We connect and support people in building and sustaining vibrant communities through participatory dance, music, and song. We steward the living traditions of English country dance, contra and square dance, morris and sword dance, and the music that is an integral part of these traditions. Learn more
Giving to dance, music, and song creates healing through togetherness.
Thanks to all who contributed to our 2024 fall appeal
Number of donors toward our goal of 400!
Total raised so far toward our goal of $140,000!
What’s New
- New in the Store!
Rapper Sword Dance in America, by Rhett Krause, details the 110-year history of rapper in the US, with details of the movements, music, stepping, and major influences, along with how the dance has evolved differently in America than in the UK. All proceeds from this book benefit the Anthony Barrand Research & Stewardship Fund, which provides financial support to the next generation of song and dance researchers.
- Updated History of CDSS
Check out the new and improved History page, tracing the story of CDSS from the early 20th century to the present.
- Diverse Roots of Traditions and Harms Perpetrated
We’ve added a new article from the CDSS Cultural Equity History Working Group on the hidden history of Black and Indigenous Americans in our dance and song traditions.
- Annual Report Now Available
The 2023 CDSS Annual Report is now available! Take a look back at our progress last year.
- From the Mic Episode 26: George Marshall
This episode of From the Mic features George Marshall. George says: “My philosophy as a caller is that I would like to be the enzyme in the reaction between the music and the dancers—help them interact with each other, like the glue that keeps them together.”
- From the Mic Episode 25: Maia McCormick
This episode of From the Mic features Maia McCormick. Maia says: “Calling feels like a puzzle to solve and a skill to build, and something that can be constantly honed. I’m never going to be done developing as a caller.”
In our history, CDSS has…
fostered 110 years of tradition
sold well over 50,000 morris bells
bestowed 34 Lifetime Contribution Awards
published 121 hours of podcasts
In the past year, CDSS has…
published over 700 calendar events
added 7 resources for callers and organizers
awarded 20 grants for local communities and special projects
hosted over 1,174 campers
Upcoming Community Events