
1757.03.10  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Trade's the source, sinew, soul of all 
1756.04.12  Boston  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] What arm can want, or sinnows, or success 
1782.01.19  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] What taught these heroes of the moral world? 
1761.06.19  London  CITATION Young, author of lyric [beg] Who sings the source 
1765.07.18  Wellwyn  CITATION Young, author of Night Thoughts [t], The Brothers [t], death reported 
1765.07.26  Wellwyn  CITATION Young, author of Night Thoughts [t], The Brothers [t], death reported 
1764.03.22  New York  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], for sale by Holt, John 
1783.04.30  Maryland  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], in Chester, performed at Washington College 
1783.05.03  Maryland  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], in Chester, performed at Washington College 
1783.07.04  Chester  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in Chester 
1783.04.25  Chester  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in Chester by students 
1783.04.30  Chestertown  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in Chestertown, by graduates 
1783.07.16  Chestertown  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in Chestertown, by graduates 
1783.07.16  Chestertown  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in Chestertown, by graduates 
1765.07.29  London  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in London 
1765.07.18  Wellwyn  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in London, benefit for SPG 
1765.07.26  Wellwyn  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], performed in London, benefit for SPG 
1754.03.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], profits given to Society for Propagating Gospel 
1766.01.31  Hartford  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], source of lyric [beg] He's cautious, Sir, he's a 
1783.06.07  Maryland  CITATION Young: Brothers, The [t], in Chester, performed at Washington College 
1783.05.01  Chester  CITATION Young: Brothers [t], to be performed in Chester 
1774.07.28  Charleston  CITATION Young: Busiris, King of Egypt [t], proposed play for theatre benefit 
1764.03.22  New York  CITATION Young: Busirus King of Egypt [t], for sale by Holt, John 
1778.02.10  Philadelphia  CITATION Young Chloe's as gay as the spring [fl] 
1763.12.31  Providence  CITATION Young, Dr, author of lyric [beg] Happiest of mortals he, who timely wise 
1765.07.29  London  CITATION Young, Dr, author of Night Thoughts [t], death reported 
1774.09.28  Flanders  CITATION Young, Dr, captured by enemy while reading tragedies of Eschylus 
1736.10.18  New York  CITATION Young, Dr, imitated in lyric [beg] Criticks avaunt! Tobacco is my theme; 
1765.08.02  London  CITATION Young, Dr, interred, author of Night Thoughts [t], Brothers [t] 
1738.10.12  New York  CITATION Young Filander [t], ballad ordered from Ireland 
1738.11.24  New York  CITATION Young Filander [t], ballad ordered from Ireland 
1775.10.17  Baltimore  CITATION Young Florimel, of gentle race [fl] 
1781.12.07  New York  CITATION Young, Francis, sells guitar 
1771.02.23  Providence  CITATION Young gentleman, author of lyric [beg] Friendship, that source of bliss 
1734.06.24  London  CITATION Young gentleman, author of lyric [beg] Maturely weigh, how dreadful is the 
1732.12.21  Newport  CITATION Young gentleman, author of lyric [beg] My anxious hours roll heavily away 
1767.03.12  Islington  CITATION Young Gentleman, author of lyric [beg] So many orators on heads declaim 
1737.08.26  Williamsburg  CITATION Young gentleman, author of lyric [beg] Sweetness and strength in Silvia's 
1731.12.13  Boston  CITATION Young gentleman, author of lyric [beg] Whilst Celia sings, let not intruding 
1736.12.17  England  CITATION Young gentleman of Army, author of lyric [beg] Youth, cry'd the muse, whose 
1764.12.29  London  CITATION Young Hodge, a poor but a contented swain [fl] 
1767.05.14  Williamsburg  CITATION Young, in lyric [beg] When David mov'd the ark alone 
1778.04.07  Baltimore  CITATION Young, James, sells harpsichord, black walnut 
1773.04.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, James, sells prayer books with psalms 
1769.07.03  London  CITATION Young Jockey is the lad [t], in lyric [beg] Now Venus in Vaux-Hall her altar 
1772.08.22  Philadelphia  CITATION Young Jockey [t], to be sung by Smith, Mr, in concert 
1772.08.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Young Jockey [t], to be sung by Smith, Mr, in concert 
1779.06.17  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells concert music, Warburton's Shakespeare, English drama [t] 
1779.06.22  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells concert music, Warburton's Shakespeare, English drama [t] 
1779.07.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells concert music, Warburton's Shakespeare, English drama [t] 
1776.12.23  New York  CITATION Young, John, sells guitar, lady's, with stop keys 
1776.12.30  New York  CITATION Young, John, sells guitar, lady's, with stop keys 
1779.04.22  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells music 
1779.04.27  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells music 
1779.05.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells music 
1779.05.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, John, sells music 
1767.11.16  Boston  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.11.19  Boston  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.11.20  New London  CITATION Young Ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.11.26  New York  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.11.27  Boston  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.12.03  Philadelphia  CITATION Young Ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1767.12.24  Williamsburg  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1782.02.23  Richmond  CITATION Young ladies in town, and those that live round [fl] 
1771.01.01  Hartford  CITATION Young Lady Answered, The [t] [beg] How happy is a womans fate 
1768.12.15  Williamsburg  CITATION Young Lady's Complaint... [t] [beg] Since other shed the briny tear 
1750.11.12  Boston  CITATION Young Lady's Reasons for Taking Snuff... [t] [beg] When strong perfumes and 
1775.03.09  Norfolk  CITATION Young Lady's Soliloquy, A [t] [beg] Blest dilemm' awaits my virgin choice 
1739.04.03  Boston  CITATION Young man, author of lyric [beg] I R---t D----d ----y bound to sea 
1769.09.14  London  CITATION Young Man Taught Wisdom, title of farce in political metaphor 
1769.09.20  London  CITATION Young Man Taught Wisdom, title of farce in political metaphor 
1769.09.04  London  CITATION Young Man Taught Wisdom [t], to be performed, play as metaphor of politics 
1773.08.19  Boston  CITATION Young man who in office keeps, A [fl] 
1783.05.17  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Bebee, Nathan 
1783.05.31  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Bebee, Nathan 
1783.06.07  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Bebee, Nathan 
1783.02.22  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Beebe, Nathan 
1783.03.01  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Beebe, Nathan 
1783.03.08  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Beebe, Nathan 
1783.03.15  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Beebe, Nathan 
1783.05.03  Newport  CITATION Young Man's Best Companion [t], for sale by Beebe, Nathan 
1783.10.30  Bennington  CITATION Young Man's Wish, The [t] [beg] Free from the bustle noise and strife 
1767.12.14  New York  CITATION Young master, to play Duke of York in King Richard III [t] 
1767.12.14  New York  CITATION Young master, to play Duke of York in King Richard III [t] 
1758.04.29  London  CITATION Young, Miss, singer at Drury Lane Theatre, married nobleman's son 
1724.12.22  London  CITATION Young, Mr, musician, president of new concert series established in London 
1775.11.24  London  CITATION Young, officer of Drury Lane, in metaphor of war between theatres 
1770.08.23  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, Peter, makes instruments, stringed 
1771.07.18  Williamsburg  CITATION Young, plays, for sale at Post Office 
1771.07.25  Williamsburg  CITATION Young, plays, for sale at Post Office 
1762.08.05  New York  CITATION Young, plays, for sale by Rivington, James 
1762.08.12  New York  CITATION Young, plays, for sale by Rivington, James 
1762.08.19  New York  CITATION Young, plays, for sale by Rivington, James 
1774.04.26  London  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], cited in essay on Franklin 
1774.04.27  London  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], cited in report on Franklin's activities 
1764.03.22  New York  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], for sale by Holt, John 
1769.06.05  New York  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], to be performed in New York 
1769.06.05  New York  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], to be performed in New York 
1767.06.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1760.06.12  Upper Marlboro  CITATION Young: Revenge [t], to be performed in Upper Marlboro 
1770.08.27  Boston  CITATION Young, T, author of lyric [beg] If I am right, thy grace impart 
1779.06.12  Accomack Cty  CITATION Young, William, owner of runaway Negro named Isaac who plays violin 
1779.06.26  Accomack Cty  CITATION Young, William, owner of runaway Negro named Isaac who plays violin 
1779.10.27  Accomack  CITATION Young, William, owner of runaway Negro named Isaiah who plays fiddle 
1779.11.03  Accomack  CITATION Young, William, owner of runaway Negro named Isaiah who plays fiddle 
1779.11.10  Accomack  CITATION Young, William, owner of runaway Negro named Isaiah who plays fiddle 
1781.07.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, works, for sale by Sparhawk, John 
1781.08.08  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, works, for sale by Sparhawk, John 
1781.08.29  Philadelphia  CITATION Young, works, for sale by Sparhawk, John 
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