We connect and support people in building and sustaining vibrant communities through participatory dance, music, and song. We steward the living traditions of English country dance, contra and square dance, morris and sword dance, and the music that is an integral part of these traditions. Learn more
Giving to dance, music, and song creates healing through togetherness.
Donate to our fall appeal by December 31
Help us reach our goal of 400 donors!
Total raised so far towards our goal of $140,000!
What’s New
- Winter 2021 CDSS News
The Winter 2021 CDSS News is now available! Learn about Ignatius Sancho, a country dance composer who started life on a slave ship; dance the Pandemic Waltz; get some tips for weathering the winter together; and remember that “Songs Stay Sung.” Plus much more!
- 2022 Lifetime Contribution Award Recipient: Ed Stern
The Country Dance & Song Society is proud to announce that Ed Stern of Minneapolis, MN, is the 2022 recipient of the CDSS Lifetime Contribution Award.
In our history, CDSS has…
bestowed 34 Lifetime Contribution Awards
sold well over 50,000 morris bells
published 121 hours of podcasts
fostered 110 years of tradition
In the past year, CDSS has…
awarded 20 grants for local communities and special projects
added 7 resources for callers and organizers
published over 700 calendar events
hosted over 1,174 campers
Upcoming Community Events