The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1737.09.13  Boston  CITATION While all around to your attentive eyes [fl] 
1783.02.10  Boston  CITATION While all was hush profoundly calm [fl] 
1759.04.02  London  CITATION While at the helm of state you ride [fl] 
1767.11.23  Philadelphia  CITATION While autumn, gliding o'er the leafy plain [fl] 
1767.11.26  Philadelphia  CITATION While autumn, gliding o'er the leafy plain [fl] 
1767.11.26  Philadelphia  CITATION While autumn, gliding o'er the leafy plain [fl] 
1737.11.18  Williamsburg  CITATION While awful cannon with tremendous roar [fl] 
1767.09.17  London  CITATION While Bacchus and Momus together unite [fl] 
1776.02.01  New York  CITATION While base, ambitious minds contend [fl] 
1774.09.01  Norfolk  CITATION While beauty and pleasure are now in their prime [fl] 
1774.10.13  Williamsburg  CITATION While beauty and pleasure are now in their prime [fl] 
1738.07.06  Charleston  CITATION While boundless ambition and turbulent care [fl] 
1750.12.13  London  CITATION While Britain complains of neutrality broke [fl] 
1750.12.17  London  CITATION While Britain complains of neutrality broke [fl] 
1751.01.07  London  CITATION While Britain complains of neutrality broke [fl] 
1751.01.15  London  CITATION While Britain complains of neutrality broke [fl] 
1777.01.11  Providence  CITATION While Britain's arms triumphant trophies boast [fl] 
1738.11.28  Boston  CITATION While Briton's Pilot steer'd with gentle gales [fl] 
1755.09.15  Boston  CITATION While Caelia here each raptur'd lover spies [fl] 
1774.03.03  Williamsburg  CITATION While cannon roar to hail thee, bonefires blaze [fl] 
1775.08.02  Philadelphia  CITATION While civil wars distract this happy land [fl] 
1775.08.19  Williamsburg  CITATION While civil wars distract this happy land [fl] 
1731.03.01  Boston  CITATION While common levers common subjects choose [fl] 
1734.03.02  Cambridge  CITATION While conscious Auro curls the dimpled tyde [fl] 
1737.07.08  Williamsburg  CITATION While curious Chloe covets whisper'd news [fl] 
1780.12.12  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1780.12.19  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1780.12.26  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.01.09  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.01.16  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.01.23  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.02.06  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.02.13  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.03.08  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.03.15  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.03.29  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.04.05  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1781.04.19  Plainfield  CITATION While education bears her gentle sway [fl] 
1774.11.03  Boston  CITATION While Europe lay absorb'd in darkest night [fl] 
1738.05.09  London  CITATION While ev'ry heart bemoans the widow'd lands [fl] 
1768.11.10  New York  CITATION While ev'ry heart unites to curse the man [fl] 
1768.11.05  Providence  CITATION While ev'ry truly English breast [fl] 
1755.03.27  New York  CITATION While faction lifts her impious hand [fl] 
1729.01.13  Boston  CITATION While fair Belinda's various strains conspire [fl] 
1768.06.09  Philadelphia  CITATION While fam'd Bucephalus recorded lives [fl] 
1774.05.12  New York  CITATION While fawning sycophants the nine implore [fl] 
1774.05.26  Norwich  CITATION While fawning sycophants the nine implore [fl] 
1757.12.22  Philadelphia  CITATION While fickle fortune turns the wheel [fl] 
1758.01.16  Boston  CITATION While fickle fortune turns the wheel [fl] 
1758.01.27  Portsmouth  CITATION While fickle fortune turns the wheel [fl] 
1781.04.25  Philadelphia  CITATION While free from force the press remains [fl] 
1781.05.28  Philadelphia  CITATION While free from force the press remains [fl] 
1781.06.06  Trenton  CITATION While free from force the press remains [fl] 
1782.04.24  Chatham  CITATION While free from force the press remains [fl] 
1783.01.04  Philadelphia  CITATION While free from force the press remains [fl] 
1775.06.12  Philadelphia  CITATION While freedom's daughters all their aid afford [fl] 
1775.06.13  Philadelphia  CITATION While Freedom's daughters all their aid afford [fl] 
1775.06.24  Williamsburg  CITATION While freedom's daughters all their aid afford [fl] 
1775.06.28  Philadelphia  CITATION While Freedom's daughter's all their aid afford [fl] 
1782.04.06  Richmond  CITATION While freedom's sons triumphant shine in arms [fl] 
1769.08.17  New York  CITATION While gazing crowds with curious eyes [fl] 
1769.09.01  New London  CITATION While gazing crowds with curious eyes [fl] 
1734.04.04  Charleston  CITATION While generous Oglethorpe's unwearied paid [fl] 
1733.07.16  Charleston  CITATION While generous Oglethorpe's unwearied pain [fl] 
1733.02.10  Charleston  CITATION While generous O--g--p's unwearied pain [fl] 
1774.04.07  New York  CITATION While gen'rous hearts, who much your worth approve [fl] 
1741.03.26  London  CITATION While George provok'e to vengence arms [fl] 
1739.03.09  London  CITATION While grim death is looking for us [fl] 
1751.06.18  Boston  CITATION While grov'ling bards presume to sing [fl] 
1770.05.03  New York  CITATION While hackney'd pens fair freedom's cause assail [fl] 
1770.07.17  Charleston  CITATION While hackney'd pens fair freedom's cause assail [fl] 
1746.02.24  Boston  CITATION While heav'n with judgments arm'd its threat'ning hand [fl] 
1773.01.09  Philadelphia  CITATION While I, remov'd from noise and show [fl] 
1744.07.16  Boston  CITATION While in his country's cause brave Cornwall fights [fl] 
1744.08.09  Philadelphia  CITATION While in his country's cause brave Cornwall fights [fl] 
1721.10.16  Boston  CITATION While in Jehovah's courts I trembling stand [fl] 
1766.10.06  Charleston  CITATION While knaves and fools, in deep debate [fl] 
1766.12.04  New York  CITATION While knaves and fools, in deep debate [fl] 
1767.08.18  Charleston  CITATION While knaves and fools, in deep debate [fl] 
1767.09.12  Providence  CITATION While knaves and fools, in deep debate [fl] 
1780.06.01  Worcester  CITATION While Liberty displays her comely charms [fl] 
1780.06.08  Worcester  CITATION While Liberty displays her comely charms [fl] 
1780.06.15  Worcester  CITATION While Liberty displays her comely charms [fl] 
1781.08.08  Philadelphia  CITATION While little malice vents its rage [fl] 
1762.02.04  Annapolis  CITATION While loftier bards in sweeter numbers, raise [fl] 
1777.11.27  Philadelphia  CITATION While London beaus to Hornsey Lane [fl] 
1744.10.01  New York  CITATION While Louis' Numbers fill the News [fl] 
1744.10.11  Boston  CITATION While Louis' numbers fill the news [fl] 
1781.03.24  England  CITATION While many a servile miss her succour leads [fl] 
1781.06.04  Boston  CITATION While many a servile muse her succour lends [fl] 
1781.10.17  Philadelphia  CITATION While many a servile muse her succour lends [fl] 
1737.01.31  London  CITATION While Mapp to th' actors shew'd a kind regard [fl] 
1737.02.25  London  CITATION While Mapp to th' actors shew'd a kind regard [fl] 
1737.03.01  London  CITATION While Mapp to th' actors shew'd a kind regard [fl] 
1766.01.23  Philadelphia  CITATION While mazy error draws mankind astray [fl] 
1783.03.10  Boston  CITATION While M---r and E---y through the town [fl] 
1761.04.24  Princeton  CITATION While nation die, by mutual wounds [fl] 
1780.02.16  Philadelphia  CITATION While nature reclin'd on the bosom of May [fl] 
1780.03.13  Boston  CITATION While Nature reclin'd on the bosom of May [fl] 
1780.03.30  Philadelphia  CITATION While Nature reclined on the bosom of May [fl] 
1771.12.23  Boston  CITATION While night in solemn shade invest the pole [fl] 
1771.01.17  Williamsburg  CITATION While night in solemn shade invests the pole [fl] 
1771.02.21  New York  CITATION While night in solemn shade invests the pole [fl] 
1775.10.26  Williamsburg  CITATION While o'er thee, Bowdoin, all my grief I pour [fl] 
1746.02.11  Edinburgh  CITATION While on Edina's Fate intent [fl] 
1769.08.14  New York  CITATION While on forbidden fruit I gaze [fl] 
1734.02.26  Philadelphia  CITATION While other bards of Grecian heroes treat [fl] 
1768.03.03  Philadelphia  CITATION While others boast the happy art [fl] 
1766.12.25  New York  CITATION While others some proud mortal praise [fl] 
1770.03.08  Charleston  CITATION While Pallas and Phoebus, in grand council sat [fl] 
1781.06.27  Charleston  CITATION While Peers and Commons head the riot [fl] 
1768.09.22  Philadelphia  CITATION While Phyllis, with ambitious views [fl] 
1768.11.04  New London  CITATION While Phyllis, with ambitious views [fl] 
1770.06.08  New London  CITATION While Phyllis with ambitious views [fl] 
1771.01.08  London  CITATION While pining anguish, wild despair [fl] 
1775.10.09  London  CITATION While pleasure reigns unrival'd on this shore [fl] 
1775.10.14  New York  CITATION While pleasure reigns unrival'd on this shore [fl] 
1775.10.28  Providence  CITATION While pleasure reigns unrival'd on this shore [fl] 
1768.03.24  Williamsburg  CITATION While poets tune their monthly lays [fl] 
1743.06.02  London  CITATION While P----y, seeking lost repose [fl] 
1760.01.21  Boston  CITATION While raptur'd bards from ev'ry corner spring [fl] 
1766.06.17  Charleston  CITATION While ratling cannons thunder in our ears [fl] 
1766.06.20  Charleston  CITATION While rattling cannon thunder in our ears [fl] 
1777.12.11  Nansemond  CITATION While rebel sons with ruffian hand [fl] 
1736.02.16  Boston  CITATION While ripening slow, the future purpose lay [fl] 
1748.09.01  Philadelphia  CITATION While scarce a day but fresh alarms [fl] 
1781.10.25  Peekskill  CITATION While scenes of transport, every breast inspire [fl] 
1781.11.03  Peekskill  CITATION While scenes of transport, every breast inspire [fl] 
1781.11.05  Boston  CITATION While scenes of transport, every breast inspire [fl] 
1781.11.08  Peekskill  CITATION While scenes of transport, every breast inspire [fl] 
1781.11.08  Worcester  CITATION While scenes of transport, every breast inspire [fl] 
1737.11.17  London  CITATION While secret-leaguing nations frown around [fl] 
1737.12.15  London  CITATION While secret-leaguing nations frown around [fl] 
1775.12.14  New York  CITATION While selfish knaves, to virtue's dictates blind [fl] 
1734.10.21  Boston  CITATION While Sir in merry mood you choose [fl] 
1769.09.04  Boston  CITATION While sleeping fast beside wife Jane [fl] 
1773.02.04  Boston  CITATION While some in pleasure's flow'ry lap repose [fl] 
1773.02.12  Portsmouth  CITATION While some in pleasure's flow'ry lap repose [fl] 
1766.04.07  Boston  CITATION While some in politics are deep immers'd [fl] 
1773.04.05  Boston  CITATION While some this stage of action quit [fl] 
1771.09.23  New York  CITATION While suppliant crouds in grateful zeal contend [fl] 
1771.05.09  Williamsburg  CITATION While the bottle to humour, and social delight [fl] 
1771.06.27  New York  CITATION While the bottle to humour, and social delight [fl] 
1765.02.07  Philadelphia  CITATION While the fierce winter rages all around [fl] 
1738.05.15  Jamaica  CITATION While the long silence of your friend you blame [fl] 
1741.01.26  New York  CITATION While thirst of fame and dreadful war's alarms [fl] 
1741.02.19  Philadelphia  CITATION While thirst of fame and dreadful war's alarms [fl] 
1773.06.24  New York  CITATION While this gay toy attracts thy sight [fl] 
1773.07.16  New London  CITATION While this gay toy attracts thy sight [fl] 
1773.07.27  Hartford  CITATION While this gay toy attracts thy sight [fl] 
1752.01.30  Williamsburg  CITATION While thro' life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1767.10.29  New York  CITATION While thro' life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1768.04.29  New London  CITATION While thro' life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1770.03.27  Charleston  CITATION While thro' life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1776.01.25  New York  CITATION While thro' life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1779.12.27  Boston  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1779.12.30  Providence  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1780.01.01  Boston  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1780.02.16  Trenton  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1780.02.22  Norwich  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1780.02.28  New Jersey  CITATION While thro' the drear of frost and snow [fl] 
1776.02.17  Williamsburg  CITATION While through life's thorny road I go [fl] 
1783.07.09  Philadelphia  CITATION While thy glad country with accordant voice [fl] 
1783.08.01  Baltimore  CITATION While thy glad country with accordant voice [fl] 
1774.04.21  Williamsburg  CITATION While truth, or innocence, shall be thy guide [fl] 
1770.11.12  London  CITATION While Turks and Russians, fierce in arms [fl] 
1770.12.03  London  CITATION While Turks and Russians, fierce in arms [fl] 
1770.12.07  London  CITATION While Turks and Russians, fierce in arms [fl] 
1776.10.07  Norwich  CITATION While tyrants lift their impious hands [fl] 
1768.02.08  Hartford  CITATION While urg'd by warm & youthful blood [fl] 
1767.12.31  New York  CITATION While urg'd by warm and youthful blood [fl] 
1767.11.06  London  CITATION While ven'son we eat, and claret we drink [fl] 
1778.10.17  Boston  CITATION While virtue crown'd fair Albion's throne [fl] 
1741.02.09  Boston  CITATION While vulgar days steal unregarded by [fl] 
1782.08.09  New London  CITATION While we are fighting our malicious foe [fl] 
1782.08.26  Boston  CITATION While we are fighting our malicious foe [fl] 
1770.09.18  London  CITATION While with zeal for your welfare I ardently burn [fl] 
1770.10.05  London  CITATION While with zeal for your welfare I ardently burn [fl] 
1769.09.22  New London  CITATION While wondring nations in amaze [fl] 
1769.10.05  New York  CITATION While won'dring nations in amaze [fl] 
1768.01.04  Hartford  CITATION While worshippers in pagan lands [fl] 
1744.10.08  Boston  CITATION While you are boldly set in truth's defence [fl] 
1763.03.24  Philadelphia  CITATION While you, dear Hal, are forc'd to roam [fl] 
1770.10.26  Portsmouth  CITATION While you enjoy best solitude repose [fl] 
1770.10.09  Hartford  CITATION While you enjoy blest solitudes repose [fl] 
1782.07.11  Fishkill  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.15  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.16  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.18  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.18  Philadelphia  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.18  Philadelphia  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.20  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.20  Philadelphia  CITATION While you, great George, for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.22  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.23  Springfield  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.07.25  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1782.08.07  London  CITATION While you great George for knowledge hunt [fl] 
1775.06.01  Williamsburg  CITATION While you, my fair one, thus lament [fl] 
1770.03.29  Jamaica  CITATION While you, my friend, in perfect ease [fl] 
1777.03.06  Newport  CITATION While you, my Lord! with wealth and titles blest [fl] 
1772.06.11  Williamsburg  CITATION While youthful splendour lighten'd in my eyes [fl] 
1751.06.24  Boston  CITATION While zephyr softly waves his wings [fl] 
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