The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1779.06.10  Providence  CITATION Robinson, John, Fife major, American deserter 
1772.03.05  Winchester  CITATION Robinson, John, runaway servant, dancer 
1734.07.01  London  CITATION Robinson, Miss, dancer at Drury-Lane Theatre, is married 
1734.06.17  London  CITATION Robinson, Miss, dancer of Drury Lane Theatre, married gentleman 
1734.07.04  London  CITATION Robinson, Miss, dancer of Drury Lane Theatre, married gentleman 
1782.03.19  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, played Belvidera in Venice Preserv'd [t], review 
1782.02.19  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, taken ill, Beaux Stratagem [t] deferred 
1782.09.24  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Alicia in Jane Shore [t] 
1783.05.16  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Anna in Douglas [t] 
1782.10.08  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Anna in Douglass [t] 
1782.05.14  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Arate in King Lear [t] 
1782.05.28  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Belinda in All in the Wrong [t] 
1782.03.05  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Belvidera in Venice Preserv'd [t] 
1782.05.28  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Charlotte in Apprentice [t] 
1782.11.19  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Charlotte Rusport in West Indian [t] 
1782.11.26  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Desdemona in Othello [t] 
1782.05.07  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Dorcas in Thomas and Sally [t] 
1783.01.21  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Erixene in Grecian Daughter [t] 
1782.04.09  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Flora in Wonder [t] 
1783.01.28  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Isalinda in Busy Body [t] 
1782.11.19  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Juliet in Romeo and Juliet [t] 
1782.11.19  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Lady Bab's maid in High Life Below Stairs [t] 
1782.12.03  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Lady Blanch in King John [t] 
1782.12.31  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Lady Lurewell in Constant Couple [t] 
1783.01.14  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Lucia in Cato [t] 
1782.11.26  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Melinda in Recruiting Officer [t] 
1782.12.10  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Miss Ann Lovely in Bold Stroke for a Wife! [t] 
1782.04.23  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Miss Hardcastle in She Stoops to Conquer [t] 
1782.09.24  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Mrs Bruin in Mayor of Garrat [t] 
1782.10.08  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Mrs Bruin in Mayor of Garrat [t] 
1783.01.21  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Mrs Bruin in Mayor of Garratt [t] 
1782.09.04  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Palmira in Mahomet [t] 
1782.09.07  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Palmira in Mahomet [t] 
1782.09.03  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Palmira in Mahomet, the Imposter [t] 
1782.09.10  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Palmira in Mahomet, the Imposter [t] 
1782.10.01  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Palmira in Mahomet, the Imposter [t] 
1782.05.28  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Selima in Tamerlane the Great! [t] 
1782.06.04  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Selima in Tamerlane the Great! [t] 
1783.01.14  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Witch in Witches [t] 
1782.04.16  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Zara in Zara [t] 
1782.12.17  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Zelinda in Romance of an Hour [t] 
1782.12.24  Baltimore  CITATION Robinson, Mrs, to play Zelinda in Romance of an Hour [t] 
1732.06.22  North Edisto  CITATION Robinson, murderer, described himself as a dancing master 
1732.07.03  North Edisto  CITATION Robinson, murderer, described himself as a dancing master 
1732.06.19  North Edisto  CITATION Robinson, professed dancing master from Cape Fear, wanted for murder 
1779.05.24  Easton  CITATION Robinson, Stephen, drummer, American deserter 
1779.05.31  Easton  CITATION Robinson, Stephen, drummer, American deserter 
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