The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-YOU

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1779.02.17  Philadelphia  CITATION You are, sir, sent to make a galland shew [fl] 
1779.03.01  Poughkeepsie  CITATION You are, Sir, sent to make a gallant shew [fl] 
1779.04.03  Philadelphia  CITATION You are, Sir, sent to make a gallant shew [fl] 
1779.05.01  Providence  CITATION You are, sir, sent to make a gallant shew [fl] 
1730.08.11  Boston  CITATION You ask, Dear Friend, that I resume the lyre [fl] 
1760.02.29  Boston  CITATION You ask, if the thing to my choice were submitted [fl] 
1760.04.28  New York  CITATION You ask, if the thing to my choice were submitted [fl] 
1761.04.11  New Haven  CITATION You ask, if the thing to my choice were submitted [fl] 
1768.09.05  London  CITATION You ask me, dear Jack, for an emblem that's rife [fl] 
1768.09.30  London  CITATION You ask me, dear Jack, for an emblem that's rife [fl] 
1768.10.06  Williamsburg  CITATION You ask me, dear Jack, for an emblem that's rife [fl] 
1770.05.01  Charleston  CITATION You ask, was I to change my life [fl] 
1770.09.14  New London  CITATION You ask, was I to change my life [fl] 
1783.08.15  New York  CITATION You bid me my jovial companions forsake [fl] 
1748.12.27  London  CITATION You bid me tell you what I crave [fl] 
1749.03.09  Boston  CITATION You bid me tell you what I crave [fl] 
1750.03.05  Charleston  CITATION You bid me tell you what I crave [fl] 
1772.02.27  Boston  CITATION You, by suspicion are a rogue! [fl] 
1772.03.10  Boston  CITATION You, by suspicion, are a rogue! [fl] 
1758.04.17  New York  CITATION You came, you saw, you overcame [fl] 
1758.05.05  Portsmouth  CITATION You came, you saw, you overcome [fl] 
1750.06.18  London  CITATION You cay, old Rufus's fabric trembl'd [fl] 
1782.05.07  Charleston  CITATION You Crysal, boast of birth divine [fl] 
1751.09.30  New York  CITATION You do swear by custom of confession [fl] 
1751.10.17  London  CITATION You do swear by custom of confession [fl] 
1749.03.28  Exeter  CITATION You fain would be inform'd---you say [fl] 
1776.03.02  Philadelphia  CITATION You have read, my dear Madam, of wonderful sights [fl] 
1779.11.27  Boston  CITATION You hear the poor, and see their need [fl] 
1773.05.06  Williamsburg  CITATION You I love, my dearest life [fl] 
1773.06.07  Philadelphia  CITATION You I love, my dearest life [fl] 
1773.07.08  Boston  CITATION You I love, my dearest life [fl] 
1781.10.17  New York  CITATION You know there goes a tale [fl] 
1781.11.05  New York  CITATION You know there goes a tale [fl] 
1781.11.21  London  CITATION You know there goes a tale [fl] 
1782.02.02  New York  CITATION You know there goes a tale [fl] 
1733.02.24  Charleston  CITATION You know where you did despise [fl] 
1773.12.16  Williamsburg  CITATION You look, my son, in a distemper'd sort [fl] 
1777.12.29  Boston  CITATION You said sir on a late occasion [fl] 
1750.06.07  Boston  CITATION You say, old Rufus' fabric trembl'd [fl] 
1765.09.30  Boston  CITATION You say the ministery are young: tis truth [fl] 
1765.09.23  Boston  CITATION You say the ministry is young: 'tis truth [fl] 
1765.02.08  Portsmouth  CITATION You see, cruel fair one! I've found out at last [fl] 
1778.04.14  Hartford  CITATION You see mankind the same in ever age! [fl] 
1778.03.31  Portsmouth  CITATION You see mankind the same in every age [fl] 
1778.04.16  Worcester  CITATION You see Mankind the same in every age! [fl] 
1778.04.30  Boston  CITATION You see mankind the same in every age! [fl] 
1783.05.29  London  CITATION You see me rise to speak as usual [fl] 
1783.06.19  London  CITATION You see me rise to speak as usual [fl] 
1783.07.03  London  CITATION You see me rise to speak as usual [fl] 
1768.02.19  Dunmow  CITATION You shall swear by the custom of your confession [fl] 
1768.04.22  London  CITATION You shall swear by the custom of your confession [fl] 
1772.06.25  Annapolis  CITATION You shun me, Chloe, like the fawn [fl] 
1770.03.26  Boston  CITATION You simple Bostonians, I'd have you beware [fl] 
1770.03.30  New London  CITATION You simple Bostonians, I'd have you beware [fl] 
1770.04.12  Boston  CITATION You simple Bostonians, I'd have you beware [fl] 
1774.10.25  Salem  CITATION You sons of freedom smile! [fl] 
1737.01.31  London  CITATION You surgeons of London, who puzzle your pates [fl] 
1737.01.31  London  CITATION You surgeons of London, who puzzle your pates [fl] 
1737.02.25  London  CITATION You surgeons of London, who puzzle your pates [fl] 
1737.03.01  London  CITATION You surgeons of London, who puzzle your pates [fl] 
1756.11.01  Boston  CITATION You tell me, the nation is all in a flame [fl] 
1756.11.13  New Haven  CITATION You tell me the nation is all in a flame [fl] 
1773.08.26  Boston  CITATION You that subscrib'd the last edition [fl] 
1781.08.08  Chatham  CITATION You think, like Orpheus, you excell [fl] 
1767.04.07  Charleston  CITATION You, Thomas, sells German, common flutes, violoncello, bassoons, fiddles... 
1767.04.14  Charleston  CITATION You, Thomas, sells German, common flutes, violoncello, bassoons, fiddles... 
1767.04.21  Charleston  CITATION You, Thomas, sells German, common flutes, violoncello, bassoons, fiddles... 
1767.04.28  Charleston  CITATION You, Thomas, sells German, common flutes, violoncello, bassoons, fiddles... 
1767.05.05  Charleston  CITATION You, Thomas, sells German, common flutes, violoncello, bassoons, fiddles... 
1739.03.26  London  CITATION You told me of a female pair [fl] 
1739.04.09  London  CITATION You told me of a female pair [fl] 
1770.01.25  Boston  CITATION You vile pack of vagabonds, what do you mean? [fl] 
1770.02.08  Boston  CITATION You vile pack of vagabonds, what do you mean? [fl] 
1771.06.06  London  CITATION You vile pack of vagabonds, what do you mean? [t], song in satirical program 
1781.07.14  London  CITATION You who attentive read th'historic page [fl] 
1773.01.28  Williamsburg  CITATION You who can feel another's woe [fl] 
1774.10.20  Salem  CITATION You, who can read, no doubt remember [fl] 
1774.11.03  Williamsburg  CITATION You who can read no doubt remember [fl] 
1729.06.26  Philadelphia  CITATION You who in London youthful passions fir'd [fl] 
1773.01.07  Boston  CITATION You will, dear sir, excuse an unknown friend [fl] 
1767.06.29  London  CITATION You will excuse me, I suppose [fl] 
1782.01.03  Annapolis  CITATION You would have tho't the very windows spoke [fl] 
1782.01.07  Annapolis  CITATION You would have tho't the very windows spoke [fl] 
1781.11.29  Philadelphia  CITATION You would have thought the very windows spoke [fl] 
1782.01.03  Annapolis  CITATION You would have thought the very windows spoke [fl] 
1779.04.20  Portsmouth  CITATION You! -write blank verse? Heav'ns; 'tis scarce prose! [fl] 
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