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Monday Night Dance
Laurel Theater 1538 Laurel Ave, Knoxville, TN, United StatesContra Dance to live music every Monday in the beautiful, historic Laurel Theater. We have a short newcomer session beginning at 7:00 with the dance beginning at 7:30. Everyone is welcome! $10 Adults / $5 Students
Monday Evening English Country Dance in Baltimore
Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD, United StatesAll are welcome to join us for an evening of English country dance with live music. All dances talked and walked through. Easy parking, air conditioning, and fans. Snacks are encouraged for the break! Please register online at our website.
Symmetry ECD Tuesdays
ONLINESymmetry began with a group of friends offering online ECD during the pandemic, and we see no reason to stop now! In addition to weekly Sunday dances with caller Sharon Spangler, Symmetry's Tuesday dances feature a variety of callers, a mix of faces from the U.K. and the U.S. The dances are slightly adapted for […]
English Country Dance Classes in Pasadena
Skandia Lodge & Hall 2031 E Villa St., Pasadena, CA, United StatesWhether you are brand new or LOVE this style of dancing, Tuesday nights in Pasadena is where you learn the skills to dance with elegance and ease! It’s a great mid-week pick-me-up with dance friends old and new. We dance on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesday of the month. Pay $10 at the door, […]
Bloomington Contra Dance
Harmony School 909 East 2nd Street, Bloomington, IN, United StatesPlease see our home page for the latest information. Entrance fee: by sliding scale donation, with a suggested range from $3 to $20. Striving Toward Safe Space Policy: We hope to create a dance in which everyone feels safe and welcome. Please take a moment to review our policy on respect and consent. Membership: Membership […]
Richmond, VA English Country Dance
Belmont Recreation Center 1600 Hilliard Road, Henrico, VA, United StatesPlease join us for our weekly English Country Dancing Wednesday night social at 7:30 p.m. All dances are taught, walked through, and called. No experience or partner are required, just a pair of comfortable shoes. New dancers are asked to please come at at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. The first […]
Baltimore Folk Music Society Wednesday Contra Dance
Lovely Lane Church 2200 Saint Paul St, Baltimore, MD, United StatesThe Baltimore Folk Music Society presents Contra Dancing on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m., in the hall at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church. Gender-free calling No partner? No problem. New dancer lesson every week at 7:30pm Live music from local, regional, and national bands Admission $10 for members and affiliates (FSGW, […]
Princeton Country Dancers’ Contra Dance
Suzanne Patterson Center 1 Monument Dr, Princeton, NJ, United StatesWeekly contra dance on Wednesday nights, 8:00-10:30.
Cleveland Thursday English Country Dance
Forest Hill Church Presbyterian 3031 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH, United StatesCome join us every Thursday afternoon for English Country Dancing. Combination of live and recorded music, in an air-conditioned hall.
Indy English Country Dance
Joy of All Who Sorrow 1516 North Delaware St, Indianapolis, IN, United StatesCalling by Alice Smith-Goeke at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church, 1516 N Delaware St (enter via 16th Street parking lot entrance). Suggested donation $5 per adult. Recorded music may be used. Additional events the first Thursday of each month in 2025 at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church.
Symmetry ECD First Thursday Dance
ONLINESymmetry began with a group of friends offering online ECD during the pandemic, and we see no reason to stop now! In addition to weekly Sunday dances with caller Sharon Spangler, and Tuesday dances with a variety of U.K. and U.S. callers, Symmetry also offers a monthly evening dance on the first Thursday. Current caller […]