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Lava Meltdown Contra Dance Weekend
Lava Senior Center & Community Center 150 N Center Street, Lava Hot SpringsBrownsville English Country Dance
Brownsville Town Hall 22 Brownsville-Hartland Rd, West WindsorCapital English Country Dancers
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany (Albany UU) 405 Washington Ave., AlbanyConcord NH 1st Sunday English Country Dance series
Howard Recreation Center, Hugh Gallen State Office Park Kent Street, ConcordHouston Area Traditional Dance Society 1st Sunday English Country Dance
Dauntless Dance Studio 3221 Houston Ave, HoustonBalfolk Dance – Mardi Gras Bal Masqué
Polish American Citizens Club 46 South Main St, South DeerfieldEnglish Country Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Tapestry Folkdance Center 3748 Minnehaha Avenue, MinneapolisGainesville Florida English Country Dance
United Church of Gainesville 1624 NW 5th Ave, GainesvilleThe Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance
The Ivy Building at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 9 Genevieve Circle, AshevilleMonday Evening English Country Dance in Baltimore
Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter 6112 York Rd, BaltimoreTECDA Tuesday Evening English Country Dance
Willowdale Presbyterian Church 38 Ellerslie Ave., North YorkBACDS Peninsula English Country Dance
All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St, Palo AltoWilliamsburg (VA) Tuesday Night English Dance
Newport House Bed & Breakfast 710 South Henry Street, WilliamsburgAsheville Wednesday Evening English Country Dance
Harvest House Community Center 205 Kenilworth Rd., AshevilleBaltimore Folk Music Society Wednesday Contra Dance
Lovely Lane Church 2200 Saint Paul St, BaltimoreFolklore Society of Greater Washington (FSGW) English Country Dance
Glen Echo Town Hall 6106 Harvard Ave., Glen EchoCleveland Thursday English Country Dance
Forest Hill Church Presbyterian 3031 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland HeightsContra Dance! Sue Rosen with Eileen O’Grady, Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin, and Donal Sheets
Concord Scout House 74 Walden St., ConcordFlying Shoes First Friday Community Dance & Contra Dance
First Church in Belfast, UCC 8 Court Street, BelfastScissortail Contra Dance in Norman, OK
First Baptist Church of Norman - Family Life Center 211 W Comanche St, NormanFriday Contra Dance, Nashville TN
Second Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall 3511 Belmont Blvd., NashvillePortland Country Dance Community Friday Night English Dance
Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall 8936 SW 17th Ave, PortlandInternational Folkdance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Tapestry Folkdance Center 3748 Minnehaha Avenue, MinneapolisFirst Friday Mostly Waltz at Guiding Star Grange
Guiding Star Grange 401 Chapman St, GreenfieldNorth Alabama Country Dance Society – NACDS Contra Dance
Faith Presbyterian Church 5300 Whitesburg Dr., HuntsvillePortland Country Dance Community 2nd Saturdays Contra Dance
Fulton Park (L'Etoile French Immersion School) 68 SW Miles St, PortlandSacramento (CA) Contra Dance, 2nd and 4th Saturdays
Coloma Community Center 4623 T St., SacramentoScissortail Contra Dance in Oklahoma City
First Unitarian Church Oklahoma City - Daniel Hall 600 Northwest 13th Street, Oklahoma CityNorth Alabama Country Dance Society – Contra Dance
Faith Presbyterian Church 5300 Whitesburg Dr., HuntsvillePrinceton Country Dancers’ English Country Dance
Suzanne Patterson Center 1 Monument Dr, Princeton2nd Saturday English Country Dance in Dallas
Apex Dance and Performing Arts 5706 Mockingbird Lane, Ste. 240, DallasSpace Coast Contra Dance
Walter Butler Community Center 4201 N. Cocoa Blvd (Highway U.S. 1), CocoaSecond Saturday TopHill Music Contradance Party at Guiding Star Grange
Guiding Star Grange 401 Chapman St, GreenfieldContra Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Tapestry Folkdance Center 3748 Minnehaha Avenue, MinneapolisWeek of Events
Lava Meltdown Contra Dance Weekend
Lava Meltdown Contra Dance Weekend
Situated between Salt Lake City, Utah and Yellowstone National Park, Lava Hot Springs is a great choice among Idaho resorts and Utah resorts for relaxing activities and fun adventures. This Idaho resort town treats you to beautiful scenery with many types of lodging. It is a peaceful community where you can unwind with your family and […]
Palmetto Bug Stomp!
Palmetto Bug Stomp!
ContraForce and Playing with Fyre! Diane Silver and Cis Hinkle! ENT Sound Productions, LLC Charleston Folk - Charleston, SC Registration opens October 1, 2024
Sun Assembly Spring DanceFest
Sun Assembly Spring DanceFest
Join us March 8-9, 2025 for a weekend of English Country Dancing led by Jenna Simpson! Live music will be provided by our wonderful local musicians Mara Shea, Julie Gorka, Dean Herington, Joey O'Donnell, Walt Robinson, and friends. The weekend consists of two Saturday workshops followed by an evening dance party. On Sunday, there will […]
Brownsville English Country Dance
Brownsville English Country Dance
The winter series of ECD runs on the first Sundays for the winter – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, & May. This dance welcomes all levels of dancers, from first-time dancers to experienced dancers. An introduction or review will be held if needed at 12:45. Caller: Jill Delaney Musicians: Carol Compton, piano; Thal Aylward, violin Cost […]
Contra Dance
Contra Dance
Contra Dance in Colorado Springs, CO with live music. Beginner's lesson at start of session. $10 adults; $5 students; children under 13 free with a paying adult.
Capital English Country Dancers
Capital English Country Dancers
Monthly English country dances, first Sunday of the month October–May. Live music, all dances taught; beginners, singles, and couples are welcome. Beginner workshop at 1:30 PM, dance at 2 PM. Regular Dances: $15, $12 CECD Members (Membership: $15) Ice Cream Sunday: $17, $14 CECD Members (includes ice cream sundaes), Season Ticket: $88
Roseville CA First Sunday English Country Dance
Roseville CA First Sunday English Country Dance
English Country Dance at the Masonic Lodge, 235 Vernon St., Roseville! Check our website for the most current information.
Symmetry ECD Sundays
Symmetry ECD Sundays
Symmetry began with a group of friends offering online ECD during the pandemic, and we see no reason to stop now! Join caller Sharon Spangler each Sunday at 2pm Eastern for an hour-long program of dances. The dances are modified to fit the zoom format and work well for one or two dancers. A "pin […]
Celtic Tea Social
Celtic Tea Social
The month of March is made for wishing upon lucky four leaf clovers, along with listening and dancing to joyous Irish and Scottish tunes! Join us for our Celtic Tea Social, a long-time favorite in our community of dancers. This is an engaging event featuring an afternoon of historical dances designed for both beginners and […]
Rochester Sunday Afternoon English
Concord NH 1st Sunday English Country Dance series
Concord NH 1st Sunday English Country Dance series
Monthly English Country dances by the NH English Country Dance Society Introduction to English dance basics at 2:30 Dance to live music from 3 to 6
Houston Area Traditional Dance Society 1st Sunday English Country Dance
Houston Area Traditional Dance Society 1st Sunday English Country Dance
HATDS ECD meets most 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. All levels are welcomed at the 1st and 3rd Sundays. 5th Sunday dances are usually, but not always, for experienced dancers. The schedule sometimes changes, so check our event calendar before coming.
Monterey Contra Dance
Monterey Contra Dance
Monterey Country Dance Community holds contra dances most first Sundays and third Saturdays, unless otherwise noted in our schedules and calendars. Come alone or bring a friend—beginners are always welcome! First Sundays: Lessons at 3:40 PM; dance from 4–7 PM Third Saturdays: Lessons at 6:40; dance from 7–10 PM. Prices: $15-$30, sliding scale, general admission […]
Balfolk Dance – Mardi Gras Bal Masqué
Balfolk Dance – Mardi Gras Bal Masqué
Pioneer Valley Balfolk Dance: Bal Masqué / Mardi Gras: a French-Breton Music & Dance Party celebrating Mardi Gras and Carnival. Dances are easy & fun: circles, lines, & couple dances - no partner necessary - instruction provided. Live Music with Danse Café: Cynthia Thomas-fiddle, Doug Feeney-guitar, Tom Gajewski-clarinet. Jam Session 2:45-3:45 Dance 4:00-6:00 Hors D’oeuvres Potluck […]
Sebastopol 1st and 3rd Sunday English Dance
Sebastopol 1st and 3rd Sunday English Dance
English country dancing runs the gamut from sublime to silly, from elegant to energetic, and the dance repertoire draws from over 350 years of material. Our series offers delectable live music and skilled callers from the Bay Area and beyond. You can come by yourself or with friends, since we change partners after each dance. […]
Ballroom Variety Dance
Ballroom Variety Dance
1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the Month Ed Stern Large Studio 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lesson | 7:00 - 9:30 pm Dance Live Music: $20 General | $17 Member | $8 Young Adult (18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 17-10) Recorded Music: $15 General | $12 Member | $8 Young Adult (18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 17-10) “Pay What […]
English Country Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
English Country Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Every Sunday Small Studio 7:00 - 9:00 pm 2nd Sunday of the Month Live Music with Anytime English Players | 6:30 - 9:00 pm Cost: Recorded Music: $12 General Admission | $9 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 - Free Live Music: $15 General Admission […]
Contra Dance in St Louis
Contra Dance in St Louis
Weekly contra dance in St Louis area (actually Webster Groves MO). Always great live music. First dance each month features open calling.
Joyfully Dancing (Ages 55+)
Joyfully Dancing (Ages 55+)
Every Monday Ed Stern Large Studio | 9:30-10:30 AM Cost: $5 Note: NO CLASS on Monday, February 3 and Monday, March 31. Robin Nelson strives to help build connections and create a joyful community wherever people gather on the dance floor! She has over 30 years of experience leading singing and traditional dance for people […]
Gainesville Florida English Country Dance
Gainesville Florida English Country Dance
We dance to live music by Hoggetowne Fancy every Monday at United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5th Avenue. Cost is $5 for the hall plus a similar amount for the band. This dance is open to all. All dances are taught, walked through and called. There is a lesson at 6:10.
Chicago Contra Dance
Chicago Contra Dance
The Chicago Barn Dance Company sponsors and supports contra dance, traditional square dance, and old-time music in the Chicago area. Our dances are held every Monday night, except holidays, in the beautiful fourth-floor Erin Ballroom at Chicago's Irish American Heritage Center. The dance venue is near the Montrose Blue Line stop, or you can park […]
The Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance
The Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance
New Location, Times, & Admission The Ivy Building at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 9 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801 (On GPS, type the address, not the building name! The building looks like an old church and is across from the Ferguson Medical Building at 10 Genevieve Circle.) Lesson: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Dance: 7:30pm - 10:00pm […]
Monday Night Dance
Monday Night Dance
Contra Dance to live music every Monday in the beautiful, historic Laurel Theater. We have a short newcomer session beginning at 7:00 with the dance beginning at 7:30. Everyone is welcome! $10 Adults / $5 Students
Ashland Country Dancers – English Country Dance
Ashland Country Dancers – English Country Dance
The Ashland Branch of the Heather and the Rose Country Dancers hosts a weekly English dance (with some Scottish). Since formation in 1980, all dances are taught with positional/global language. We use recorded music most evenings.
Monday Contra Dance in Nelson, NH
Monday Contra Dance in Nelson, NH
What better way to start the week? Only $5! It's Monday, and we (almost) always dance on Monday.
Monday Evening English Country Dance in Baltimore
Monday Evening English Country Dance in Baltimore
All are welcome to join us for an evening of English country dance with live music. All dances talked and walked through. Easy parking, air conditioning, and fans. Snacks are encouraged for the break! Please register online at our website.
Symmetry ECD Tuesdays
Symmetry ECD Tuesdays
Symmetry began with a group of friends offering online ECD during the pandemic, and we see no reason to stop now! In addition to weekly Sunday dances with caller Sharon Spangler, Symmetry's Tuesday dances feature a variety of callers, a mix of faces from the U.K. and the U.S. The dances are slightly adapted for […]
Ann Arbor Tuesday English Country Dance
Ann Arbor Tuesday English Country Dance
We dance to live music from our wonderful local musicians. All dances taught and prompted. Wear comfortable clothes and bring flat, non-slippy shoes to change into. Pay what you can; $8 donation helps cover the hall, band, and callers. Masks are welcome at the dance.
TECDA Tuesday Evening English Country Dance
TECDA Tuesday Evening English Country Dance
Come and join us every Tuesday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: Cathy Campbell, Dave Berman, Alan Rosenthal and Walter Zagorski. Masks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle, and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing.
Indy Contra Dance
Indy Contra Dance
We dance on the first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 pm ET. There’s no smoking or drinking, and anyone’s welcome to dance together, regardless of age, experience, gender, preference for dogs or cats, etc. We provide a brief new dancer intro / refresher / warm-up starting at 6:40, with dancing for everybody 7:00 – 9:00 […]
BACDS Peninsula English Country Dance
BACDS Peninsula English Country Dance
Caller: Kalia Kliban Musicians: Michelle Masek, Renata Bratt, Bill Jensen Peninsula English Country Dance meets 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays, September to June. Members $15, Non-members $20
Williamsburg (VA) Tuesday Night English Dance
Williamsburg (VA) Tuesday Night English Dance
Come join us for English Country Dancing on Tuesdays from 8-10 pm in Williamsburg, VA. All are welcome! No partner, previous dance experience, or registration is required. We start with easier dances and work up to more complicated material, so if it’s your first time attending, we recommend arriving by 8 pm. Come dance with us!
Asheville Wednesday Evening English Country Dance
Asheville Wednesday Evening English Country Dance
English Country Dance. All levels welcome, newcomers through advanced dancers. Skills session at 6:40 pm. Occasional live music. Please bring clean, soft-soled shoes and a sunny disposition. All dances taught using mostly positional language.
Richmond, VA English Country Dance
Richmond, VA English Country Dance
Please join us for our weekly English Country Dancing Wednesday night social at 7:30 p.m. All dances are taught, walked through, and called. No experience or partner are required, just a pair of comfortable shoes. New dancers are asked to please come at at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. The first […]
Bloomington Contra Dance
Bloomington Contra Dance
Please see our home page for the latest information. Entrance fee: by sliding scale donation, with a suggested range from $3 to $20. Striving Toward Safe Space Policy: We hope to create a dance in which everyone feels safe and welcome. Please take a moment to review our policy on respect and consent. Membership: Membership […]
Baltimore Folk Music Society Wednesday Contra Dance
Baltimore Folk Music Society Wednesday Contra Dance
The Baltimore Folk Music Society presents Contra Dancing on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m., in the hall at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church. Gender-free calling No partner? No problem. New dancer lesson every week at 7:30pm Live music from local, regional, and national bands Admission $10 for members and affiliates (FSGW, […]
Princeton Country Dancers’ Contra Dance
Folklore Society of Greater Washington (FSGW) English Country Dance
Folklore Society of Greater Washington (FSGW) English Country Dance
In-person dancing at Glen Echo Town Hall. With live music! You may register in advance (preferred) or at the door. Attendance will be limited to 50 dancers and spectators, so if you are planning on registering at the door, please check the event page beforehand to see how many spaces are left. If you have […]
Jack Rutter
Jack Rutter
Yorkshire folk singer Jack Rutter has established himself as one of the standout voices of the folk, roots and acoustic music scene in recent years. A hugely engaging stage presence, his soaring vocal, powerhouse guitar and bouzouki playing and masterful arrangements of traditional songs and contemporary covers have enthralled audiences from the largest festival main […]
Cleveland Thursday English Country Dance
Cleveland Thursday English Country Dance
Come join us every Thursday afternoon for English Country Dancing. Combination of live and recorded music, in an air-conditioned hall.
Indy English Country Dance
Indy English Country Dance
Calling by Alice Smith-Goeke at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church, 1516 N Delaware St (enter via 16th Street parking lot entrance). Suggested donation $5 per adult. Recorded music may be used. Additional events the first Thursday of each month in 2025 at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church.
Lake City Contra Dance
Lake City Contra Dance
Thursday nights; doors open at 7 pm Dances: intro/refresher workshop 7:15 pm, dancing 7:30 till 10:00 pm Admission on a sliding scale $10 – 20 – pay what you can The hall is well-ventilated and air-conditioned! For more information call 206-525-0932, or send us email.
Symmetry ECD First Thursday Dance
Symmetry ECD First Thursday Dance
Symmetry began with a group of friends offering online ECD during the pandemic, and we see no reason to stop now! In addition to weekly Sunday dances with caller Sharon Spangler, and Tuesday dances with a variety of U.K. and U.S. callers, Symmetry also offers a monthly evening dance on the first Thursday. Current caller […]
Contra Dance! Sue Rosen with Eileen O’Grady, Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin, and Donal Sheets
Contra Dance! Sue Rosen with Eileen O’Grady, Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin, and Donal Sheets
Doors open at 6:45; introductory pre-dance workshop at 7:10pm. $10-15, sliding scale.
Plymouth (NH) Square Dance
Plymouth (NH) Square Dance
Old-time square dance, featuring classic Eastern singing square dances. Live music by Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki (fiddle) and Sue Hunt (piano); sit-in musicians welcome. All dances taught by David Millstone. No experience necessary; newcomers warmly invited. Free refreshments and beverages provided by The Common Man. For information, contact Gen Howe or see the Plymouth Square Dance group […]
Rochester, NY Thursday Night Contras
Rochester, NY Thursday Night Contras
We are a welcoming contra group, dancing every week to live music. Please come! Check our website in case of last minute changes, and check out our videos on our Country Dancers of Rochester YouTube channel!
Thursday Contra Dance in Philadelphia
Thursday Contra Dance in Philadelphia
Weekly Contra Dance - See our website for this week's band and caller(s). Mostly contras with occasional squares, mixers, four facing fours, and more. 7:30pm New Dancer Lesson; 8:00pm to 10:30pm dancing Masks are no longer required but are welcomed. Our sliding scale is $10-$15-$20. Our role terms are Larks and Robins.
Berkeley, CA Contra and English Dances
Berkeley, CA Contra and English Dances
BACDS (Bay Area Country Dance Society) presents dances every Thursday night (except holidays) at Christ Church Berkeley, 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley, CA. Contra dancing happens on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursday of the month, from 8pm to 10:30pm. English Country Dancing happens on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, from 7:45pm to […]
Flying Shoes First Friday Community Dance & Contra Dance
Flying Shoes First Friday Community Dance & Contra Dance
Everyone is welcome at this two-part monthly dance series. From neophytes to lifelong participants, and so many other demographic variations, we all collaborate to make this community-building participatory arts program a joyful success. See you at the dance! Schedule: 6:00 pm ~ Musicians Warmup ~ Tunes on the All Comers Band page 6:30-7:30 pm ~ Community Dance ~ Lisa Newcomb […]
TECDA Friday Evening Dance
TECDA Friday Evening Dance
Come and join us every Friday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: Dave Berman, Cathy Campbell, Alan Rosenthal, Walter Zagorski. Masks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing. email:
Scissortail Contra Dance in Norman, OK
Scissortail Contra Dance in Norman, OK
Scissortail Contra Dance in Norman, first Fridays during the school year. Check our Facebook or our website for more details!
Orlando Contra Dance
Orlando Contra Dance
Welcome to the Orlando Contra Dance! We feature high-tempo, gender-neutral dancing. We are Florida’s only gender-neutral contra series. Dancing is open to everyone and free for students and returning beginners (2nd dance is free)! We usually dance on the first and third Friday of the month. Holidays, semester breaks, and regional events happen, so check […]
Friday Contra Dance, Nashville TN
Friday Contra Dance, Nashville TN
All are welcome to come and dance! You don’t need to bring a partner. Contra dancing is easy to learn. We have beginners' lessons for anyone who hasn’t done it before, or wants a reminder. $5 - $25, pay what you can.
Quiet Corner Contra Dance
Quiet Corner Contra Dance
We are first Fridays September to June! When: Dance 7:30-10:30pm What: A contra dance is a public and community shindig! Bring your family, friends or just bring yourself to our traditional public contra dance! No fancy footwork needed to attend, just come, enjoy the friendly camaraderie, dance to live fiddle music and see everyone's smiling […]
Portland Country Dance Community Friday Night English Dance
Portland Country Dance Community Friday Night English Dance
For details about venue, callers, or musicians, please go to our website, or email Sliding scale: $7 - $20.
International Folkdance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
International Folkdance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Every Friday Ed Stern Large Studio 7:30 - 8:30 pm Lesson 8:30-10:30 pm Request Dance - recorded music Cost: $12 General Admission | $9 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 - Free “Pay What You Choose” First seven days of every month (1st through the 7th) […]
ContraATL Weekly Dance
ContraATL Weekly Dance
Atlanta's weekly contra dance features a variety of local and regional talent. We dance every Friday night except rare blackout dates, generally last two Fridays in December and the first Friday in January.
First Friday Mostly Waltz at Guiding Star Grange
First Friday Mostly Waltz at Guiding Star Grange
Series hosted by Richard Wyatt. Live music of mostly waltzes with a variety of other couples dances mixed in. See venue website for this month's details and Covid policy.
Friday Night Contra at Glen Echo, Maryland
Friday Night Contra at Glen Echo, Maryland
Join us in Glen Echo, Maryland, for a fun night of contras and an occasional square! There’s a free lesson at 7:30pm.
TECDA March Monthly Dance
TECDA March Monthly Dance
TECDA is hosting an ECD monthly dance at St. Barnabas Hall on Saturday March 8, 2025, 2-5, Bev Bernbaum calling. Musicians: Pat Mearns, Elena Spanu Masks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes and water bottle. Preregistration at, but walk-ins are welcome. Suggested donation $25. This can be paid by e-transfer to or cash […]
Dover English Country Dancers – Monthly Dance
Dover English Country Dancers – Monthly Dance
Monthly English country dance with live music. Newcomers are always welcome, and each dance is taught with a walk-through before it is danced. Dress is casual ("regular" clothes) except for special events (Spring and Holiday dances), when attendees may dress in formal/cocktail or 18th century attire. Annual membership for the January - December season is […]
North Alabama Country Dance Society – NACDS Contra Dance
North Alabama Country Dance Society – NACDS Contra Dance
We meet in the gym at Faith Presbyterian Church (corner of Airport & Whitesburg), on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. Park along Airport because we enter the gym on that side. You need to be there by 6:30pm for the Newcomers Workshop. Dance is 7-10pm. You will need soft-soled shoes (sneakers are […]
San Luis Obispo Monthly Contra Dance
San Luis Obispo Monthly Contra Dance
Live music and gender-neutral calling at the monthly contra dance in San Luis Obispo, CA. Dances are monthly on the 2nd Saturday. 6:30 lesson, dancing until 9:30.
Portland Country Dance Community 2nd Saturdays Contra Dance
Portland Country Dance Community 2nd Saturdays Contra Dance
7:00 pm newcomer/refresher lesson 7:30 pm dancing starts 10:30 dancing ends Sliding scale $6-$20. Some dancers head to a pub for "afters"—all are welcome! For more current information and last-minute changes, see the PCDC calendar.
Sacramento (CA) Contra Dance, 2nd and 4th Saturdays
Sacramento (CA) Contra Dance, 2nd and 4th Saturdays
Contra Dancing in Sacramento! Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 7-10PM, at 4623 T St., Sacramento. Check our website for details. Cost: $12 for adults; $8 for college students with ID; $5 for dancers under 18; $25 maximum for families (cash or check). If cost is the only thing preventing you being being there, please talk […]
Zesty Contra Dance
Zesty Contra Dance
The Zesty contra dance is for dancers with some experience with dancing. There is no lesson before the dance; and easier dances may be called with no walk through.
44th Annual Boston Playford Ball
44th Annual Boston Playford Ball
CDS Boston is pleased to sponsor our 44th annual Playford Ball, with Mistress of Ceremonies Barbara Finney and musician Bare Necessities. The ball will take place at the Melrose Memorial Hall, Melrose Massachusetts, from 7:00-11:00 PM. There will be a ball practice session in the same hall from 1:30-4:30 PM preceding the ball. Festive attire […]
Lawrence Barn Dance Association Contra
Lawrence Barn Dance Association Contra
Contra dance at Woodlawn Elementary School, Lawrence, KS. All ages welcome. Newcomers lesson at 7:00; dance starts at 7:30. $8-15 sliding scale $5 students under 16 free
Scissortail Contra Dance in Oklahoma City
Scissortail Contra Dance in Oklahoma City
Scissortail Contra Dance in Oklahoma City, second and fourth Saturdays. Check our Facebook or our website for more details!
Floyd Contra Dance
Floyd Contra Dance
A small, local dance in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We're on the Crooked Road Trail, which highlights Appalachian music and heritage. Beginners lessons start at 7, dance starts at 7:30.
CDK Contra & Square Dance
CDK Contra & Square Dance
Contra & Square Dance - Beginning Workshop 7pm, Dancing 7:30-10:30pm Suggested donation $5-$20
Toronto Contra Dance
Toronto Contra Dance
Get ready to dance the night away on the Danforth! This Saturday, the incredible Bev Bernbaum will be calling the moves, with live tunes from Daev Clysdale & Susanne Maziarz - a combo guaranteed to keep your feet flying! First time dancers get in for free! No partner? No problem! We’ll teach you everything you […]
Contra Dancing in Houston, TX
Contra Dancing in Houston, TX
HATDS hosts contra dances on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of most months. We dance to live music. All skill levels are welcome and all dances are called. Bring water and clean shoes! The admission price for contra dances is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Cash, checks, credit cards, and digital wallets are currently accepted […]
Norwich Contra Dance
Norwich Contra Dance
Join us for a traditional New England contra dance at Tracy Hall in Norwich. All dances are taught, and beginners and singles are always welcome. We offer potluck snacks at the break, so please feel free to bring something to share. Our caller will offer a introductory / refresher session at 7:15 pm for newcomers […]
North Alabama Country Dance Society – Contra Dance
North Alabama Country Dance Society – Contra Dance
Every 2nd & 4th Saturday starting 2024. Contra Dance in the gym at Faith Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL. Newcomers at 6:30pm; dance 7 pm Central time. Check Facebook for updated info under North Alabama Country Dance Society. Wear soft-soled shoes and bring your own resealable water container. Members $10; non-members $15.
Worcester Contra Dance!
Worcester Contra Dance!
Live Music and Contra Dancing 2nd Saturdays Sept to June! When: Dance 7:30-10:30 pm This is so wicked fun!! We dance to live fiddle tunes of Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Appalachia and America! We switch partners after every dance so there is no need to bring a partner, and there is No need to know […]
Princeton Country Dancers’ English Country Dance
Princeton Country Dancers’ English Country Dance
English Country Dance every 2nd Saturday (except November and December), 7:30-10:30.
2nd Saturday English Country Dance in Dallas
2nd Saturday English Country Dance in Dallas
English Country Dance with live music every 2nd Saturday.
Space Coast Contra Dance
Space Coast Contra Dance
Our second Saturday contra dance on the Space Coast of FL featuring live bands, awesome callers, and a friendly crowd. All are welcome. No partner needed. For more information, visit our website. We’d love to have you join us! $15; $5 for 25 and under.
Second Saturday TopHill Music Contradance Party at Guiding Star Grange
Second Saturday TopHill Music Contradance Party at Guiding Star Grange
Please check the Guiding Star Grange website for details. Schedule: There will be a newcomers workshop at 7:45pm. Please come early to help our new dancing friends! All are welcome! Cost: $12-20 sliding scale High-level masks are mandated for this dance. Please bring your own water bottle. Up-to-date vaccinations are encouraged but not required. If […]
Contra Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Contra Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Every Saturday LARGE STUDIO 7:30 - 8:00 pm Lesson 8:00 - 11:00 pm Dance Cost: Live Music: $15 General Admission | $12 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 - Free “Pay What You Choose” first seven days of every month (1st through the 7th) Recorded Music: […]