Becoming a CDSS Member connects you to a continent-wide network of groups, individuals, and families who believe that singing, dancing, and making music together enriches our lives, builds community, and speaks to the needs of the present.

With your support, CDSS fosters the growth and strength of traditional dance, music, and song in North America. Together, we can make it happen!

Already a member? Renew here.

  • Classic Membership

    Pay your membership dues for one year. We remind you when it’s time to renew. Rinse and repeat!

    Individual: $25-50/year
    Family: $35-75/year
    Donor: $100-5,000/year

    Join now!

  • Classic with Auto-renew

    Join or renew now. Next year, you’ll be charged automatically. You won’t have to renew again unless your card info changes or you’d like to change your membership level.

    Individual: $25-50/year
    Family: $35-75/year
    Donor: $100-5,000/year

    Join now!

  • Circle of Friends

    Pay your membership dues with an automatic monthly gift to CDSS. Your membership will be active right away. You won’t need to renew again unless your card info changes or you’d like to change the amount of your gift.


    Join now!

Member Benefits

Most CDSS resources are accessible to everyone. In recognition of members’ crucial role supporting our mission, we offer additional services and benefits for members only, including:

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