Our geographically diverse board is listed below. Correspondence for them may be sent to office@cdss.org. Click each board member’s name or photo to learn more about their involvement with the community.
Board Members-at-large
Jenna Barron
Easthampton, MA
2027Margaret Bary
Brooklyn, NY
2027Jeremy Carter-Gordon
Concord, MA
2025Wendy Clarke
The Plains, VA
2027Susan English
Wooster, OH
2025Norman Farrell
Ridgefield, WA
2025Sandy Knudson
Norman, OK
2027Glenn Manuel
Richardson, TX
2026Robbin Marcus
Stonecrest, GA
2025Craig Meltzner
Santa Rosa, CA
2025Justin Morrison
Richmond, VT
2026Marni Rachmiel
Seattle, WA
2026Diane Silver
Asheville, NC
2025Juliette Webb
Nashville, TN
2025 Nominees
Board Committees and Task Groups
Executive Committee
- David Smukler (President)
- Luanne Stiles (Vice President)
- Joel Bluestein (Treasurer)
- Michael Wood (Treasurer-elect)
- Michael Bean (Secretary)
- Margaret Bary
- Susan English
- Robbin Marcus
- Marni Rachmiel
- Diane Silver
- Juliette Webb
Awards Committee
- Craig Meltzner (chair)
- Margaret Bary
- Robbin Marcus
- Emily Addison**
- Leslie Gotfrit**
- Brian Lindsay**
- Eric Schedler**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Board Tech Management Committee
- Glenn Manuel (chair)
- Michael Bean
- Justin Morrison
- Joel Bluestein
- Marni Rachmiel
- Diane Silver
- David Smukler (ex officio)
Cultural Equity Committee
- Margaret Bary
- Chris Bracken**
- Jacob Chen**
- Norman Farrell
- Clover Johnson**
- Marni Rachmiel
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Finance / Audit Committee
- Joel Bluestein (chair)
- Michael Wood (Treasurer-elect)
- Jenna Barron
- Norman Farrell
- Ben Rotenberg**
- Jerry Stein**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Fund Development Committee
- Jenna Barron (chair)
- Sandy Knudson
- Luanne Stiles
- Michael Wood
- Audrey Jaber*
- Charmaine Slaven*
- Caroline Barnes**
- Marguerite Durant**
- Gaye Fifer**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Governance Committee
- Luanne Stiles (chair)
- Michael Wood
- Wendy Clarke
- Norman Farrell
- Glenn Manuel
- Marni Rachmiel
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
New Board Training
(Sub-Committee of GovCom)
- Luanne Stiles (co-chair)
- Juliette Webb (co-chair)
- Sandy Knudson
Nominating Committee
- Juliette Webb (chair)
- Wendy Clarke (observer)
- Robbin Marcus
- Craig Meltzner
- Brooke Friendly**
- Wendy Graham**
- Lisa Greenleaf**
Personnel Committee
- Luanne Stiles (chair)
- Justin Morrison
- Marni Rachmiel
- Wendy Clarke
- David Smukler (ex officio)
Pinewoods Inc. Relations Committee
(Nominates people to the PCI Board)
- Margaret Bary (chair)
- Laura Parsons—CDSS Rep to PCI**
- Justin Morrison
- Dan Blim**
- Natty Smith**
- Micah Walter**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
CDSS Reps on the PCI Board
(Community members who serve as CDSS reps on the PCI board)
- Gillian Stewart (Vice-President)
- Sonya Kaufman (Secretary)
- Alex Ellis
- John Lam
- Margie Landa
- Harris Lapiroff
- Jo Rasi
- Laura Parsons
- Marney Morrison
- Michal Warshow
Membership Model Task Group
- Jenna Barron
- Joel Bluestein
- Jeremy Carter-Gordon
- Susan English
- Audrey Jaber*
- Avia Moore**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Online Programming Task Group
- Sandy Knudson (chair)
- Michael Bean
- Wendy Clarke
- Justin Morrison
- Diane Silver
- Joanna Reiner-Wilkinson*
- Alice Kenney**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
Affiliate Outreach Task Group
- Luanne Stiles
- Jeremy Carter-Gordon
- Susan English
- Norman Farrell
- Glenn Manuel
- Gaye Fifer**
- David Smukler (ex officio)
- Katy German (ex officio)*
* = CDSS staff member
** = community (non-board) member